
The story of a sadistic man

Some short stories about a fictional very sadistic serial killer.

ldh_water · ホラー
2 Chs

My first kill

My first one happened when I was 15. I remember it like it was yesterday. She screamed like there was no tomorrow which made it even better. I can not remember how exactly she got away from me at first  but I remember why I had the urge to kill her. 

I was always top of the class in school so nothing ever gave me the satisfaction I wanted anymore. I tried sports like archery, wrestling, boxing, and all the generic ones like baseball, american football, and soccer. Those were all very easy and I never found any challenge in them. I was also the most sociable because everybody was so predictable and I always knew what they were going to do and what they were going to say. I always knew how to tell them what they wanted and how to fit in like a puzzle piece. 

I was always so bored because even writing was easy when I could already write at a Nobel prize winners level. Everything was so EASY but I was once offered by my father to go hunting which I said yes because that was something I have never done. It took all day just to find something to hunt. When we found it though it did not even have a chance to run before it was shot. The thrill of the chase that day was the best thing imaginable. Skinning it was even better but the whole time it was thrilling. 

At some point after going on a few hunts with my father I wondered how it would feel to hunt a human. So I had to find the perfect target and it just so happened that someone asked me out that very day. I did not have the faintest idea as to why she did that. She was very unlucky though to have done it on that day. I said yes at one point we then made a plan for a date the very next day and it continued like this for a while. You might wonder why I took so long to kill her. Well you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. It was because it would be very suspicious for her to die the very day after she started dating me. 

One day though I said that we should take a vacation in a cabin out in the woods. Most of it after that was a blur. Until after I caught her while she was running. Her clothes were in tatters and she was crying and yelling for help like anybody was coming. She was so loud I just cut her throat right there with a sharp stick I found on the ground. I was so happy that she stopped yelling because it was finally peaceful. Looking at her body I felt a little bit of sadness because I spent so much time with her but I continued on anyway. It would be a waste to just leave her there after all.

I skinned her first because that would be nice on a lamp or as a rug. Then I took out her organs and flesh because that would be amazing in my pot pie. The bones would be great weapons so I kept those as well. The only thing I left was her nerves because those have a strange taste. The reason I do this is because I was In class one day and remembered that Indians always used the whole corpse of the prey so as not to waste it.

I decided that day that I would run away. I decided to make it look like me and that woman ran away to get engaged. That was the easiest way to make it seem like she was still alive. If anybody is wondering I still keep the bones from her because that is a memento of my first kill. Oh! Well it looks like we ran out of time so will have to tell you about some more next time.

If anybody wants more chapters say so and I will try to get some out when possible. If anybody has any thoughts on what I could fix please voice your opinion. I am talking about grammatically and story wise.

ldh_watercreators' thoughts