
The song of Death

"I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things." ~ Tom Waits ~

BlackJ · 若者
2 Chs

Part I.

I'm alone. All alone. After all, I wanted to do this. Away from all souls, but closer to all monsters.

While hell is full of bad souls, the surface is insatiable to monsters worse than worse. One careless moment is enough, and these people-named monsters will bring you under you.

One step forward, two steps back. Life is relentless, there doesn't care how or just let all bad things happen to you. It believed everything with you and left you alone blindly. We often feel that there is no more.

Every monster imposes death on you. What could be a bigger hell to put a closed place full of monsters? Nothing. What's heaven? A place where no one is. To be immortal? I don't no. I'm just edges day to day. I don't know a lot of things and there's a lot I don't want to know.

- When are you going to put that crappy book down? - I was addressed by my brother standing at the door of my room. He's probably been there for a while, because he's been asking this out of the eagerly. I carefully put down a book that was invaluable to me.

I took a deep breath and put on my fake smile. I didn't want them to know how weak I was. There's only one thing I've been good at in my life, disguise my feelings, say it's all right and play the perfect girl. It hurt, but not nearly as much as the fact that no one notices my misery.

At the family lunch, it all came up. Future, work, school and friends. My future was written in advance by my parents. I'm marrying the heir to a big company and I live the model wife life. They took away my right to choose my own future. If they knew what I wanted, they'd take away my rights even more.

- And how are my little angel? - The head of the family smiled at me. I saw it in his eyes, he expects me to put on my mask and continue to play my part. He didn't really care how I felt. All he cared about was how perfect everything was, more specifically, how much money his going to have.

- Everything's perfect - This is the only answer to this question. If I'd told the truth, he'd have asked me again. He could have beaten me for it, just like last time. He's not going to hurt you today. Let's have dinner with my fiancé's family today. I have to look immaculate no matter how things turn out.

Today is the first time I've seen the person I'm meant to be with. Lately, I've become a habit of getting too excited about things surprisingly, I wasn't moved by it. I felt empty. I was lifeless, like a piece of meat that's about to be someone's buying. Someone's buying me, my life and my rights.

- We're here - My mother's voice was happier than usual. Everyone was happy I was the only one who mourned my fate. Getting out of the vehicle and I saw a familiar figure. My parents waved to him and introduced me to each other.

- She's everything to us, take care of her - My father turned the word seriously. My family and two other people booked a seat at the table. - Your parents couldn't to come? - Broke the silence again.

It was boring, but it finally came to an end. Loud shouting and yelling they interrupted the evening. People ran in panic. No one knew what happened. Refugees only. I don't know why myself, but I went in the opposite direction. I was attracted to the thing that other people were running from. I saw a dark hole with a man standing in front of it. His height was 2 meters, his face was not seen. He was wearing a black dress and held hands a familiar book. I took a closer look at the book. A lively melody hit my ear. It was getting dark. I couldn't move.