
The Story of Azuka

The story follows 15 year old God Reincarnate, Azuka Limgard. After awakening the God within him, he begins his journey in becoming the greatest thief ever. By stealing the treasure at the grave of the God within him. (This is my first story.)

Shinja_kun · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Home, Sweet Home


"Are you finished now Azuka," Khi says cracking his shoulder and his fingers. "We have been going at it all night."


"Oh? Think you're done Khi," Azuka says wiping blood dripping out from his nose. "If you don't have the stamina left over, I guess I'm the victor."

Khi sighs, "Fine then, I will finish you off right now. I'm hungry and I want to eat right about now."

"Whatever! Bring it on! You have been saying that all night, lets see if it's true." Azuka says tempting Khi to attack him.

For the entire night, Azuka and Khi have been constantly fighting each other. However anyone who saw the fight would be saying that it was one-sided. Khi was always in the favor of the battle, yet it still was drawn out until morning.

He's right, Khi thought, every time I thought that I finished him off he would get back up. Why did he keep getting back up? Is he that desperate to show that he can be stronger than me? I kept asking myself this, eventually I stopped, because whether he was training off of me for endurance or proving something to himself. He is a very good punching bag, I have been meaning to practice my techniques on someone for a while.

Khi begins running toward Azuka at a speed in which Azuka could barely put up a defense against. Khi punches Azuka directly on Azuka's poor defense, unbalancing him, Khi launches a downward kick. However Khi fakes the kick and quickly transitions to a grounded position, hitting the falling Azuka with relentless hand palms. Confused, Azuka decides to tank all the damage being dealt to him.

Right now, I'm on a training high, Azuka thought, like the time in the punishment room. I'm training off of his attacks, building my durability up. Constantly healing with him getting stronger with each attack, and me getting stronger from those stronger attacks. I realize from my time in the punishment room that I can improve so much if I am in this training state. However due to this state none of my attacks do much damage. I can strictly only use this for training, if I do this in an actual battle I don't think I will be able to win.

Azuka falls to the ground, twitching with pain inscribed on his face. "Are you going to get back up," Khi asks plopping down on the ground, exhaling his exhaustion. Azuka coughs up blood,


"H-Hell yeah I am."

Azuka's whole body shakes as he attempts to get up. He falls to the ground hard, barely able to stay conscious. "I guess you aren't," Khi says, "We might as well take another break." Khi falls back, lying on his back he closes his eyes. Azuka closes his eyes, lying on the ground like a tired dog.

It wasn't long before both of their stomachs growled. They tried to ignore their basic functions, get it out of their minds, however it dawned on them when their stomachs began devouring its own habitat. "What do you even eat around here," Azuka asks rising up from his previous pathetic state. Khi rises from lying on his back, he sniffs the air around him. "What are you smelling over there, my nose is kind of stuffed with blood. I can't really smell anything."

"Azuka, that is your name right?" Azuka nods, "Right now, I smell fish and eggs, coming from my grandmother's house." Khi stands up, with hunger screaming in his eyes. Azuka stands up, stumbling around, but makes it next to Khi. "I'm coming too, I want some food as well." Khi pushes Azuka off of him, "Then catch up to me." Khi starts making a dash for the house. Azuka stood his ground and started dashing for the food as well. Flames were clearly coming out of his eyes, but he was blinded by hunger and surpassing Khi.

In no time, Azuka is side by side with Khi, "GIVE ME FOOD," Azuka says as though he was a beast. Khi clicks his teeth, "You won't outrun me, Azuka!" they both begin screaming so loud that it could reach the house. By the time they were a few feet from an open window, they simultaneously drop kick their way into the house.

"Oh, Khi, I haven't seen you this active in a while," Mrs. Kasai says smiling, as everyone else in the room is surprised at the sudden entrance of Khi and Azuka. Ichina rushes over to Azuka, "Azuka! You are so badly injured, please we need some healing!" Khi gets up from the floor with clear burn marks from sliding on the floor. "Grandma, may I have something to eat please," he bows at his grandmother. Mrs. Kasai hurries to the kitchen, fetching Khi some fried fish and eggs, "Here you go dear."

Khi rises his head, he reaches for the food, but Mrs. Kasai puts up a hand, holding the plate of food away from Khi. "Before I give this to you I have a few things to say to you. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU TOOK A SHOWER! HAVE YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH? YOUR HAIR IS SUCH A MESS, LEAVING IT ALL SPIKY WHEN IT SHOULD BE STRAIGHT, REMINDS ME A LOT OF YOUR FATHER! PLUS AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME YOU RUSH OUT AND TRAIN INSTEAD OF SPENDING THE NIGHT WITH YOUR FAMILY! FOR SHAME! FOR SHAME!" Mrs. Kasai starts beating Khi with her open hand, "Grandma, grandma, I'm sorry- stop that please."

"YOU AREN'T EATING UNTIL YOU WASH UP! YOU EVEN BEAT THIS POOR BOY TO SUCH A STATE, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF," she says pointing at Azuka who seemed to be holding back a laugh. "Right grandma, I will go wash up now," Khi walks toward the kitchen, at the back of the kitchen was a door to the bedrooms of the Kasai family. "Khi darling," Mrs. Kasai yells, Khi stops with fear, "Y-yes grandma?"

Mrs. Kasai smiles, "Welcome home."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! What are your thoughts on the Kasai family? Leave your thoughts and suggestions below. Thank you for reading the Story of Azuka.

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts