
The Strategy of washing clean a Slag Shou (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Introduction: Su Yang was bound to a ‘Slag Shou Redemption System’. Every world he entered as a Slag Shou who has been spurned by the Gong. In order to return home as soon as possible, he began the cautious journey of strategizing to take down the gongs who no longer love him. Later, he discovered that these mission targets who were supposed to have normal attributes were all freaking abnormal! In the face of this rabid bunch of bigshots, Su Yang was forced down the road of ‘You abuse my body, I abuse your heart, after all the abusing is done, I make a run for it’. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story is also known as: “I say I’m not a slag shou, do you believe me?” “The days of being a scapegoat in different worlds.” “One word out of line will trigger Hell mode.” Tentative Worlds: The President’s Unfaithful Lover The Wángye’s Runaway Fiancée The Crime Lord’s Undercover Boyfriend The Ghost King’s Cold Scholar The Emperor’s Trusted Eunuch The Marshal’s Adopted Omega Son The Lord of the Apocalypse’s Zombie Lover Only available till Arc 3 ............. NOT MY STORY!! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !! SUPPORT ORIGINAL TRANSLATORS AND AUTHOR !! TRANSLATOR - https://deepdreamtranlations.home.blog/the-strategy-of-washing-clean-a-slag-shou/#:~:text=Introduction%EF%BC%9A,who%20no%20longer%20love%20him.

Study_Bytes · ファンタジー
120 Chs

Ch 37

The Crime Lord's Undercover Boyfriend (Arc 3-3)

The little guy clasped against his chest was struggling weakly, completely lacking in any combative strength. His black, dewy eyes shone with a limpid sparkle. Just looking at him made Zhao Feng's heart soften, and grow even more reluctant to release him.

Zhao Feng had initially meant to tease Su Yang, but he did not expect this stupid little crybaby rabbit to have already mastered the art of inviting one to bully him even more. He had simply meant to poke fun at him a little, but it seemed like the other had taken him very seriously. Zhao Feng felt his resolve crumbling, and surrendered to the feeling.

He could not help indulging in such a novel experience.

Clearly, they have seen each other fairly frequently for about a year. Looking at the youth's face which was so similar to his, brought Zhao Feng a feeling of peace and tranquility. But it has never stirred any other thoughts or moods in him. But these past two days of contact has completely toppled his former impressions of the youth.

Ever since Xu Yanqing's identity as a spy was uncovered, he seemed to have completely thrown away all aspects of his former self, and became more frank and adorable. Sometimes he behaved eccentrically like a little lunatic, but it was unexpectedly loveable.

Su Yang noticed the growing heat in his gaze, and cautiously made to wriggle out of Zhao Feng's grasp, but the man tightened his arms around him. Su Yang immediately feigned weakness and pressed a hand to his forehead. "Feng gē, I-I think I lost too much blood, my head's spinning."

Although Zhao Feng knew he had superb acting skills, he still felt a stab of alarm.

He asked, "Really?"

Su Yang did not answer, and instead bit his lip, looking discomfited. "I don't feel well….." he said softly.

Seeing him so feeble, a sharp chill rose in Zhao Feng's heart and his entire body went cold. He immediately picked Su Yang up and laid him on the bed, before covering his body with a blanket.

Su Yang's lips twitched. It was just dizziness from blood loss, there's no need to treat him like a terminally ill patient, was there?

As Su Yang was silently criticizing him, Zhao Feng nimbly picked up a bowl of freshly stewed fish soup and placed it by the bedside. The rich fragrance wafted up from the milky white broth, but it was not able to completely mask the faint scent of medicinal herbs in it. Su Yang was immediately seized with the urge to flee, but he was frozen in place by Zhao Feng's stern look.

{T/N: It's actually carp fish soup. Click for pic. }

This man was no kindly, law-abiding citizen. From the way he constantly emanated the oppressive air of a bandit, if Zhao Feng had been born in the ancient times, he would have either been a warlord or a bandit king.

Su Yang has always been quick to adapt to circumstance. In the face of absolute authority, he meekly admitted defeat, lifted the bowl with both hands and drained it with a gulp.

After finishing the soup with much difficulty, the lingering taste of medicine on his tongue had not even dissipated yet when Zhao Feng brought over another bowl of black chicken soup with yam and wolf-berries. He held it up to Su Yang's face. "Drink another bowl."

{T/N : Click for pic of soup.}

The sight of the wolf-berries and pieces of ginger floating on top of the soup was too much for Su Yang. He hurriedly covered his mouth and flapped his arms. "Take it away, I won't drink, I won't drink!"

"I personally brought this soup over, but you won't drink it?" Zhao Feng gave a nasty grin and placed the bowl on the table with a resounding dēng. Su Yang's heart jumped.

"If you don't finish this bowl, just wait and see how I'll deal with you today," Zhao Feng told him viciously.

Su Yang stared at him with round eyes, then attempted at bargaining, "If I drink it, does it mean that we won't do….. do that?"

{T/N: You know, that.}

Zhao Feng sat down on the sofa in a lordly manner and nodded his head. "Yes."

Su Yang continued, "This, this is the last bowl, right?"

Zhao Feng said nothing. His hands moved to the expensive leather belt around his waist and began slowly unbuckling it. Su Yang broke into terrified shivers and snatched up the bowl, pouring the soup into his mouth. As he drank, he surreptitiously eyed Zhou Feng with reddened rabbit eyes, afraid that this beast Zhou would not keep his word and launch a surprise attack

Luckily for him, there is still honour amongst thieves. Although his hand was still clasping the leather belt, Zhou Feng made no other moves.

After finishing the soup, Su Yang pushed the delicate porcelain bowl as far away as he could, an expression of suffering on his face.

Zhao Feng got up and stood by the bedside, his burning gaze fixed on the youth's red lips which were moist from the soup. Su Yang looked at him blankly for a moment, before quickly pulling his gaze away in fright—–

Below Zhao Feng's leather belt was an obvious bulge straining against the fabric of his pants, which was rapidly growing bigger! What was more, his belt was still unbuckled. His entire posture suggested at something indecent, which made Su Yang feel extremely threatened.

Su Yang wrapped the blanket around himself and scooted back, but his retreat was restricted by the size of the bed. His attempt at escaping made Zhao Feng disgruntled.

The man stepped forward in two large strides and caught hold of Su Yang's delicate ankles. Without expending much effort, he dragged the youth over to his side.

Su Yang began recklessly kicking out, but his body was firmly pressed down. In the blink of an eye, he was hauled up and pressed against Zhao Feng's chest.

Su Yang trembled pitifully. "Feng gē, I-I suddenly feel like drinking soup again..."

Zhao Feng laughed softly, a hint of tenderness unexpectedly surfacing in his dark eyes. "You want to drink now? Too bad, it's too late."

Su Yang's eyes were round and red like a rabbit's as he stared in horror. His expression screamed panic.

Zhao Feng gripped one of the youth's hands against his chest, while the other circled around Su Yang's slender wrist, and slowly, leisurely, moved it downwards. "Don't be afraid. Can you feel it?"

Su Yang closed his eyes tightly, determined not to look. He could feel something hard and hot pressing against his palm, and felt like crying.

"Fe-feel what QAQ"

A low, husky laugh came from Zhao Feng, carrying the strong magnetism and allure of a mature man. "How much gē likes you."

Su Yang had no answer to that, and began struggling wildly as if his life depended on it. Like he was facing an unruly child throwing a tantrum, Zhao Feng calmly allowed the youth to flail about until he was limp from exhaustion, before caging him in his arms again. He pressed a heavy kiss on the flushed cheeks.

The skin was soft and warm, fair and smooth, and smelled wonderful.

In contrast, Su Yang was not enjoying the experience one bit. Zhao Feng truly deserved to be called a bandit. Even the act of kissing carried the overbearing air of dominance. This isn't kissing, he was practically gnawing his face off! Su Yang really wanted to chop a stamp on his face!

{T/N: This kind of stamp. Pic.}

After kissing (gnawing), Zhao Feng felt pleased and contented. He caressed Su Yang's soft hair whorl and said, "Gē needs to go back to the office first, I'll come see you again at dinner time. You can look for Gao Min if you're bored and ask her to take you around for a walk."

Su Yang nodded eagerly when he heard that Zhao Feng was about to leave. Zhao Feng eyed his poorly concealed delight, and wished he could stuff this little thing into his pocket and bring him along.

After he left, Su Yang impatiently checked the mission's progress and discovered that at some point in time, the bar had risen to 12%. An immense sense of satisfaction welled up in him. He hugged the pillow happily as he rolled about on the bed.

"Zhao Feng, you're the best, I love you!!"

Suddenly, the door opened. Zhao Feng was standing at the doorway, looking at him with a complicated expression on his face.

How absolutely humiliating.

Su Yang froze, then awkwardly patted his hair back into place. "Feng gē..." he called out helplessly.

Yingyingying, this isn't happening!!

{T/N: Crying sounds.}

Zhao Feng gave a light cough and picked up the cellphone he had left on the sofa. He strode out.

When he reached the door, he said, "Wait for gē to come back tonight to love you properly."

Su Yang looked at his back and almost wailed, You don't have to, you really don't have to!!


Two o'clock in the afternoon. Gao Min looked at the youth in front of her slowly taking small bites of his meal, her brows furrowed lightly.

At this time, she should be attending a meeting to discuss the Imperial Court's plans for the second half of the year. But at the last minute, Zhao Feng had summoned her and instructed her to accompany his darling for a meal.

But this Xu Yanqing was somewhat interesting. He has been following Zhao Feng for a little over a year. Was he favored by Zhao Feng? She has never seen Zhao Feng pay the youth much heed. Was he not favored by Zhao Feng? Then again, twice every month, come what may, Zhao Feng would seek the youth out and pay him a visit. No one around him could make head or tails of it at all.

This time, the boy was specifically sent to the Imperial Court. It seemed like his presence was to be kept under wraps. Everyone knew that the Imperial Court's ability to keep something hidden was the best in S city. Keeping a person here was safer then sending them abroad.

But Gao Min knew her place. Curiosity is all well and good as long one does not presume to ask questions. So long as one understood the matter, it was enough.

Su Yang has never been one for restraint. After wiping his mouth with a napkin, he faced the shrewd looking woman opposite him and asked, "How long has Miss Gao been following Feng gē?"

{T/N: 忌讳 (jìhuì) – Taboo. Means a topic that one should generally avoid or handle with delicacy, such as customs or sensitive issues.}

Gao Min thought for a moment before replying, "About eight years. Master Zhao promoted me shortly after he took over. Is Mr Xu particularly interested in this?"

"It's okay, I'm not really that interested..." Su Yang's eyes darted left and right, then said, "You've followed him for so long, you should understand him quite well right? I would like to ask you a few things, if that's alright."

Gao Min lifted a delicate brow. "Mr Xu need not be restrained. If I can answer, I definitely will."

Su Yang lowered his voice. "Has Feng gē ever kept anyone else by his side?"

Gao Min looked at him blankly for a moment, then broke into a smile.

"We are all clear on Master Zhao's temperament. No one would dare use him as a subject for gossip. I am truly not able to give you an answer on this." Seeing Su Yang's disappointed expression, she smiled and added, "But Mr Xu is the first person that Master Zhou has openly brought around with him."

This could be considered as a subtle form of flattery. Su Yang gave a light 'Oh' in reply, and sank into his thoughts.

According to Xu Yanqing's memories, Zhao Feng was obviously impotent. Why did he suddenly turn into Mr Muscle when it came to Su Yang? Based on his own experiences from this afternoon, the equipment was certainly functioning well enough. Su Yang broke into goosebumps as he recalled the incident.

{T/N: For the impotent part, remember that Zhao Feng used to only ask Xu Yanqing to cry for him, but they've never actually done the deed. Mr Muscle is a cleaning product, its icon is a beefy hunky guy. Pic. The 'equipment' was actually described as a 'one in a thousand excellent gun' in the raws, hahaha.}

He swallowed a mouthful of water angrily. "It doesn't make sense!!"

Gao Min: "Ah?"

Su Yang smiled at her sweetly. "I mean, for me to be the first one, it doesn't make sense."

Gao Min looked at his innocent smile, like that of a harmless little animal, and could not help the twitch in her face. To be able to change his expression so quickly, this was no ordinary person.

{T/N: It's supposed to mean sweat-drop.}

She gently took a sip of her orange juice as she pondered, then said, "Mr Xu, there is actually a rumour about Master Zhou. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it."

Su Yang searched through the original host's memories for a moment, before confirming that he did not know of it. "Do tell."

"According to the rumour, Master Zhou holds someone deep in his heart. This person is likely to have died a long time ago, else based on Master Zhou's capability, it is impossible for him not to have obtained this person. Everyone knows that Master Zhou likes young men with large eyes, red lips and rosy cheeks. I've heard that he looks for people who resemble him," Gao Min said.

{T/N: 唇红齿白大眼睛 – red lips white teeth big eyes, description for beautiful people, but I have been replacing white teeth with rosy cheeks since arc 2, because it just brings vampires to mind . Here's a pic of a guy who would match the description.}

Su Yang frowned. So it turns out there was such a thing. This means that Xu Yanqing had been little more than a mere substitute.

For there to be someone who still holds a place in Zhao Feng's heart even after their death, this was a chasm in the road of search for true love!! Su Yang could imagine the progress bar running full tilt into a wall in the future, neither increasing nor decreasing, the completion always hanging out of reach. He suddenly felt so, very tired.

It was no wonder why every time Zhao Feng came looking for Xu Yanqing, they never actually got down to business. Such a chaste sugar daddy who would only look but never touch. And this was because his heart holds someone, and would allow no one else to enter. As for his seemingly perverse requests for Xu Yanqing to cry for him, it is likely because this dearly departed person liked to cry as well.

But... a crybaby with large eyes, red lips and rosy cheeks, why does this description sound rather familiar?

Su Yang's expression morphed into dismay. Doesn't it sound exactly like Tao Ziyu? To be exact, it was the dim-witted Tao Ziyu he had previously acted as. It seemed like such an unlikely coincidence.

Wait, wait a minute! He seemed to have forgotten something...

"Miss Gao, do you happen to have a mirror with you? Could you lend it to me for a moment?"

The urgency in his tone was clear. Gao Min was puzzled, but fished out a small mirror from her bag and handed it to him. Su Yang took it, and slowly raised the compact mirror slowly up to his face.


He stared at the mirror for a full five minutes. Gao Min grew increasingly alarmed by his expression, and waved her hands at him. "Mr Xu, are you alright?"

Su Yang returned to himself, but he was still speechless. His brain was completely blank.

What the hell. His features were almost identical to Tao Ziyu's.