
The Sound of Your Love

They say things happen for a reason. Is there really such a thing as soulmates, 2 people fated to be together? Or was it all just simply coincidental, and Kaname was just at the right place at the wrong time? When a 15 year old saves someone from a tragic car accident, how do you think they handle it? Not well, is the answer, and so much so that he ends up getting admitted into a Rehab facility. 3 years later, Kaname Takahashi re-enters society with a second chance at life, but still with the memory of that night haunting his dreams. After finding a familiar face of the girl he saved, all those years ago on the first day of school, all he can think about is somehow making things right, if she is that girl from the crash. Why does Kaname feel he needs to repent? Will him getting closer with this girl help him to heal or will their reunion only cause more tragedy? Maybe, there’s more meaning to the term “soulmates” than people come to realize.

Cherryblossomm · 現実
11 Chs

Ch. 4: In Rare Cases

The classroom 10 minutes earlier:

"So where is he? I thought you said he was going to be in our class?"

"That's what I heard."

"Are you sure? You probably heard wrong, you know. Not even Madam Vice is here and she's never late. They probably had her transfer to whatever class they put him in."

"No, that can't be. I even heard Madam President say so herself. And I'm sure you heard how she's always had a thing for him."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Apparently she…"

After suddenly hearing her name of endearment behind her back, Nana couldn't help but to make herself a part of the conversation, "Apparently she what?"

"Oh! Good Morning, Madam President! We…were just…talking…about how…"

"Howww Madam Vice's twin brother will be transferring into our class, this year! We're really excited to see if they really look alike."

Nana knew they were talking about more than what was being relayed to her. 'How can some girls be so careless about something as simple as gossip?' "Well, you're all going to be in for a good surprise, because they actually are VERY identical."

"Omg, REALLY?!"

"See! I told you!"

"Well, now I really want to meet him! If there's a boy version of Madam Vice then he's for sure to die for. Do you think so, Madam Pres.?"

"Why do you ask me?"

"Well, I heard that you went to primary and middle school with both Madam Vice and her brother. So you already know what he looks like, right?"

"Were you guys close?"

"Slow down! Haha! I can only answer one question at a time." 'This is my chance.' "But to answer your questions: Yes, he is SO handsome. And yes, we were pretty close. Some even say that we're childhood sweethearts."

"WHAT?! No way!"

"Omg, Madam Pres.! Then this is like a fateful reunion for you two, right? Two young lovers, out of their control, were separated! But fate decided to give them a second chance, at love, by having them meet their last year of high school, before becoming adults! It sounds too romantic!"

"You've read WAY too much manga."

"It's a guilty pleasure of mine!"

After Nana planted her seed she tries to find a way to leave the conversation. She sees the boys, in class, who weren't taking the news of the returning transfer student so well, on the other side of the room. And there was only one guy in particular that wasn't really giving much of any type of reaction like the other boys were. But even though he didn't really show a lot of emotion, one could tell, like the rest of the guys, he wasn't really happy about the news. He must've felt Nana staring because he suddenly turns and makes eye contact with her.

"The guys don't seem very happy about the new transfer student."

"Why would they?" To not sound rude, to the girls, Nana has a separate thought, 'He's going to take all the attention from them. Not that they really get any anyway.'

"Haha, so true."

"That's not the only reason." The quiet boy was now standing beside Nana still with a very serious look on his face. "You see, Kaname Takahashi wasn't only known for his looks. He was also known for his guitar playing and reckless behavior. Or should I say, his delinquent behavior. Kaname Takahashi was someone who caused fights, broke property, including school property, and had any girl he wanted. Girls wouldn't really understand why a guy like that wouldn't really be liked by us guys."

"Way to kill the mood Renji!"

"Yeah! It's not nice to spread rumors like that! You don't even know him!"

"And did you say, 'guitar playing'? He plays?"

Nana suddenly saw another opportunity and decided to quickly act on it. She puts on the biggest smile and says, "Oh, did you guys know? I wasn't the only one in this room that grew up with Mr. Takahashi."


"Who else?!"

Nana places her hand on Renji's shoulder and says, "Renji Shizuhara. They were THE BEST of friends, back then. You wouldn't ever see one without the other. Isn't that right, Renji?!"

"No. Way."

"Then why were you saying all those bad things about him, just now? Did something bad happen?"

"Yeah, Renji?" Nanas gives Renji a teasing grin as she looks at him. "Did something bad happen?"

Renji looks around as the girls stare at him, earnestly waiting for his answer. "Nothing happened. We were just being kids. It's been 3 years, so I'm sure he's probably changed in some ways. Don't you think, Madam President?" With his face still unchanging, he walks back to the group of boys.

"Wow, has Renji always been like that?"

"Someone didn't have a very good break, huh?"

"So do you think Kaname was really like that? And if he was, he still is?"

"I hope not. I'm not really into the bad boy type."

"Me either. What about you, Madam Pres.? Do you think he's still the same?"

"Well, I can do without the fights and breaking of property. But as far as having any women he wants. That part doesn't sound so bad to me." After Nana had her bit of fun, she spots Yue sitting on her own, at her desk, staring out the window. While staring at Yue she thinks to herself, 'As long as SHE'S not one of them.' After that declaration, the classroom door opens and the homeroom teacher walks in. "Everyone rise!" The class did as she said and greeted the teacher upon arrival.

"Good morning, everyone! Let's take our seats and get down to business, shall we! I know that I'm a little late, but I found out that the new student had to make a quick detour before coming to class."

After hearing this, the students went ballistic and started secretly texting one another in a group chat. With everyone texting, Yue's phone starts going off nonstop in her pocket, bringing her back to reality. Glancing at the desk in front of her, she notices that it was empty. 'Where's Kikyo?' Yue's phone goes off again, so she quickly takes it out of her pocket thinking it was probably from Kikyo. Seeing it was just the class group chat, Yue was about to dismiss it. Until she saw Kikyo's name: "Do you guys think Kikyo is with him?" 'Who's him?' Yue signs into her phone to enter the group chat and see what was going on.

"Ms. Tachibana!"

Remembering where she was, Yue slowly lifts her head to find the class and the homeroom teacher staring at her. Nana, in particular, was happy she was about to get lectured. Yue rises from her chair in response to her name being called. "Yes, sir."

"I know I'm only a homeroom teacher, and with your academic grades, I'm sure this information is all unnecessary for you. But let's not get reckless just because we're almost done, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Forgive me." Yue slightly bows with her apology. "I was only worried about our class Vice President and was about to text her to find out where she is."

"Oh….well…I guess it's alright, then." As Yue sits down, the teacher takes a quick look around the room and could read that everyone wanted to ask the same question. "If you all must know. Your Vice President is…" The class door slides open and in walked Kikyo.

"Kikyo!" Nana was the first to exclaim.

"There you are, Madam Vice!"

"Vice President! Where have you been?!"

Everyone, except for Yue, rose from their seats to confront Kikyo on why she was late. "I'm sorry to worry everyone. I had a minor issue, with my brother, and I had to tend to it." Kikyo looks at Yue and smiles right away, as if the comment was meant just for her.

"Talking about your brother, Kikyo! Where is he?" Nana says, with obvious intent.

"Oh… well… he's…"

"Waiting for you all to take your seats and be silent, so he can greet all of you." Everyone's eyes widened before they ran to their seats without saying another word, like the teacher asked. Kikyo walked to her desk, slightly grinning at Yue all up until she took her seat. "Alright, class! Hopefully, after this, you can all finally get yourselves together. Come on in, Mr. Takahashi!"

Kaname's POV:

At that moment, it seemed like the whole class, including the guys, went into absolute shock, as I walked in the room. It kinda felt like walking out on stage. The silence of the audience meant a number of things: The ones that don't know you are analyzing if they're going to like you, through your appearance. The ones that know you, smile or wave at you to let you know that they're there to support you. And you'll also have the ones that used to know you. They're the ones that think they know the current you and already have set expectations.

"Class! This, as everyone can suspect, is your class's new transfer student! Go ahead and introduce yourself!"

I slightly bow to the class and say, "Good morning, everyone. I'm actually not really that new, I just haven't been in the area for a while. But for those that don't know me, my name is Kaname Takahashi. I apologize for keeping your beloved Vice President from class. I'll try not to do that in the future."

There was still a huge silence that possessed the room. I looked around the room and from the looks on all the girls' faces, it looks like I've already won them over. At least, until I came across HER face. And that's when I remembered. How could I forget? In rare cases, there's gonna be the individuals that don't really like you, in the audience. To some, they're the most important people in the crowd. And even though her face wasn't exactly giving away that she didn't like me. Her gazing out the window, for sure communicated that she was uninterested. And the uninterested girl was none other than Sleeping Beauty. I couldn't help, but smile. 'Wait! We're in the same class!?'

What's Nana's beef with Yue? Do I sense some jealousy?

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