
Using the crystal (2)

Stop. Please. You will destroy everything!

Hex ignored the screams in his head. He hoped he could get away. But even he didn't believe it to be possible. If the Oracles spoke the truth, then no one present would be able to stop the King. Unless she arrived.

The shouts increased the cold fusing in his hand. It was cold – extremely cold. The cold seeped into his every fiber. At least, so it felt. The dim half-broken element circle on the back of his hand glowed. The blue light seemed mesmerizing. But he ignored it.

Half of Hex's mind was still at the monolith. The golden light it emitted differed from the Strings of Fate yet seemed the same. 

Despite the size, the crystal weighed almost nothing in his hand. Hex ran. In less than a second the exit came in sight. But it wasn't time to relax. No, warning bells erupted from every part of his body. He didn't sense anyone coming at him. Yet, he knew who he would face.