
The Soul's Wanderlust

Helena and her family endures life in the dead lands of Aelmere, a land of drought and famine. Known as soul travelers, they possess the power of soul wanderlust with the use of their crests. As she grew, Helena developed elemental powers of the wind, water and earth - making her a Celestial Soul Traveler that holds the power of life passed on in their kind every generation. However, ever since Helena's powers were born, she was forbidden to use them as much as her parents restrict themselves from soul traveling. Secretly, with the help of her father, she feeds her curiosity and soul travels whenever possible. One day, Helena's carelessness cost her, her crest, losing her precious artifact while she was in a soul wanderlust. As she look for it, Helena got trapped in a world different from hers, a place of deviled creatures, magic, and men. Sadly, when she found her crest, its magic have already worn out. To go back to her family, she found an utterly outrageous plan. Only, she had to pretend not to be just any man, but a warrior who kills, something that is against her magic of life. As she hide under the armor of a knight, Helena uncovers the truths of her identity, falling in love and choosing worlds to live in.

rocksunxv · 歴史
147 Chs

46 Loyalty to Royalty


"Wait in this room, I'll inform the King", Alesso said as he pull the doors of the palace receiving hall. He smiled at me pleasantly before his face disappeared as the doors close.

Alesso is among the beautiful things that are too good to be true in this place. He may be often congenial compared to Stellan who have always given me a cold shoulder, but I find Alesso mischieveously insinuating. I knew he brought me in that tower to see if I could really read the books.

I walked towards the window as I hear the sky rumble. Large heavy clouds slowly covered the starry night sky. At every thunder, my senses fold deep in my bones until I can no longer sense any presence at all. The rains gave me peace knowing that every drop that ennervate my powers, so does the mystic healers and other soul travelers with deadly plans towards the people of Nether.

"The people are safe tonight", I said as I cross my arms on my chest. Then I saw my mere reflection again on the cold glass. Touching my face with my finger, I'm slowly owning the body of Agalea.

"The King won't be able to meet you tonight. He's stuffed with so many laborius Kinship tasks and stressful pieces of work. He'll gladly meet you tomorrow instead", I recognized that autocratic breathless voice as I hear it. When I turned around, I found the man who instantly sent butterflies in my stomach. He's wearing a black full sleeved aketon with buttons that seemed like rubies, and his coat hanging tangly on his arm. I could see droplets of sweat on his forehead, and with the rise and fall of his chest… did he ran all the way here?

"What's this?", Stellan said as he creased his manly thick brows. I looked at myself and realized he's referring to Galen's gambeson on me.

"It's Prince Galen's", I said as I fix the large gambeson that I'm wearing. "I got a hole on my back from the attack. Prince Galen said that I might scare the King and Queen if I show too much skin", I said.

Stellan walked closer as he shook his thick black fur coat. Then, he removed Prince Galen's gambeson on me and placed his thick black fur coat that smell of smoky oud with hints of floral scent over my shoulders. "Paladins shouldn't owe the Royals anything. Leave this here", he said as he tossed Prince Galen's gambeson on the divan.

"You'll be coming with me to Hesam", he said as he seemingly glare at me. "It's not a personal choice. Don't think I preferred it this way. I'm doing this out of a palatial duty", he made sure that I understood that he's not willing to be with me.

"Hesam? No Sir Evandrus, I'm going back to Brandenburg", I refused for I wouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't even like me. I used his second name as what the royals particularly call him. Sounds different, and commanding respect.

"Haelan, if you've pulled out a sword from the chest, it is rightful that you go to Hesam. Just like everybody else", he sharply connoted.

"But I didn't pulled out a sword", I suddenly blurted out as the the truth slip out of my tongue.

"What?", he shockingly asked as his dark brown eyes widened. "You.. got a bow?", he sounded irritated.

"No…", I turned away to avoid his pinning and mesmerizing gaze. I didn't said that, I repetitively regretted.

"Then what?", Stellan caught my arm as he focused his eyes on mine. "What did you get?", he asked again.

Stellan had softness in his grip despite grabbing me by the arm. His compelling eyes stares intensely. "A.. staff. I.. got a staff", I honestly answered. It's not like I didn't get anything though. However, reading his expression seemed like he's not surprised at all.

"And Harlan asked you to keep it a secret?", he asked as he let me go.

I didn't replied anything. He just stared at me as if studying every feature on my face. "Is there's something on my face?", I asked after a long while.

"Did you do something with your face?", he asked. "And you got a little bit taller", he said as he measure my height.

"It's a little bit dark in here, Sir Evandrus", I answered. "Dark play tricks on you", I said as if he's paying attention with Agalea's looks. Have this Paladin noticed my face slowly transitioning on this body?

The fire from the hearth gradually subsided, despite there are still enough firewood inside the pit. The dark grew as the light diminish. Stellan walked closer to me, inching his face on mine. It's not like we haven't been this close before, but, getting closer with a man in this proximity is still uncomfortable for me.

I placed my palm on his tight chest as I push him back. "What is it?", I asked. Is this Paladin powerful to sense who and what I am?

I can feel his breath tremble. Staring at his lips, there's nothing more that I could remember but the kiss he stole from me. Then I closed my eyes and waited for his next move.

"You never called me Evandrus", he said.

I opened my eyes and he already turned away. I cleared my throat from being embarassingly hopeful. Why would I think this man will be intimate with the same gender? "Prince Galen calls you Evandrus", I answered.

"It's Stellan for you.. or Raccoon", he said as he look back at me. What can I say, he does look like he never get a good sleep.

"So you've heard", I awkwardly grinned at the Paladin who seemed to have heard the times I have called him a Raccoon. The fire seemed to have heated up again as I caught a glimpse of his fair face before he turned away. Did he smiled at me?

"We'll go to Brandenburg then. All of the warriors and lords have gone out. You can ride with me", he said. "About the staff, I guess it's best that no one should know about it for now", he added as he led the way. I followed the Paladin Knight on our way out of the room. Then, I remembered my things in the prince's gambeson. Before leaving, I swiftly took my crest, my hilt and the piece of paper I tore off in it's pockets, then hurriedly come after the snobby Paladin.

Walking through the corridors, I walked with Stellan who seemed to walk slowly and calmly than the usual big strides he always does. Before we reach the palace doors, someone called my name as loud as the thunder rolling in the clouds. "Helen.. Haelan, what are you doing here? You should be resting in the infirmary", I turned around and saw Prince Galen.

"Prince Galen?", I whispered as he sprinted his way to me.

"I requested for you to stay here in the palace.", Prince Galen said with his brimming eyes as he swept his wet hair to the side. It seemed like he have taken a shower and changed to a nice pair of silk longsleeves chemise and charcoal trousers. "Evandrus, thanks for bringing Haelan to me", he said without even looking at Stellan who's right beside me.

The rain poured heavily as the thunder strike noticeably. "This warrior is going with me to Brandenburg. He'll continue to receive treatments and training there as he should", Stellan said.

"He?", Galen shifted his gaze at me. I thought he figured out that not even the Paladins know who I am and what I am. "Of course, but as the Prince of the Palace I have requested Brandenburg and the King to personally be of assistance by the Paladin who saved my life. That's Haelan, to be clear. ", Galen said as he noticebly gritted his teeth.

"As the Paladin Knight who trains the Paladin of interest, Haelan to be very particular, I respectfully, unquestionably and enduringly reject your royal request for this Paladin is not yet ready to be involved in any assistance or mere protection of the prince's precious life", Stellan didn't budged from the Prince's demand.

The two men towered against each other with heightened tension and bombasting pride. It felt like that the apparent competition will not end, so I stood in the middle of the two men whose glares won't bend. "Pardon me your Highness. But, Sir Evandrus is right. I am not yet qualified to be your personal protector. I may be a Paladin as what you have perceived, however, I still have a lot to learn", I said as I block Stellan.

It took a while for Galen to submit himself. He looked at me with those endearing eyes as he exhaled sharply. "Very well. There's no direct affirmation from the King yet Haelan, so for now, off you go.", he said. "But as soon as I get the King's approval, I shall bring you home in the palace, where you and I are destined to be together", he said as he glared at Stellan once again.

"Heh. Loyalty to the Royalty", I smiled awkwardly. Galen always forget that I'm a man here. How bold is he to let someone perceive that a prince like him would be this charming and endearing to a man that I am?

"We'll be fhe first to leave, Prince Galen", Stellan pulled me to the palace exit as we leave Prince Galen behind.