
The spirited

After he is wrongfully accused of ending his own life, Finn alongside others human souls just like him use all their might to clear their wrongful verdict and protect reality as we know it from all who wish it destroyed.

BartDBaron · アクション
3 Chs

Profits of the soul

Confused and disjointed Finn was when we awokened in a strange office wearing clothes he did not possess. The current surroundings and attire where not the only strange things as he noticed a lack of the sharp pain in his knee that developed when he was shot during his time in the military, the sudden knee revitalization wasn't the only thing about his body that felt off, he felt much lighter, as if he was almost weightless, as if he was a SPIRIT.

"Nice to see you are awake, mr. Belront. My name is Arin" Said a silver eyed man that sat right in front of Finn. Finn was so fixated on how strange his body felt that he did not notice a man sitting right in front of him.

"Sorry where am I?" Asked Finn.

"Oh so you are one of those that don't remember." Said Arin.

"Excuse me?" Said Finn with a confused remark stapled on his face.

"It isn't easy to say this but you died eight hours ago." Said Arin. Finn, shocked by this news, pushed back into his chair as he tried to possess all of this. It wasn't long before the memories from the night before came rushing in.

The time was half past nine, late in the night as Finn shuffled into a subway train after a long exhausting day at work. He had recently sold his prized car to survive the harsh rulings of his and his wife's messy divorce. Barely able to keep his eyes open he put on his phone to talk with his daughter concerning whether he will be there for her upcoming birthday party. After he and his daughter Carly said their goodbyes he immediately fell into a coma like slumber where he dreamt of a cosmic cat that had plagued his dreams for months without end. He woke up nearly three hours later as the train called its last stop which was far from Finn's initial stop. 

Barely awake he rushed out of the train door to get home as quickly as possible but before he could leave the subway he saw in the corner of his eye the cosmic cat he had just dreamt about. With his mind being in a plup like state he proceeded to chase after the cat, perhaps anticipating that he could deal with this dream parasite once and for all. He chased the cat for a long while until I stopped by a dark alley as if it was spooked by something in the darkness. Finn, noticing this behavior, attempted to check within the darkness to see what the cat could be scared about but as he got close to the dark spot he was  stabbed in the chest by claws moving faster than a speeding bullet. He died almost immediately but as he closed his eyes for the final time he got a glimpse of  what had stabbed him. A werewolf-like creature that glowed like a good or a spirit.

"Mr. Belront, is everything alright?" Asked Arin, bringing Finn out of his sudden flashback.

"Umm yes, I'm good, just shocked but continue." Said Finn.

"Alright I was explaining how this whole afterlife thing works but I'm more than happy to repeat. universes were not created by gods but more of businessmen, fifth dimensional businessmen, all trying to profit and the most profitable business venture in the entire fifth dimension. The business of souls, specifically sentient souls like humans." Said Arin.

"So humans are the goods for some not gods?" Said Finn.

"Basically yeah, they extract all the things you did on earth, determine whether the quality of the things you did is worth sending you back to reincarnate and then sell what they extracted." Said Arin.

"Ok so are you the one to test the quality of what I did on earth?" Asked Finn.

"No, they already did that." Said Arin.

"Oh, so that means I did on earth wasn't of good quality?"said Finn.

"No, not that either, when people don't meet the standard of quality they are just get pieced up and then put back together with some other people who also didn't meet the criteria." Said Arin.

"So then why am I here?" Asked Finn.

"The higher ups don't measure souls based on good or bad, all that matters is how entertaining their lives were. The only thing that will make you unable to reincarnate is whether or not the directly caused the death of anyone else including yourself. Said Arin.

"Oh so it was my years of service that fucked me over. I was just doing what I was told." Said Finn.

"Which is why murder from battle Field doesn't count, it all gets pinned on the person that gave the order so unless you were the president of a country active in war I highly doubt that your time on the force is why you were sent here." Said Arin.

"Then why am I here? What even is here?!" Asked Finn.

"To answer your first question let me read your file. Name; Finn Ivan Belront. Age; 27, Time of death; midnight, Cause of death; jumped in front of a speeding train." Said Arin.

"No! No, that's not true. I remember how I died!"  Finn exclaimed.

"I know you didn't kill yourself. I checked what happened on earth and saw everything." Said Arin.

"Then this is all a mistake. Contact your higher ups and get me reincarnated." Said Finn.

"Already contacted them twelve separate times before meeting with you." Said Finn.

"And what did they say?" Asked Finn.

"The same thing they always say when I call them for shit like this, the board doesn't make mistakes." Said Arin.

"No, we have to contact them again. What do I do now?" Asked Finn.

"You see that door over there, walk through it." Said Arin.

"What? Why?!" Asked Finn.

"You will see, just walk through it." Said Arin.

"Ok but I don't see how this is relevant to my current situat…." Said Finn as he walked through the door that led to the outside of the building, sending him free falling from the last floor of a twelve floor building until he landed in an open dumpster.

"What the fuck!" Exclaimed Finn as he shuffled out of the dumpster.

"I guess that nullifies any idea that you are still alive." Said Arin who was suddenly next to the dumpster.

"How the hell did you get down here?" Asked Finn.

"Follow me and don't look suspicious. I want to show you around." Said Arin

"Around where?" Asked Finn as he and Arin walked to the nearest street.

In an instant Finn's jaw dropped as he saw a warped version of the city he had lived in most of his life as the streets where populated with wandering spirits and ghoulish creatures of abnormal proportions.

"What are those?" Asked Finn.

"Keep your head down, you will draw attention to yourself. They are FLAGES, creatures that emerged as a by-product of the big bang, they are a real pain in the ass to the board as they sometimes regularly travel to the realm of the living and feed on the essence of the living turning them into an empty husk, which is bad for business. My job here is to kill the ones that are being really troublesome." Arin said.

"How do you deal with shit like that?" Asked Finn as he pointed at a giant floating catfish.

"Like a couple thousand years ago me and two others were accused of killing ourselves and was plunged here to eventually be consumed by one of these Flages but then we discovered a special property about them, some of them are capable of bonding with human souls and giving them special abilities called VIRES that are based on important aspects of their lives, we proposed that we could deal with the Flage problems and they would admit they made a mistake when judging us. They did not but gave us permission to kill Flages in return for small favors." Arin said.

"Wait, so was the cat I kept seeing in my dreams a Flage?" Asked Finn.

"Yes, you had bonded with the Flage before death which in my thousand of years of doing this has never happened once. It's been on your shoulder since I

You got here?" said Arin.

"What the fuck, how did I not notice that." Said Finn as he made eye contact with the cosmic cat on his shoulder.

"So that means I have a Vire?" Asked Finn to which Arin did not respond.

"Arin is everything all right?" Asked Finn as Arin stood in silence.

"Be quiet! A Flage has sensed us, A big one." Arin said.

"How can you tell?" Asked Finn.

"I said be quiet! Get ready to use whatever Vire you and that Flage of yours have." Arin said.

"Wait hold on, I barely understand any of this and you want me to fight." Said Finn.

"Quiet! It's close, really close." Said Arin as a large snake-like creature with the face of a goat emerged from the ground below him. By the skin of his teeth Arin managed to narrowly escape the jaas of the creature.

"A level four Flage, this far out from the center? That's almost never happened before." Arin muttered to himself.

"Umm Arin what do we do? It looks mad." Said Finn.

"Ok, I'll deal with this stand back and wait. Mikey, come!" Said Arin as a  floating fox with no legs flew out of his back.

"Master, what is the matter?" Asked the fox.

"It can talk?" Asked Finn.

"Mikey, Wild Flage, level four or maybe even five. You know what to do." Arin said.

"Yes sir." Said the fox as it wrapped itself around Arin's face until it turned into a strange helmet with a large eye in its center.

"Alright you big bastard,time to die." Said Arin as a powerful laser blasted from the eye on his helmet straight to the snake creature.

In response to the pain of the laser the creature began to rampage. Smashing against buildings as it swings its large tail at Arib and Finn.

"You Little shit. Stay still." Said Arin as he shot a laser once again at the creature this time subduing it.

"Huh, I thought that thing will put up more of a fight." Said Finn.

"Yeah I thought so too, wait let me check the body." Suad Arin as he leaned at the stared blankly at the dead husk of the creature until he realized what was off about the creature.

"Oh no it's a fucking cl…." Said Arin as the original creature came from the ground below this and quickly entrapped Arin in its jaws before Arin was able to react. Mikey, seeing his master was in danger, swiftly transformed from a helmet to a full suit of armor in order to prevent his master from getting crushed by the creature's powerful jaws.

"Arin! Are you ok?" Asked Finn.

"Finn bond with your Flage, give it a name and call upon it." Said Arin as he struggled against the creature's massive jaws.

"Alright, a name that's easy. Kevin, come!" Said Finn as the cat stared blankly at him.

"What's happening? Did I do something wrong?" Asked Finn.

"The name has to be significant to your life on earth." Said Arin.

"Ok then I have a significant name. It was my father's. Vlad, come!" Said Finn as the cat remained there motionless.

"It didn't work." Said Finn.

"Not significant enough. Try again." Said Arin as he continued to struggle against the creature.

"Ok my mentor in service. Evan, come!" Said Finn to no response by the cat.

"My first pet. Goldie come!" Aiad Finn with no response.

"My friend. Blake, come!" 

"My dentist. Kyle, come!"

"My sister's boyfriend, Bart, come!" 

"Try and remember a name that is truly significant to your life." Said Arin as he slowly started to lose grip of the creature's jaw.

" I can't think of any other name that may be significa… " said Finn as the memory of an old show about a samurai hamster he had watched constantly when he was a child.

"I've got it. Come, Oswald!" Said Finn as the cat morphed into a green katana, similar to a toy he had when he was ten years old.

"It's just like how it looked when I was a kid. Only now it can actually kill people." Finn remarked to himself.

"Finn, now's a good time to use that sword." Said Arin as the creature's jaw continued to overpower him.

"Alright let's do this." Said Finn as he swiftly and effortlessly slashed through the creature's thick skin, causing enough pain to it that it released Arin.

"Good job, I'll finish it off." Said Arin

"No need actually, I'll do it." Said Finn

"Are you mad?" Asked Arin.

"Trust me I feel I can handle it." Said Finn as he rushed towards the beast swinging and thrusting his katana, dealing severe damage to the creature.

As it screamed in pain the creature threw Finn up in the attempt to attack him while he had no stance. But with a hasty reaction Finn manages  to dodge the creature's jaw, dealing more damage to the beast on the way down. Thanks to the air attack the creature had left itself incredibly exposed. Exposed enough that  Finn has no trouble reaching its neck, but as he swings his blade the creature vanishes.

"Oh shit, Finn, I want you to do that!" Said Arin as the creatures rushed out of the floor ready to swallow Finn whole.

Finn looked down to see this demonic entity with its mouth wide opening rushing to make a meal of him, he knew no matter what he did he could not escape from the creatures jaws. He theorized the horrors that awaited for him in his second each theory becoming more and more scary as he neared the beast"s jaw. Suddenly the creature no longer moved any higher as it was frozen in the air. The birds in the sky also flew no more as they stood there as if they were in a paused frame. Finn looked down into his sword which glowed in shade of green.

Seeing as everything had frozen in place Finn moved slightly to the left, just enough distance to avoid the creature's razor teeth. As he moved time continued on as the creature chomped on the empty space Finn was occupied. Taking advantage of his narrow escape Finn thrusted hdi sword into the neck of the beast dragging all the way to its tail, slicing it in half.

"My goodness, you managed to kill a level four Flage by yourself!" Exclaimed Arin.

" I guess I did." Said Finn.

"Can I ask a question? Why Oswald?" Asked Arin.

"An old timey tv show I used to whenever I was sad as a kid. The katana is also from the show." Said Finn.

"A tv show, that will explain the pausing Vire." Said Mikey.

"You know Arin your story about how you and your buddies made me realize something about my own predicament." Said Finn.

"And what could that be?" Asked Arin.

"They higher ups won't hear my plea unless I deal with a big problem of theirs. So I will. The biggest, most pain in the ass one of these mother fuckers, I will kill it and make them revert my death. Isn't that right Oswald?" Asked Finn.

"Meow." The cat said.