
The story of how I defeated the Monarch of Arcanes

The story revolves around the story of Cain, A young man who wants nothing but to eliminate,'The Monarch of Arcanes', a divine being who is Supreme to all other arcanes and has brought nothing but chaos and destruction to humans for centuries. This story follows the final battle between humans and the arcanes which will decide the fate of both side's. Note:Arcanes are beings with divine origin which take on different form's and hunt humans as source of nourishment.

Thechosen_1 · アクション
3 Chs

The battle of Armageddon part 2

Wow tough audience I guess but I have some news that will bring a smile on your face," Answered Ash,"You will be assigned to a team for your very first mission in Italy as there is high arcane activities there and you will report back to Japan after your mission."

"Yes finally I get to go on an official mission after three years of training!!" Cain jumped with joy.

"get dressed and come meet your fellow team mates in the training room," Said captain Ash.

Ash then walked out of the room and Cain, out of joy, got dressed in a hurry in their signature black suite attire with the agency logo on each button of the jacket. Cain then walked in the training and found three more people and captain ash.

"I see your your all here, your team has been nicknamed Diablo. You have tasked to research the high arcane activities in Italy and not engage the enemy no matter."explains captain Ash," Normally we would not give such a complex mission to you but we are short in men and have our backs pushed against the wall."

"Now I want each of you to introduce yourself to your fellow members," Captain ash continues to explain.

"ok I guess I will start, my name is Lazarus and third tier agent and I use Void Art."explained Lazarus.

"my name is Akuji and I'm also a third tier agent and I use Summoning Art."Akuji explained.

"My name is Atropos and also a third tier agent and I use Inverse Art and apperently the only girl on this team," explained Atropos.

"ok I guess I'm the last one, my name is Cain and a fifth tier agent and uhm I have not yet discovered my art style,"cain explained in a nervous and awkward way.

"great, we have some dead weight dragging us down now it's really a team, you don't have an Art Style plus your the lowest rank agent. At least tell me you use negative Zeal energy,"Lazarus criticises Cain.

"I actually use positive Zeal," replies to Lazarus.

"Tsk Even your energy force is inferior," Lazarus mutters in dissatisfaction.

"That's enough talking, you are now brothers and sister's. You shall entrust your life's to each other in battle, you represent the agency which is the symbol of law and order of the world so expect no sign of weakness from you."Captain Ash explains in a menacing tone.

"YES SIR!!" All respond at the same time.

"you shall leave immediately, you are dismissed," Said Captain Ash.

Captain Ash exits the room.

"Captain Ash might act like a goof ball but his power speaks for itself as only those who have reached god tier or first tier can assume the role of captain and lead a section of the agency plus the rumors say his Sol Art coupled with his negative Zeal energy, the flames he creates can basically burn anything to ash," Cain thought to himself.

The team traveled to Italy in Naples which recorded the highest activities of Arcanes in the past week and eventually reached an abandoned warehouse.

"This is so boring, I need some action or my head will explode!" Lazarus exclaimed.

"can you just calm down and focus on the mission,"Akuji replied

"But we have been here for a week and haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Maybe they were wrong about the arcanes," Lazarus explains.

"you are so noisy but you do raise a good point, something is off. We should have at least seen a few arcanes."Said Atropos.

A large mysterious sound was heard from a far.

"what's that sound?" Cain Asked.

"I don't know what it is but I know it's much interesting than this place."Lazarus said while running towards the sound.

They all started running towards the sound in the forest and saw an arcane. But it was different from the others, it was in a white cloak and closely resembled a man in perfect physic with a spiky halo and markings on it's hands.

"guy's I think we should get out of here before it notices us and the captain said not to interact but observe," Said Cain in a worried voice.

"oh shut up, it's probably just a weak level four or five arcane. I'll just hit it with one attack and finish it right there and then," Lazarus replied,"Void Art, second seal, Infinit--,"

"You're just too slow,"said the Arcane.

Before he knew it, Blood started to pour down like a stream from a waterfall and Lazarus discovered he had been stabbed through his chest by the arcanes bear hands before activating his art style.

"Damn it, I really messed up huh guys? I'm sorry I dragged all of you in this mess," those were the last word's Lazarus said before he died.

Everyone was in disbelief at what just happened but could not utter a word.

"one down, three to go. Oh and before i kill you, I will grant you the honor of knowing my name. I am what you humans call,'The Monarch of Arcanes'." said the Monarch.

"it was suppose to be a simple mission, we gather and go home but how did we even meet The Monarch himself."Cain thought to himself.

End of chapter 2.