
1.Shallow water

"click clack click clack"

he hears the sound high of heels walking across a hollow wooden floor that is gradually becoming louder and louder, but he thinks nothing of it, because he is in a state of nothingness at the moment he can not move or touch any thing neither can he think of any thing all he can do is listen.

He hears a sweet and gentle voice with a British accent saying, "Good morning my lord it is time for you to wake up." he doesn't respond immersing himself into his state of nothingness.

"Lord Zarkil if you do not wake up then my lady will be very unpleased." stating in a concerned voice, but still he did not move a muscle, after a while of begging him to wake up the voice stopped. Zarkil thought to himself that was the last of that nuisance and then the voice started saying, "Wake up or else...." and the voice changed into a sinister and demonic voice that would make a lion run for the hills shouting, "....If you do not wake up then I will make!" Zarkil opened his eyes immediately and saw a slightly dirty mattress and then he turned to his right side and saw a pile of clothes that smelt like armpits and they had dirt marks that resembled feces and at that time he realised that it was all a dream.

"I have to stop watching anime horror or else I won't be able to have a good night rest." Zarkil said with a sigh as he woke up.

Zarkil was an average 15 year old. He was dark in complexion , 5'2 in height but he was always insecure about his height because almost all his friend were much taller than him and he could hardly get any respect let only a girlfriend, and that caused him to start working out which made him as fit as a bull but in turn he didn't like people looking at his body because he feared that girls would only like him for his body, so it was all for nothing in the end. Zarkil's apprance is above average but compared to his friends he is an ugly duckling, because of that he hated and envied his friends but he wasn't the type person to hold grudges.He lived in a small town called Actonville compared to the other neighbouring towns it is one of the safest, however there was some violence form time to time but nothing the police can't handle.

Zarkil got out of bed in his room which was smaller than a skwatta kamp (1). His room was full of clothes on the floor and anime posters on the wall. He was an amateur otaku

but a proud one. He slept on the bottom half of a bunk bed which was not stable to say the least.

Zarkil walked out of his room in a drowsy manner while he was heading to the bathroom he heard a familiar voice saying , "You better bath thoroughly because your clothes are starting to smell like an odd odor!" Zarkil realizied that it was just his mother nagging him again. Zarkil didn't respond and just went in to the bathroom and walked towards the tub and turned on the tap, after he was done undressing himself he turned off the tap and seat in the tub and after started to close his eyes.

He was back in the state of nothingness but this time it was different it was as if he was floating on water and he could forget all his problems and just let go but he was interrupted by another voice saying, "I heard form Thando that you didn't want walk up."this voice was more dignified and elegant and sounded a bit British with a mix of Dutch. Zarkil opened his eyes and he was in gaint cloud of mist , he couldn't see anything at all,all he could see was mist , he tried to look for where the voice originated form but to no avail , so then shouted, "Is there any body there!?" "Come on you can show yourself!" at this point Zarkil was feeling a bit uneasy so he shouted a little louder .

After a while of slient two red irises that looked like they belong to a reptile emerged form the front side of Zarkil's king-sized bed which had a red duvet. These eyes shocked Zarkil and an uncontrollable fear emerged in his heart

"You said that I must myself but why do you seem so scared my lord." the voice was coming form the irises. Zarkil was speehless out of fear and because he was a little bit taken aback by scene before him" Well that doesn't matter at the moment, what does matter is that you need to wake up right this insant!" the voice said in a commanding tone . Before Zarkil could respond the voice started shouting, " WAKE UP , WAKE UP , WAKE UP!" Zarkil tired to close his ears but the noise got louder and louder , suddenly Zarkil woke up and saw his brother ,he was in his arms but Zarkil's brother's face looked furious.

skwatta/squatter camps : is a South African therm for an informal settlement

Must I put what the charater's words in its own paragraph or must leave it the way it is


and sorry for the mistakes it's my first time writing a noval

Leosinkcreators' thoughts