
The Son Of Ragnar

One must see through the deceit of one's very own truth. Do you believe in the Old Gods? This story follows the life of a young African boy, who was ripped from the life he had known and thrown into an unforgiving one where a single mistake could cost him everything. Being branded a "thrall", he was to be sold but an unforeseen event swept him ashore in the heart of the Norsemen, the Vikings. What fate has the Gods chosen for this child? is it one of salvation or one of destruction? COVER IS OWNED BY ME!

Kelvin_A · 歴史
518 Chs

Tyr, A Prisoner Of War

The scouts sent out by Njal had traveled for a while but they had to split up to cover more ground.

They knew they were not supposed to engage should they see anything, they were meant to slip away and report back to the camp.

A man known as Gō was in charge of this expedition, he was a small man, barely 5 '2 making him perfect for the job because one would rarely spot him from afar.

He had gone a route that made him travel in an arc around the border.

This allowed him to cover more ground in a shorter time but he could not shake off a terrible feeling that something was wrong the further he traveled.

If they had deployed the decoy as Njal had suggested then it was a fool's errand because they had had days to cover grounds as opposed to them.

It was unsettling that they could have been the ones watched by the enemies.