
How I saw it then and the difference now

In the earliest 90s when I was growing up in a city in Nigeria, things were so sweet n free that we hardly had evil thoughts in our hearts, do you know why? Other parents took care of us genuinely in the absence of our parents, there was nothing as religious indifference, we went to de school, sat on same sit, fought see fights, competted on same understanding without religious or political or regional sentiments, I love those days, I remember a day when I and Hauwa refused to talk to Grace because Grace wanted to show us she was more skillful than us, our parents noticed and want such to continue, instead, they flogged us for what we didn't know, we cried eh that we started asking ourselves what we did wrong, parents didn't quarrel over it and we were scared to report because we might get a season two of the flogging, we had no option than to ask ourselves n start talking from there, oh, how I miss those days,so many more to come if you continue reading my write ups, please follow me for More, I am a very interesting person, you are free to ask questions