
The Strategy of washing clean a Slag Shou (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Introduction: Su Yang was bound to a ‘Slag Shou Redemption System’. Every world he entered as a Slag Shou who has been spurned by the Gong. In order to return home as soon as possible, he began the cautious journey of strategizing to take down the gongs who no longer love him. Later, he discovered that these mission targets who were supposed to have normal attributes were all freaking abnormal! In the face of this rabid bunch of bigshots, Su Yang was forced down the road of ‘You abuse my body, I abuse your heart, after all the abusing is done, I make a run for it’. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story is also known as: “I say I’m not a slag shou, do you believe me?” “The days of being a scapegoat in different worlds.” “One word out of line will trigger Hell mode.” Tentative Worlds: The President’s Unfaithful Lover The Wángye’s Runaway Fiancée The Crime Lord’s Undercover Boyfriend The Ghost King’s Cold Scholar The Emperor’s Trusted Eunuch The Marshal’s Adopted Omega Son The Lord of the Apocalypse’s Zombie Lover Only available till Arc 3 ............. NOT MY STORY!! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !! SUPPORT ORIGINAL TRANSLATORS AND AUTHOR !! TRANSLATOR - https://deepdreamtranlations.home.blog/the-strategy-of-washing-clean-a-slag-shou/#:~:text=Introduction%EF%BC%9A,who%20no%20longer%20love%20him.

Study_Bytes · ファンタジー
120 Chs


The Wángye's escaped fiancée (Arc 2-4)

There was no consultation for an auspicious date on the Yellow Path, no calculation of the Eight characters of birth, not even the opinions of the involved parties were sought. Based solely on the nonchalant instructions of His Highness the Wángye, Su Yang went from being an eligible young son from a noble family, to a newlywed bride of a man.Such are the evils of a feudal society, there are no human rights!

Dressed in a sweeping red, luxurious dress, a pair of blue phoenix hairpins on his head, Su Yang's eyes were round with disbelief and anger as he confronted a group of serving maids.

You've got to be joking, it's just a marriage ceremony, there's no need to powder his face and paint his lips and cheeks with rouge! And piling his head with a small fortune in gold and silver jewels that threatened to tip over if he takes a step too fast, how's this any different from dressing up as a woman!

Fortunately, the Mother was reasonable enough. She stepped in and waved at the maids to withdraw. "Keep those. Our Yu-er is a natural beauty, he doesn't need the powder or the rouge. But the phoenix crown must be worn."

{T/N: The phoenix headdress : link}

Su Yang eyed the headdress that had to weigh five to six catties at least, and shook his head vehemently. Absolutely not!

{T/N : 斤 (Jīn) – Catty. 1 catty is equivalent to 604.8 grams. So the crown was approximately 3-3.5 kilograms.}

Tao Yunfeng, who was standing at the side, interjected: "It's fine if he's not willing. Although homosexuality has existed since ancient times, marriage between two men is unheard of. Since our family is the first to do so, let's just go along with Yu-er's preferences, there's no need to stick to the usual etiquettes. "

This useless Father of his has finally said something worthwhile. Wu Xueyan put aside the phoenix crown, and pulled Su Yang back to the mirror. With a white jade comb, she slowly combed his long, silky hair.

She carefully asked: "Do you still remember what Mother told you last night?"

"I remember." Su Yang counted on his fingers: "Number one, don't be noisy. Number two, don't run around. Number three, don't talk to strangers. Number four… once in the Wángye's palace, I must listen to Fūjūn!"

{T/N : 夫君 (Fūjūn) – Husband. What Su Yang will be calling Jing Cheng}

Wu Xueyan brushed her fingers against his cheeks in relief, then turned around to quickly wipe at her eyes.

She turned back with a smile and praised: "Yu-er is very good. This red bag here is for you, it contains your favorite snacks. Take it out when you're hungry, but don't let others see it, if it gets snatched away, you'll go hungry."

Su Yang nodded, and hid the bag at his waist. He couldn't replace Tao Ziyu in offering filial piety, but he will do his best to preserve the safety of this family and the general's family.

At this time, Ah Gui pushed open the door and entered, "My lord, my lady, young master, the Wángye's wedding procession has arrived, but…. the Fifth Wángye..."

{T/N : Generally, the groom should arrive in a long, red gown riding a horse, accompanied by his wedding party, travelling to meet his bride at her home and bring her to his home.}

Tao Yunfeng furrowed his brows: "Well, spit it out."

Ah Gui fell to his knees and prostrated himself on the floor, his voice squeaky: "Answering the master, the Fifth Wángye did not come with the escort party. The one who came is… Deputy General Cao."

Wu Xueyan's expression twisted, and the white jade comb snapped in her hands. Her face went red, then white, her rage was such that she couldn't control her expression.

"Jing Cheng this deceptive bastard! He's doing this to embarrass Yu-er, how will Yu-er be able to hold his head up in the future! Does he really think my general's family is afraid of him! Yu-er is of my Wu family's blood, even at risk of death we must uphold our dignity, I will not suffer this humiliation!"

Tao Yunfeng did not have his usual veneer of calm either. He pulled Wu Xueyan back, a cold smile on his face: "Calm yourself. At any rate, I am still a second ranking official. Today is our Di son's wedding day, even the Dragon's children should offer some form of respect. If the Fifth Wángye really feels this is beneath his dignity, I'll see to it that he explains himself."

{T/N : 二品大员 (Èr pǐn dà yuán) : Second class/rank official. Generally speaking, Chinese officials were ranked according to the relative prestige and importance of their duties. Officials worked their way up through nine ranks (pǐn 品) with rank 9 designating the lowest and rank 1 the highest.}

With these words, he strode out.

Su Yang maintained a look of ignorance, but in his heart, he was more than a little puzzled. This kind of sloppiness was tantamount to spitting in the faces of old General Wu and that big fox Tao. Would Jing Cheng really be this impetuous?

Wu Xueyan took a deep breath, and went back to arranging Su Yang's clothing for him, but she couldn't force a smile back to her face no matter how hard she tried.

She knew that this marriage was a product of political machinations. The Emperor intended to use this arrangement to dull the threat that Jing Cheng posed, unaware that Jing Cheng was just going with the flow, both to avenge the insult given him by the Tao family, and to ridicule the Emperor for his ignorance.

She would have much preferred if her Yu-er was still of sound mind, still selfish and full of deceit. Although he would be hateful and intolerable, at least he would know to take some measures to protect himself, instead of guilelessly sticking his head into the tiger's maw like an ignorant lamb.

In fact, she struggled against what she felt was highly unfair. The one at fault was the crafty and sound of mind Ziyu. Now it is this silly child, this pure and innocent heart with no memories of wrongdoing, who has to bear the consequences. It pained her immensely.

After awhile, Tao Yunfeng pushed open the door and entered the room, his face gloomy.

Wu Xueyan asked quickly: "How are you back so soon, what did the Wángye say?"

Tao Yunfeng replied shortly: "I didn't see him. But Deputy General Cao dropped a hint at me, it's not that the Wángye wouldn't come, but that he couldn't. Let me think."

Wu Xueyan contemplated this for a moment, then began seething: "It must have been the Emperor! Although he pushed Yu-er onto the Fifth Wángye, he doesn't want to lose the support of the Ministry of Revenue and the general's family. He deliberately set up this ploy to turn us against the Fifth Wángye for humiliating the Tao and Wu families. Such a clever attempt at killing two birds with one stone, really in line with the Imperial family's style of doing things."

Tao Yunfeng sneered: "And how are you so sure that this was not Jing Cheng's intention? The Jings are a veritable pit of snakes, and we ministers are but pieces for them to push around."

Su Yang's lips slowly thinned as he listened. These political maneuverings were like nesting dolls. One would have to pull it apart layer by layer, else one would never reach the heart of the matter.

{T/N : 套娃 (Tào wá) – Russian nesting dolls, aka Matryoshka dolls. pic}

In any case, Su Yang was eventually hustled onto the sedan.

For an event as important as a Wángye taking a wife, the wedding procession was hardly any better than that of an ordinary official's. One small sedan, carried on the shoulders of four men, including the musicians hired to blow the trumpets and beat the drums, barely amounted to a hundred people. It was a somewhat miserly affair.

The Deputy General Cao who was sent to replace Jing Cheng was a rather interesting fellow. Towering over others at eight feet tall and heavily bearded, he stuffed Su Yang into the sedan without any preamble.

Su Yang immediately pushed open the curtains, looking alarmed, but the gruff mannered soldier was unsympathetic. "You're not some little lady, what need for all the fuss. Pipe down and sit still." Then he hollered: "Move out!"

The sedan bearers were all experienced, and took off with ease. The journey was smooth, with minimal bumps, so much so that Su Yang eventually fell asleep because he was too comfortable. And so, he wasn't aware that they have reached the Wángye's palace until Deputy General Cao's booming announcement of their arrival woke him up.

The Wángye's palace was located in the western suburbs of Jianzhou city. The stately abode has been there for many years, and this was where Jing Cheng has been staying ever since he left the Imperial palace. As a point of fact, his title of "Fifth Wángye" has always been specious.

Generally, a Wángye is bestowed the title by the Emperor, but Jing Cheng's was merely based on his order of birth. This was owing to the fact that, till the Emperor's death, he did not confer Jing Cheng with a title. It wasn't until Jing Qian ascended to the throne, that Jing Cheng was formally granted with a noble rank by him, but still not the title of Prince. This was nothing more than an ill-concealed insult.

Jing Cheng has had to play at being the "Fifth Wángye" for more than ten years.

Su Yang raised his head. Above the main entrance, the four characters [Palace of Róng Qīnwáng] was boldly emblazoned in gold, brilliantly reflecting the rays of the sun. This man has achieved this glory with his own efforts.

{T/N: 亲王府 (Róng qīnwáng) – Qīnwáng means Prince of the first rank. 'Rong' means glory or honour. Jing Cheng has been promoted beyond wángyé}

Deputy General Cao saw him staring at the new plaque, and laughed: "This was only hung up the day before yesterday, the previous [Fifth Wángye's Palace] plaque has been sent to the kitchens as firewood. Our Wángye is no longer the former Fifth Wángye. Young master Tao, it's best you don't bring your previous airs and tempers here, else you'll be biting off more than you can chew…."

Su Yang lowered his gaze, his lashes veiling his eyes. When he lifted them again, he was the very picture of innocence.

"Your Wángye is the Fifth Wángye, I know him, Mother said he's a bad person and a bully, so I don't like him. But I promised Mother that I would listen to him. Who is this Young master Tao you're talking about, why would he bite so much if he can't chew, isn't it a waste? I can't bite a lot, but I can bite and chew at the same time!"


A bead of cold sweat rolled down Deputy General Cao's forehead. He did hear of talk earlier that the Tao family's son had injured his head, and not only lost his memories, but had become an idiot. Seems that there was some truth to it.

He sighed and pulled Su Yang into the palace by the sleeves. "You're a complete idiot alright, but it's best if you don't overdo it in front of the Wángye. He doesn't suffer fools lightly, if you vex him he may not hold back from beating you up."

Su Yang sniffed and muttered: "He's just a big bully, he'll beat me up anyway, regardless."

Deputy General Cao guffawed and patted him on the shoulder: "Such brave words, aren't you afraid the Wángye will chop you up if he hears you!"

Just that tap on the shoulder with the strength of soldier was enough to make Su Yang stagger. Granny Wu, who had been trailing them by the side, quickly stepped forward to support him.

Wu Xueyan had been worried that Su Yang would find it difficult living alone in the Wángye's palace, and so had sent her own nursemaid to accompany him, and at the same time to help manage his dowry and estates.

Granny Wu had been serving the general's family for years. When she was young, she had also looked after the Taizong Emperor. Hence, her conduct and standard of service were not inferior to that of the Imperial palace's serving maids. She immediately spoke sharply in rebuke:

"Insolence! My family's master may not be in his right mind, but he is still to be the Wángye's bride, and the match between the Wángye and the Zhèngfēi was arranged per the late Emperor's edict. How can a little deputy general like yourself be so impudent!"

{T/N : 正妃 (Zhèng fēi) – Princess consort, wife of the Wángye}

Deputy General Cao was aware that his actions had overstepped the bounds, he had merely wanted to jest with Su Yang a little, and didn't expect this young master to be more fragile than a lady. His interest petered out.

"That's all for now, if it pleases Granny and the Wángfēi to retire to the rear court for a rest. The wedding banquet is currently ongoing, it is full of rough men, it won't do to offend the Wángfēi's sensibilities."

{T/N: 王妃 (Wángfēi) – Princess, wife of the Wángye}

It was clear that he was equating Su Yang to a sheltered, delicate maiden. Granny Wu fumed but couldn't refute his words. She glared holes at his back as he coolly strode away

Su Yang wailed silently in his heart. Wonderful. Not only have they now become the laughing stock of the entirety of Jianzhou city, they have also managed to offend Jing Cheng's most trusted aide.

Granny Wu was still griping: "A minor deputy general dares to be so arrogant towards our master, this Rong palace's household is too undisciplined! The welcoming ceremony was simple and crude, the groom doesn't show his face, the ceremony to bow to Heaven and Earth hasn't even been carried out but they tell us to go into the bridal chamber, what nonsense is this!"

{T/N: 拜堂 (Bàitáng) : An official at the wedding would direct the bride and groom to pray to heaven and earth first, then to the groom parents or family elders and lastly to bow to each other.}

Su Yang felt that disaster would only await them if he continued to let her run her mouth, and racked his brains for a way to stop her. He tugged on Granny Wu's hand: "Granny, I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

He even affected a sleepy little yawn. He had been born exquisite as snow white jade, with traces of baby fat still evident despite his seventeen to eighteen years. The fair, sweet face, with the rosy cheeks and dark, limpid eyes, moved the heart with its loveliness.

Granny Wu completely forgot what she was about to say, and put her mind back to the tasks at hand. She smiled: "This old servant will bring the Young master to a room to nap, no need to quibble with these unruly people."

Unfortunately, in this, Granny Wu was mistaken. The Rong palace not only has its rules, but strict ones at that. Those words have barely left her mouth, when several elderly aunts came to usher them. These women looked to be only a little younger than Granny Wu, but their conduct was more precise and exacting. It was evident that these people were enlisted from the Imperial palace by Jing Cheng

"Per His Highness's instruction, the Wángfēi has been arranged to reside in His Highness's Mo-Lin palace hall. His Highness usually stays in the main palace hall, and the Wángfēi's palace is next to it, for ease of servicing the Wángye in his daily needs. His Highness has a good temperament, but he dislikes noise and disturbance. Hence, besides the floor sweepers and the patrol guards, no one else is allowed near Mo-Lin palace hall. For the Wángfēi to be bestowed with the honor of living with His Highness, one should give thanks to the grace of the Wángye."

{T/N : 墨麟殿 (Mò lín diàn) : Mò (ink/black), lín (female Kirin, aka Qilin), diàn (palace/hall).}

Su Yang: "....." Live together?!

Granny Wu frowned. "Our Young master still needs to be taken care of, how can he serve the Wángye? What if he is fails to meet the standards of service required by His Highness? Why not let this old servant do it instead…."

A shrewd looking woman interrupted her. "Granny Wu, this is His Highness's instruction. You should understand what it means to marry into a family. It may be true that your Young master was indulged with care and comfort before he married, with no cares in the world, but now that he is in the Wángye's palace, he needs to learn to take care of his Husband. I have lived in the Wángye's palace for decades, yet I have never been in Mo-Lin hall. Granny Wu, you have just arrived, would you presume to overturn the rules set by His Highness? "

On this matter, Granny Wu no longer dared to dispute; she smiled bitterly: "This old servant wouldn't dare."

She looked worriedly at Su Yang who seemed to be in a daze, and sighed. She could only hope that this little lordling would be a bit smarter and avoid provoking that God of destruction into a fury.

Su Yang's thoughts were simpler, two people living together alone in a huge palace, anything could happen behind closed doors!