
The Castle in the Forest

Last night I heard a sound coming from the forest like it was trying to bring me in I just ignored it for the past two weeks. Until in saw someone outside my window at 3:00 yelling for me to follow him in the woods. I quickly shut my windows blinds and hid for a while until it stopped. I called the cops hoping they would find traces of the person that did this but nothing appeared. After that happened I installed cameras to hopefully catch him on camera. Then one night at exactly 3:00 he showed up again screaming for me to come into the forest with him. I did exactly what I did last time but I knew we got him on camera. I looked over the footage before calling the cops again but something strange happened it didn't catch him on camera it was just darkness no one there. I closed my window every night hoping it would stop until one day at 8:00 in the morning I decided to go out into the woods I wondered for a few minutes until finding a castle built out of stone. All I could see was closed gates opening by themselves and a rush of freezing cold air rush towards me. I could hear people talking but no one was around so I walked into the castle. Once I entered the gates shut closed and I could here people screaming die. I tried to escape but no luck the gates would not budge so I tried to find another way out but no luck that way either. All of a sudden it got quiet then things just started flying towards me like if they had a mind of it's own and that mind was trying to kill me. I found a spot to hide I tried to call for help but I had no signal I couldn't call anyone for help. One hour passed by it got quiet again I could hear people from outside. There where cops outside of the castle looking through seeing if anyone was in the castle. I wanted to scream for help but I didn't want what ever was trying to kill me to hear me scream so I had to sit there and watch my only scorce of help walk away.

To be Continued in volume 2 the rubble of the stone castle...