
the son of the moon

A young child who suffered from his strange appearance, where he was exposed to all kinds of bullying and faced all the difficulties and obstacles, but there came a day when he understood his true origin, yet the traumas continued to follow him, I am talking to you about the son of the moon.

Omar_Tika · ファンタジー
2 Chs

chapter 1: child who faced hardship :

The Hoffman family was distinguished by its wealth and kindness with its neighbors since

ancient times, but in its fourth generation, it was precisely their son Jack who was said

Hoffman IV married a woman from a famous family named Isabella Chander, and a year

after their marriage, and in 1960 they had

A little boy saw innocence and gentleness in his eyes, but he was not like all children. He

was pale white as if he rose from death with his eyes

They are gray and his hair is white. When you see him you say that the moon is standing in

front of you, and his parents called him Liam.

The latter, Liam, lived happily ever after with his parents, despite being bullied and despised

by his friends, and they called him the son of the moon.

One day, Liam entered his house after being constantly bullied, while he was in a sad state,

with his eyes sitting with tears and seeing in his face.

Depressed, he sat with his parents to eat dinner, and he started to cry and did not stop until

his mother, Isabella, came and sat next to him and hugged him in tears.

You say: I will never leave you and your father, no matter how sad or painful you are,

remember that we are here with you.

And he sat near the window, looking at the moon, and said: Why am I like this? Am I really

your son? If you are, then take me to you, for I am tired of

This unpleasant life that always makes me grieve and suffer like this, why am I not a human

being whose eyes tear Am I a disgusting animal I must be stoned

Crying so hard.

Days and years passed, morning and night, they bully this affectionate child until he became

willing to commit suicide. On the thirtieth day of the month three

This subdued child completed 12 years old, and Isabella and Jack prepared a small party to

celebrate his birthday. All the family, friends and all

Neighbors and loved ones in a beautiful, even small house, on Portblue Road, put delicious

sweets on the house's table, and everyone started singing.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday liam, my birthday to youuuu .

the candles, eat candy.

The delicious drinks and delicious drinks and everyone started giving gifts to our little ones.

That night passed quickly and Liam sat down to open those beautiful gifts.

The gifts remain, the last one is a gift from his friend Ronan, one of the bullies against Liam

who used to put a letter paper with the gift that read: Hello

O white now you become a little black, birthday is like hell, son of the moon, this harsh talk

that cuts the heart to pieces is the sadest of the little boy

How much remains for the end of your pain, my little one, how oppressed you are,


And every day and month, although Liam seemed mature, he kept practicing his habit and

sat in front of the window looking at the moon and repeating the words: I hope

She takes me to you crying, but !!!

On a full moon night, Liam used to sit in front of the window and was crying. He saw

something like a light coming down from the side of the moon, which made him ask the


What is this in the sky ??? He seemed overwhelmed with longing to see what mysterious

thing that poses in the mind many theories, and in allAgain the light was approaching the ground little by little, when the clock struck 12 at night,

Liam fell asleep at the side of the window due to his exhaustion from

Watching After that, Liam got up and shivered and found a person in front of the window as

he was flying as if the air is his land.

He said: M .... Who are you? The man who looked like an old man who seemed to be around

75 and was white in complex laughed his eyes

Blue, has a small nose, and has a long beard in the form of fingernails, on his face with

features, and his clothes are white, and he wears a long stick that appears to be

From the oak tree and in the head of the stick there are inscriptions that look like ancient

Egyptian letters while laughing with great laughter, Liam repeated his question: Who are


Do I know you ?? But the old man does not answer him unless he finishes laughing and

says to him: Do you really want to know who I am ??

Liam replied, "Of course I want that."

But the old man refuses to say to the young, which made him bewildered, wondering with himself whether he is an imaginary person whom only he can see. After a while Isabella went up and the voice of her heel, which she had bought from the latest fashion, created a beautiful rhythm of music in the stairs, the old woman heard the crack of her feet, hid behind the walls and Liam went quickly to his bed and appeared asleep. Isabella opened the door of the room and sat on the side of the little boy with a smile when she looked at her with a feeling of tenderness. Then she said: "Liam my little boy, all the sadness that I see with your eyes hurts me in my heart, why all this, my dear? For a while Liam got up to the side of the window and was surprised that he was crying.

The little boy asked him, "What happened to you? Is everything okay?"

The old man replied: "Nothing. Just your mother's words made me sad." Then the old woman embraced Liam and said, "I'm Leonid Weber, and you must be from the ancient Hoffman family."

The hard-core child replied, "Yes, I am Liam Hoffman, but hey how do you know my family?"

Leonid replied: "Go ahead, tell you, don't be in a hurry. I'll explain everything to you in detail, but not so fast. Whoever is faster will definitely face death."

The old man entered Liam's room and sat next to him in the bed, and in the little boy's face showed signs of excitement in order to hear what he had to say to Winid.

Leonid breathed to start the story and then began: "The first thing you must know is that I live with a lot of people on the moon (surprised Liam), but until now no one knows how to live or how to breathe even in the moon and this matter you consider impossible on this planet Earth."

Liam replied, with great amazement, "But didn't you ask anyone how do you live there?"

Leonid said: "Of course, when I was young, I was curious like you, so I went to one of the most senior priests we have and asked him, and he told me that there is a legend told in time and place that says that there are three great magicians who ruled the moon and they are as I remember" Alina, Alexander and Elinor "and they were called the millennial magicians Their name, if you notice, all of them begin with the letter "A" and represent three great jewels in their era (Alina: the pink jewel, Alexander: the paper jewel, and finally Eleanor: the white jewel), but one day they wanted to form a people for them, but they did not find a solution how their people breathe in space One day Alexander brought them an idea, which is to share their power to be a shield surrounding the moon and use oxygen to breathe and they did this and be a beautiful people and to this day our home is the moon. "

Liam said, "So you have evidence of how you live, but what is your people like? Is it human?"

Leonid replied: "Yes, they are like me with their flesh, skin, and bone. We also have armies and homes that are slightly changed from you, and our people are called the people of the millennials, according to our millennial masters, but what changes us from you is something strange that the planet does not accept, namely, our use of magic and we use it for self-defense or for our home and to learn magic." There are three famous schools with us, the first of which is called the Romer School, the Zafar School, and the Revan School, but students are not accepted into them unless you are from a family that has been famous since its ancestors lived in magic.

Liam was astonished and said, "How cool is that, but wait? Did I not tell you what they're calling me here ??"

Leonid: "What do they say to you ??"

Liam said, "They call me the son of the moon because I closely resemble him white."

Leonid replied: "It's nice but it bothers you, doesn't it ??"

Liam: Yeah it bothers me sometimes and it upsets me as well.

In a strange moment, after Liam was illuminating the place with his smile, the features of his face changed to the features of wonder and amazement

And he said, "Stop, Leonid, you haven't explained to me yet how you know my family."

Leonid replied, "Yes, yeah, forgive me, for I forgot because I am in an old age (Lian and Leonid laughed too)."

After they finished laughing, Leonid began to narrate, saying: "Since ancient times, the ancient Hoffman family had their abode in the moon. Your family had a high rank with us. For example, your grandfather's father was a minister in the moon. When I met your grandfather, I thought we were 14 years old. We went through beautiful times and we became like brothers, but When we reached the stage of youth, he came to your grandfather and suggested that we go down to the earth and take it as a picnic no more. After I disagreed with his proposal, he finally convinced me and prepared us. And the clothes of people and citizens as well, but your grandfather met with a very beautiful girl whose name is what I remembered, so he loved her and loved him from their first sight. Days passed and I returned to the moon after I called your grandfather and left him on Earth with great sadness and he stayed with her and married her and their son Jack who is your father, and from Here, I know the Hoffmann family, and for your knowledge you are famous until now on the moon and there is a statue written on it The Hoffmann family, the family of generosity and kindness. "

Liam exclaimed, "How cool I wish I could get there."

Leonid laughed and said, "So what are we waiting for ?? Let's go there, hold my arm and close your eyes."

Liam held Leonid's arm with his smile that resembles a candle in the dark, how illuminating that smile, so Leonid began to repeat: "To there," and he mentioned some words that resemble spells, so they moved instantly from the earth to the moon.

Here they finally reached the expected destination, the beautiful and luminous planet of the moon, but !! This time demolished its beauty, who did this ?? No one knows except for the present to that moment ...