
Entry 4

How do you get rid of stress and boredom? Hmm The only that makes me get rid of my stress and boredom is watching drama's, reading comics, and listen to music

My favorite song artists are Ju Jingyi a Chinese singer my favorite song from her is Everyday, Mia Virik Brubakken a Norwegian singer my favorite song from her is Dynasty both these song have meanings that I can't experience when I don't show my real self the feeling of making something with someone and having someone beside you who cares. I wanted to experience the feelings these songs portray, I'll probably stay alone with my narrow-mind, these experiences I can't have if I don't show everyone my real self but how will they look at me would they look at me with disgust or with pity I don't want to look weak because of criticism. I want to be a stronger person someone who can show their true colors but, can I really become that person? These emotions I can only control by telling lies. Can I really be myself and be acknowledged by the people who I try so hard to impress will my efforts of telling the truth help? I can't handle the feeling of being abandoned and betrayed is it wrong to ask for someone to embrace me