
the steampunk dungeon

my first book

soulking_brook6942 · ゲーム
2 Chs

chapter 1

America: present day

???: sure is peaceful, I live a totally normal and uneventful life, I'm a perfectly content 37-year-old, if there's anything missing in my life it's a girlfriend, in fact I've never had a girlfriend in my 37 years of life, but that doesn't really bother me at all .

???: hey! felix, hey there good to see you.

felix: tamera good to see you sorry I am late, was it you needed?

Mijo: hi I'm Mijo it's a pleasure to meet you I've seen you around the office before I don't think we've ever been introduced.

felix: hey I'm felix come to think of it I've actually heard a lot about you.

Mijo: huh! wait you have?

Felix: I mean yeah there's lots of rumors

Mijo: what kind of r!?

josh: Mijo calm down he's only kidding. go easy on her she's still new to your jokes

Felix: sure (why am I even here does he want to show off Mijo)

Tamara: do you want to grab some food? we can talk over dinner you said you like burgers right come on I know the perfect place

Felix: (yeesh made plans all around my favorite food really buttering me up)

Mijo: it's right up here.

felix: (good kids I should congratulate them)

woman: *screams*

man: *running up to them with knife*

Felix: Tamara lookout!!! *shoves*

felix: after that it all went black it was cold so cold...

where am I? is this a cave? what is going on where am I didn't I get stabbed this doesn't look like a hospital what happened


what what is this wait isn't this like those novels that I read man's going to be awesome I don't even remember the pain now so let's see... felix?

{error can't use previous name}

should have known it wasn't that easy...Zeno?

{Welcome Dungeon Core}

wait is this wrong shouldn't it be welcome hero I don't remember reading any novels about being the dungeon, man this is weird... but cool.

{ok host time for the tutorial first check what dungeon type you got in the stat page}

zeno Tier 1 Rank 1 Dungeon

dungeon points: 1 dp per 1 meter

Mob Type: steampunk

0 xp

300 xp to next Tier

10,000 to next rank

what steampunk I thought it would be goblins or something of the sort wait what would I summon?

{lucky I'm nice I will let you build 10 meter room for free anyways build the room and summon your first creation}

ok done

{now summon your monster and check its stats}

ok what are the stats for a human in this game world

level: 1

race : human

class: trainee



strength - 6



ok bad stats for level 1 so wait does 6 strength mean it does 6 damage


ok that's a worrying anyways show me my monsters stats

{ok host}

name: none

race: steampunk saw spider

HP- 10 represents the amount of damage a character can take before dying

MP-10 represents the amount of magical power a character has. Higher the power, the more spells can be cast.

Strength 5 - represents the character's physical strength. Determines amount of damage attacks inflict.

Speed-20 represents how fast the character moves. Determines frequency of attacks and chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Intelligence -2 represents how clever the character is. Determines power of spells and ability to resist magic attack

passive skills

(spiders unite)

the spiders are grouped up with any mechanical creature they will receive a buff of two points and strength and 20 hp.

(mechanical revolution)

due to mechanical creatures they can use flesh and other organic materials to upgrade themselves and or create stronger or weaker versions of themselves

active skills

(chainsaw massacre)

saw inside spiders will start to spin and when at Max capacity in speed will launch themselves at the Target cost 2 mp

ok ok not bad compared to the trainee thank God that we are not that powerful

{um host that's the basic class that everyone was born with there are multiple classes and subclasses}


{I'm sorry :'( host}

well nothing I can do anymore so let's go now can I make a 50 meter hallway with some spawners in and wait for them to come....