
The Son of the Major gods.

This is not the story of a Greek demigod. This is the story of a boy from the Norse Pantheon, the son of one of the major Gods of the Aesir tribe. An Aesir demigod that befriends a few of the Greek demigods and involves himself with the affairs of the Olympians, knowing that he's being hunted by his family. Enter the story of Jakob Thorsson, the Son of the major gods. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · アニメ·コミックス
64 Chs

Chapter 62 I don't understand.

"Lord Hades." Jakob said, bowing first and he gave the others a look to do the same and they did so.

"Well, well, so it is true." Hades mused as he leaned forward, staring at Jakob. "An Aesir demigod, in the flesh. When I heard of the Son of Thor, I was quite curious and interested to see what will come with your presence amongst us, and now you are here before me... and you have brought the Daughter of Poseidon with you, after what she did."

Andromeda frowned, not sure what hades meant, but she stepped forward. "Lord and uncle, I have two requests."

"Oh no." Jakob muttered with a shake of his head. This was not going to go well. Did he tell Andromeda to leave the talking to him?

Hades raised an eyebrow and sat forward in his throne, causing shadowy faces to appear in the folds of his black robes, faces howlingly silently in torment, as if the garment were stitched out of trapped souls from the Fields of Punishment, trying to get out. One had to wonder if that was the same for all of his clothes.

"Only two requests?" Hades scoffed. "Arrogant child. As if you have not already taken enough. Speak, then. It amuses me not to strike you dead yet."

Andromeda glanced at the empty, smaller throne next to Hades'. It was shaped like a black flower, gilded with gold. She wished Queen Persephone was here. The girl recalled something in the myths about how she could calm her husband's moods. But it was summer. Of course, Persephone would be above in the world of light with her mother, the goddess of agriculture, Demeter. Her visits, not the tilt of the planet, create the seasons.

Annabeth cleared her throat. Her finger prodded the Daughter of Poseidon in the back.

"Lord Hades," Andromeda said. "Look, sir, there can't be a war among the gods. It would be... bad."

"Really bad." commented Grover.

"Return Zeus's master bolt to me," Andromeda said. "Please, sir. Let me carry it to Olympus."

"Well, we're dead." Mimir said blankly as Jakob sighed and punched the bridge of his nose.

They were going to die at this rate.

"Andromeda!" Jakob cut in sternly, shooting her a look that told her to be quiet. "I said I will do the talking. Besides... he isn't the thief."

"What?" Andromeda, Annabeth and Grover asked in surprise but Jakob turned back to Hades.

"I suspected from the very beginning that you weren't the thief. From what I have seen, your realm hardly needs more subjects." Jakob pointed out.

"You are correct, Asgardian." Hades nodded, looking curious in the Aesir's deduction of him not being the thief. "But explain the rest of your reasoning."

"It's stereotypical to blame you, just because you're the God of the Underworld. Hela, the Goddess of Death, is often viewed the same way because of her job." Jakob said, Hades nodding along at his words. "But when the Furies attacked us, demanding to know where we hid something... I started to believe then that you have lost something, and did not steal Zeus' Master Bolt."

Hades chuckled. "Very astute and correct, Son of Thor. No, I sent the Furies to demand the return of my Helm of Darkness, which has been stolen from me."

His words made Andromeda, Annabeth and Grover's eyes widened while Jakob kept his expression calm and composed. Least he now knew what the Furies had thought they had on the bus.

"So that's two godly symbols of power stolen." Jakob stated. "And no doubt, you believe Zeus or Poseidon is behind it."

"Poseidon mostly." Hades scoffed lightly before locking a dangerous glare on Andromeda. "Why else would his daughter come into my domain with the Master Bolt itself?"

"W-What?" Andromeda's eyes widened before they narrowed and she glared at the God of the Underworld. "I don't have the Master Bolt!"

"Then open your pack, girl." Hades said in a chillingly calm voice.

Andromeda stiffened and slowly looked at the back she had... Ares' pack. It couldn't... There was no way...

Jakob walked over and unzipped the back, opening it to reveal a two-foot-long metal cylinder, spiked on both ends, humming with energy.

"Andie," Annabeth said. "How -"

"I - I don't know. I don't understand." The Daughter of Poseidon stammered, confused and shocked as to how the Master Bolt had been with them the entire time.

"Ares." Jakob growled, realizing who the true thief was. And somehow Jakob didn't sense the master Bolt at all, given his own connection to lightning. Perhaps it was something Ares had done, a quick failsafe or backup to ensure the Son of Thor didn't realize the trick. He turned to Hades. "Lord Hades. we've all been fooled."

"Have we?" Hades raised a brow. "From my point of view, I see a group of demigods and a Satyr bringing my idiot brother's symbol of power to me in an attempt to threaten me."

"Ares is the one who gave us this pack." Jakob said, causing Hades to blink. "I believe he is the thief... for the Bolt and your Helm. He is the God of War, after all."

"He's always been bloodthirsty for a great war but this is beyond his usual antics." Hades growled, clenching the armrests of his thrones. "When I see Ares again..."

"Leave that to us." Jakob said, getting the God of the Underworld's attention. "Lord Hades, I offer you a bargain. If you allow us to return to Midgard, along with Sally Jackson alive and well, I will find Ares and ensure your Helm's safe return to you. And if you ever need a favour from me, I will go through with it."

He ignored the looks he got from his friends. he was trying to do this without getting Hades angry at them, even though he was feeling just as angry himself at being used like some tool by Ares. He was nobody's tool. Especially the Olympians.

"And why would you go to such lengths, Jakob Thorsson?" Hades asked curiously, leaning forward. "Why would an Aesir help an Olympian? Especially me?"

"Out of all the Greek Gods, you and Hestia are the ones with my utmost respect." Jakob answered, surprising the God of the Underworld as he wasn't expecting that. Usually he's the one with the least respect, always made out as the bad guy, and Hestia is often forgot about at times.

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