
The Story Formerly Known As "The Pillow That Ate Ass"

Sometimes things aren't what they seem. Sometimes it seems like your waitress is flirting when she's just being nice. Sometimes you think you see an eagle, but it gets closer and it's just a big sparrow. Sometimes you're in a store, and you see an employee and ask him where the toilet paper is. But it turns out that the guy doesn't work there and is just wearing the exact same outfit as the employees. And it's awkward. And you wonder why he decided to wear that specific shade of red in a Target. Like out of all the shades of red, he picked Target red. And khakis. That should be against the rules of the store or something, because he obviously looks like he works there. And he's wasting everyone's time with his confusing clothing choices. But anyway sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be. Like a ravenous pillow that eats ass. This novel was 100% finished and ready to be published but I disagree with Webnovel's copyright policy. So it's whatever.

Xx_DJPeePants_xX · ホラー
1 Chs

And It's Gone...

Most of y'all are probably too young to remember when Prince started calling himself 'The Artist Formerly Known As Prince' and changed his name to a symbol. He did that because Warner Brothers Records told him he did not have a legal right to record music under his own stage name because they owned it. Webnovel is Warner Brothers in this story. And I'll be damned if I become "The Author Formerly Known As DJ Pee Pants." So the story is fucking gone. I'll rerelease it somewhere that doesn't try to steal it.