
The son of Vasuki – the kingdom of demons

our MC is transferred to another World, the world of demons.

Somesh_Chandan · ファンタジー
3 Chs

old king

The next morning I woke up, try to understand what had happened, 2 soldiers came back, chained them, and took them out. There were already prisoners outside. We were being taken somewhere in a horse carriage, the cart was being pulled by horses with eight legs. Along with it, there were about 20 soldiers who were walking along with our car. I asked a prisoner sitting next to me softly, where is this place?

This is Brihandpuri.

In which state does Brihandpuri fall?

Where are you coming from brother? He asked. You don't know about our country? From which country are you? He asked.

I remained silent, what would I say, I had come in another time or another world, no one could understand my problem, so I thought it was right to remain calm.

We "Pani" are in the capital of the country. Saying this he rolled his face.

I also thought it right to remain calm. We had come a long way from the prison, on top of the mountains, in the forests, now the prisoners were brought down.

About fifteen soldiers were already stationed there, some of them had whips. One of them came forward and said, 30 trees have to be cut down and kept in the vehicles before evening.

I wanted to know more about this place. But the problem was that no one wanted to talk to me, as soon as I went ahead to talk to people, they would fall behind. Now I have to find someone who can give me complete information about it. After about three hours, the soldier started ringing the bell.

All the prisoners who were there started standing in a queue...….. The soldiers were checking everyone one by one, no one had hidden any weapon….. Then he was being made to sit in the front row. I also joined the queue. An old man was standing in front of me, who must have been around 60 years old. I had gone ahead to talk to him that a soldier came from somewhere and dropped the old man with one kick. …..what to do?...what to do? I was thinking that the soldier took out the whip, I did not think that I went straight and stood between the old man and the soldier. The soldier was about to attack me when another soldier called him...….

This time he was saved, ...….. The soldier left after speaking to the old man.

He picked up the old man with the help of his hand and made him stand in the line. Couldn't even leave the line, could be seen by other soldiers and cause trouble. .... A soldier started checking me and the old man.

After checking in, we were made to sit in the queue for food. The old man and I were sides by side, I was thinking of talking, even before that, the old man had started.

Thank you …..! To protect me...

Looking at him, I just smiled a little...… He again asked... where are you from...…?

I didn't have an answer... I thought it best to remain calm because the soldiers were still nearby, and I didn't want anyone to tell me about it.

He again asked another question, what is your name, son….?

somesh... In a heavy voice, I told my fake name.

Well, how did you get here? Then he posed a question.

I was calm again, but glad I found someone from whom I could now take the information. But the time and place were not right now.

In this, we had started eating. Khichdi was....., the only khichdi but today khichdi also looks like no less than fifty-six enjoyment.

As soon as a morsel went inside, I remembered the house as well as the water in my eyes…..

Hey mother, why do you become gourd, you know that I do not eat…? I will not eat food….! I will go eat something from outside. You eat yourself Never thought this would happen to me…. Today I also got a craving to eat that gourd vegetable.

After the meal was over, he was put back to work. Now I somehow wanted to talk to the old man without coming in the sight of the soldiers. But he was nowhere to be seen working.

I turned my eyes around, I saw the old man going towards the soldiers' tent. No soldier was paying attention to me, I took advantage of the opportunity and, keeping the ax down, hid behind the old man. He was now inside the tent, with another person inside with him. I started listening to them secretly.

If you allow me now, I will leave you safely to a friendly nation…!

No son, now the right time has also come...

But Maharaj, your condition is not seen now. This is also the suggestion of the General Secretary.

No, the time has not come yet, Watts.

It was an old man and a soldier. It is understood from the things that he is not a minor old man, is a king, or of a high family? Suddenly there was some noise on the other side, I reached back to the workplace and picked up the ax, and started cutting trees.