
The arrival

It was a sunny morning,I woke up around 8:30 in the morning I think?, because I wasn't sure about the time,I knew I set an alarm last night before sleeping and the alarm was set for 5:00.The reason I set the alarm for that time was because I was eager to prepare my breakfast and do my house chores and set off to school,it was the beginning of a new week and I have been transferred from great life moulders college to Goodness and mercy private school, because I was a young celebrity am pretty sure students in my new school would have been anxious of my arrival in their school.

At exactly 7:00 I left for the school,I went to the school through the public bus and got to the school at exactly the assembly period.All eyes were on me as I stepped into the assembly ground and I myself was even shy,even the teacher leading the assembly morning moral talk was staring at me also and this made me feel somehow.

Lest I forget to introduce myself,Am princess by name"princess Adebayo",The only child of my parents and my parents happened to be aboad,I was supposed to be there with them but we tried all our best in getting my visa but all efforts was to no avail so I had to school in Nigeria.


After the assembly I met with a girl who came close to me to befriend me,she took me around the school,gisted me about all the teachers and their character and left nothing out.she was the only girl that spoke to me that fateful day, probably the other girls find it hard to talk to me or probably they are envious of me,while the other guys were just staring at me and probably discussing about me.
