
Chapter 6

It's been 4 years since Raiden started the academy and he still decied to downplay his skill sets so he stayed in secon place, and after much convicing he got Oormi to hide her skills even though her and Tenten had developed something of rivalry between them. Two years ago Raiden mastery of water and earth nature got to the point where he could start learning wood style jutsu, and he was soaking it up like a sponge. His uncle Hashirama left him one of the scrolls he he found back when he learned of his heritage. It was in the scroll with the tree on it and it mostly showed wood style jutsu to start off with, and that's not all his fuinjutsu mastery has reached level 6 going on level 7; now he can seal a person in place with the right technique and he was working on how to seal a person chakra. His mastery of the Dragon style has just reach intermediate level where his past the begening stage but not quite yet at expert level even with his gravity seals off that reached 6x normal . His keep the same jutsu's that the Hokage gave him so he could use them to there full capabilites. He never got why people would jump from one jutsu from another if it was weak compared to someone who fully masterd the same jutsu being able to output twice the damage with less chakra. His apperance has changed as well. He grew his hair out so it reached a few inches before the middle of his back it also shows more silver than it did years ago but is still over 60 percent red. Raiden and Lee would spar from time to time, telling Lee that he belived that he could be a great ninja with just tiajutsu and he even was on friendly terms with Neji Hyuga even going as far as promising that he'll find away to unseal the Bird Cage Seal if he could forgive the main household of the clan as he told Neji that maybe all maybe not as it seems. A year back he meet this Jounin named Kakashi Hatake reading a book just walking around the village. After Raiden asked about the book he was reading and Kakashi showed him and was surprised he wasn't calling him a pervert, and actually showed some intrest in the book they started talking and he found out that he had lightning style nature Kakashi decied to teach him two new jutsu, but seeing as one wasn't from him he made his own variation of it and showed Kakashi. To say he was surprised that someone changed his [Lightning Style: Lightning Hound] into Raiden's [Lightning Style: Lightning Eagles] to where he makes a eagle that flys at the target. After that they became friends and Kakashi didn't mind it since speaking with Raiden was like talking to another adult most time, but his kid was still show itself at moments. He also found his mother's katana and started to pratice with it making it his own.

Overall Length: 40.75 Inches

Blade Length: 26 Inches

Blade Material: Chakra Metal

Blade Thickness: 4mm

Blade Finish: Silver with a Red Serpent Dragon

Tang: 5 Inches Long, Half Tang

Handle Length: 10.25 Inches/ Red and Black

Saya: Wooden, Black Finish with a Dark Red Dragon

Oormi has changed as well her hair stayed to the same length, she stands the same height as Raiden at 5'3; her mastery of the naginata has reached basic level as they found a style that suited her in the library the Moon Dance style. It allows her to use her flexiblity and acrobatics to the fullest extent while still keeping her distance. Her fire and earth nature is good enough that she can started her lava style just a few months after Raiden started his wood sytle traning; as she has two jutsu she can use.

Yakumo has had the most noticable changes since she looks like a healthly young woman rather than the pale girl she use to be. After her talk with Raiden she asked her clan to find someone who can make a diet and exercise plan for her. They got in touch with Might Guy the villages best tijutsu master. After meeting up with him abd showing him what her physical capablilites were he made her a plan that she stuck to and the results showed after the first month. With her uncle teaching her the clans genjutsu she was on hre way to becoming a real kunoichi, and she made fast friends with Oormi and Tenten. She came into her own as the best genjutsu user in the class, and could control a bit of her second persona.

On the day of the Genin Exams in a two bedroom apartment laid Raiden wide awake think about how is life is going to change after today. Last year the Hokage got him and Oormi an apartment saying that they couldn't stay at the Sarutobi Clan compound anymore, and Raiden wanted a placec that there friends could visit. He wanted to keep his trainning grounds a secret from as many people as possible. After awhile of just sitting there Oormi came barging in without knocking wearing light blue lace underwear. After years of living together they came to realize there feelings to one another. They never went beyond teasing each other as they felt there were to young, but teasing was on the table. Sometimes they would sleep together when ever she would have a nightmare about what she went though in the Land of Water, so Raiden was always comfort her in those times.

"Hey it's time to get up!!" Oormi said with a hand on her hip and cocked to the side.

"Yeah yeah I know. Look just go ahead without me I'll get breakfeast on they way. Maybe stop at a Dango shop. Now no that I don't love seeing you dressed like that, but I need to take a bath." Raiden said sitting up, while making his way to the bathroom. As he passed her he slaped her ass making her jump in surprise while licking her lips seductively.

After Oormi left, Raiden could be seen walking towards a dango shop wearing a sleeveless, red trimmed, black waistcoat, left open and untucked having the Uzumaki crest where his heart is, a mesh armour shirt, a red trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a leather black belt with scroll holders on the back and right side, black ankle-length pants with red ribbon ties, and black sandals. Going into the shop many women where looking at and blushing, but Raiden just smiled at them and waved. After sitting down and ordering 3 sticks on dango and gree tea; a fair-skinned woman of slender build, with long black untamed hair reaching her upper back, and very unique eyes that are red in colour, with an additional ring in them, red lipstick; wearing the standard Konoha shinobi outfit with a flak jacket, but a simple sleeveless red outfit underneath it and red Anbu shinobi pants with a kunai holder taped to her right leg came up to him.

"Hi. Do you mind if I sit with you?" said the woman.

"No. Go right ahead." As she sat down Raiden stuck out his hand introducing himself to a woman he though was a excotic beauty. "Hi. My names Raiden Uzumaki. I would ask for yours, but judging by your beautiful ruby eye's and midnight hair. I'm going to say your name is Kurenai Yuhi. The Genjutsu Mistress of the Leaf." Raiden said with a small smile on his face.

"You would be right, and it's good to meet you Raiden-chan." Kurenai said. Studing Raiden with a small amount of intrest.

"Ok I'm going to stop you right there. It's true you are my surperior as I'm not even a genin yet since exams are today, but since I hate horrifics and aren't going to use them. I ask you don't use them with me." Raiden said as his dangos and green tea came. Kurenia was surprised that a kid, not even a genin yet would speak to her. A Chuunin. That way.

"Umm Im sorry if I upset you, but not using them would a sign of disrespect. Don't you agree?" Kurenia said as her food came also.

"Some people could see it that way. I see it as the less I use them, the closer I feel to them, then sooner we become friends. Wouldn't you agree." eating his food while smriking seeing a small blush on her face. Before she could say anything a woman's voice called out to her surprising Raiden while Kurenia looked happy.

"KURENIA!!!" ??

A fairly tall woman who was of slender frame. She has light brown, pupil-less eyes, violet hair styled in a short, spiky, fanned-ponytail. She wearing a fitted mesh body suit that covers her from her neck down to her thighs that shows off her impressive D-cup and plump ass . Over this, she's wearing a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. She came over and sat next to Kurenia, giving her a hug, and as she tried to reach for one of Raidens dango's a stick stuck right in between her fingers stopping her.

" No no no. Now that's not nice at all gorgeous. First you interrupt my talk with a precious gem like Ruby here, second you don't introduce yourself, and lastly you try a take my breakfeast without asking." Raiden said wagging his index finger side to side with a smrik on his face. Kurenia had a smile on her fave while the other woman looked at him with great interest that made Raiden have a shiver go down his spine. "So let's start with introductions. My name is Raiden Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you Miss-." Raiden said looking into the womans brown eye's. She stood up going into a hearo's pose with her hands on her hips, pushing out her chest, much to the delight of every man in the shop as they all had a bit of blood running down there noises 'this village is full of perverts' Raiden thought.

"I'm the sexy and single Anko Mitarashi and I have a feeling your blood would be delcious!" Anko said, while Kurenia let out a exacerbated sigh and Raiden felt that clod chill again. 'This woman is insane, but according to Kakashi there the best in bed. I need to ask him how he knows that.'

"Well it's nice to meet you Anko, and about my blood... Nevermind." Raiden said looking a bit pale.

"Now. I would like a dango and know what it is you two were talking about." Anko asked, sitting back down next to Kurenai. After Raiden gave Anko a stick of dango they talked for awhile making both Akno and Kurenai see him in a mature light; to the point of they didn't mind him calling them there names without horrfics, not that Anko minded to begin with. As they talked Anko couldn't help but notice how her friend would have a small blush on her face when Raiden would laugh of he would openly flirt with her. Anko started to think 'hmm it seems the kid has some good taste, but don't think I don't want to play with myself Kurenai hehehe.' Raiden felt another cold chill thinking it was nothing

"Now it's been nice talking to you ladies, but it's time for me to get too the academy, but before I leave I would like to make a deal with you Kurenai. As you've probaly guessed I have a bit of a crush on you, but I know you won't date a genin so how about after I make chuunin or jounin you let me take you on a date." Raiden said with a smile while looking at Kurenai, and Anko looking on in amusment wondering what her best friend is going to do.

"Im flattered but, it's going to take a long time for you to make chuunin. Not to meation jounin level which not even I am." Kurenai said, but in head was a diffrent story 'I actually thought about for a second. I mean yes his handsome, and in the future his going to be even more so but I can't wait years for him.' Raiden thought about it how long it would actually take him to reach chuuin level 'The chuunin exams are held every 6 months so that could work. I can even get her to at least have breakfeast with me when were not out on missions.' Raiden looked at her "Alright then how about this. Since the exams to make chuunin are held every 6 months how about you give me 6 months to a year. If I make chuunin the we have our date, afterall once im a genin im technalily a adult." Anko was laughing her ass off saying how much she liked me, and was teasing Kurenai while she was shocked, but after awhile she finally gave her answer.

"Alright. If you can make chuunin in a year, then I'd gladly go a date with you." Kurenai said with a small smile 'No one has ever tried this hard just to take me on a date, and im tired waiting on Asuma to man up. His loss.'

"Now it's time I go. I'll see you two later some other time. Later Anko. See you sometime later Gem." Raiden said after paying for everyones food and leaving. Akno turned to hr friend "Who's Ruby?" Kurenai smiled answering her "I guess that's my nickname. He said my eye's are like the ruby gemstone."

The Academy

At the academy in a class room everyone was silent as Eiji and a few other instructors was standing infront of his students as they were waiting from him talk. The excitement was palpable in the air, as today was the Genin Graduation Exam, but to a select few the test was nothing but bullshit. Eiji walked forward "Now today is the GGE (Genin Graduation Exam) today we'll be testing you on the knowledge and skills you have leared at your time here. There will be three parts to the exam; the written exam, physical exam consisting of three parts, and the last will be on the three basic jutsus. Now do you all understand?" Eiji asked

"Yes sensei!" everyone said.

"Good. Then lets begin the exam." Eiji said.

The the first two parts of the exam was a brezz, and now Raiden was standing infront of Eiji and the academy. Raiden had a bored look on his face as everyone was watching him.

"Alright Raiden lets start with the Transformation jutsu." Eiji said

Raiden transfromed into the Hokage while the Eiji checked over the transformation for any flaw. The next one was the Shadow clone jutsu and Raiden made water clones. After the testing was finished everyone that passed was back in the clasroom talking excitedly. Raiden had a black cloth headband on his forehead, Oormi has a blue one , and Yakumo has on a blue one as well.

"Alright everyone. I want to congraduate you all on the first step of becoming great shinobi and as your sensei I couldn't be more proud of you guys." Eiji said.