
Chapter 6: An Enemy Arrives

Welp, the reviewers have spoken (you guuuuys! I can't take all the love you're giving me, it's too much! *blushes*)! Looks like I have no choice; Pika-chan is gonna be in all the movies! Not I just have to find 'em, watch 'em, and place them accordingly in the timeline. So after we wrap up the Arlong arc, look forward to Pika-chan adventuring through Clockwork Island!

Well, it's been four days and I wasn't lying about Chore Boy. His antics were certainly something to behold. It was so entertaining to both me and Sanji when he got under the skin of the other cooks by doing something stupid. I seriously think he lost his brain somewhere at sea. I also finally found out his real name; I overheard his crewmates call him Luffy. They were starting to get restless from waiting around.

I lay on the roof of the Baratie, the fog drifting around the entire area. It was pretty relaxing, to be honest. I watched Luffy carry some trash to be thrown away when he suddenly froze. I watched as he turned towards the sea, a blank look in his eyes. I followed his gaze and my ears twitched. I quickly got up on alert. Something bad was coming.

I ran through a window and ran to find Sanji, who was in the kitchen (as usual). "Hm?" he looked down at me. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Pika pikachu! Pika!" I gesture frantically trying to get the point across that danger was coming. Granted, I didn't have a clue what it was, but I wasn't waiting to speak up about it! I point outside a few times and run back out, with Sanji following. Thank Arceus that he cares enough to take what I'm saying seriously. Sanji walks to the edge of the dock and I jump on his shoulder. As expected, my instincts were right; a ship was coming, and the whole thing radiated danger like an alarm. "Pikachu…?" I question.

"It's Kreig's ship alright." Sanji says, sating my curiosity. My eyes widen as I remember the man we helped a few days ago. So this Kreig guy is a pirate? And judging by the aura this boat was giving off I think it was safe to say that we were in real trouble.

"Whoa! That ship is huge!" I frown as Luffy appears next to us. "Do you think Ghin came back to repay you?" Yep, I was right, this kid lost his brain at sea a long time ago.

We head back inside and get to the stairwell just as the doors burst open, revealing the man Sanji helped, and a huge man wearing a cape and armor. But...he looks exhausted. That large man was being supported by the smaller one, and he looked like he was on the verge of collapsing. This was the feared pirate Kreig that everyone talked about? This was the same guy who scared everyone so badly? It couldn't be…

"Please…" Kreig rasped out. "I need food and drink…" Wait, what? "We have money...we can pay...please, I'm begging you…"

My heart almost broke at how desperate he sounded. Especially a guy like this. Being a feared pirate, he probably had tons of pride, and now he was reduced to begging. My ears twitch as Sanji slowly walks up the stairs and I scurry after him. We go to the kitchen and Sanji immediately begins to cook some rice and shrimp. I smile as I leap up on the counter next to him. I can't help but admire Sanji's kindness at times like this. Yeah, he was a hot-headed pervert, but he was a good man.

Soon, Sanji has prepared a huge bowl of rice, shrimp and onions and takes a bottle of alcohol. I follow him out the door and we make our way back to the stairs. I jump down the stairs ahead of him to see that Kreig has fully collapsed. Had no one given this guy anything? He was literally on his hands and knees and no one pitied him? Well, then again the guy has apparently done some really awful things, but it was just as bad to let the guy starve like this!

Patty was in the middle of badmouthing Kreig but Sanji simply kicked him out of the way. Sanji approaches Kreig and lays the food in front of him. The pirate wastes no time wolfing the food down. I can see grateful tears in his eyes; maybe this guy wasn't as bad as they said he was.

"Idiot! Get that food away from him!" I scowl as Carne speaks up. What good was it taking the food away now, he was already halfway done with it. I roll my eyes as Carne starts blabbing about how bad Kreig is and all the terrible things he's done. It's obvious that Sanji isn't listening, but I can't help but pick up that this guy would trick people into thinking they were friendly before giving them hell.

I look back at Kreig who's almost done with his meal. My instincts are on edge, telling me to be wary. I know better than to ignore them. I flinch as Kreig suddenly slams the bottle down after chugging down the last of the beer. My ears twitch as he clenches his fist. I know that feeling all too well. Clear signs of attack.

Thinking fast, I sweep my tail under Sanji's feet. He lets out a small exclamation as he falls backwards, narrowly missing Krieg's meaty arm. That was too close! However, Kreig isn't too pleased.

Before I know it, something hard and solid collides into me and I hear Sanji yell out in anger. I let out a choked cry as I fly across the room before meeting with the wall, leaving a good sized dent behind. I moan softly as I fall, slamming onto the bar and bouncing to the floor. Damn, I should've seen that coming; freaking instincts.

I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I lie there, frozen in pain. The customers were no doubt clearing out of this place. That bastard had kicked all the air right out of me! After a few seconds, my lungs finally open up and I let out a few wet coughs. I hear a few sighs of relief; I guess they were surprised that a little thing like me could survive that.

I can feel my eyes watering as my entire body throbs in pain. I don't think I've ever felt pain like this or ever would again. I focus on breathing as much as I can and feel someone gently pick me off the ground. It was Sanji; I could tell by the way he cradled me as carefully as he could, as if I was made out of glass. I open one eye and gaze up at him, and I can instantly tell that he's pissed. His face didn't show it, but man, his eyes are practically blazing.

My consciousness starts slipping in and out. I can hear Kreig say something about taking the restaurant and needing food for his men. Great, so we were being attacked. Maybe Sanji and I shouldn't have been that nice. After a while, Sanji stands up straight, still holding me close. He walks over to the bar and lays me behind it gently. "Stay here and rest up, alright?" he says.

He then stands up and heads towards the stairs. My eyes widen, as well as everyone else's; he was going to give into his demands? After what he just did and is planning to do?! I wince and my mind shuts down for a few seconds. When I open them again, Sanji is surrounded by the other cooks and their cooking utensils, none of them keen on letting Sanji do what he pleased.

Of course Sanji, being cool and collected as usual, doesn't seem fazed at all. But that doesn't stop Patty from landing a sharp blow to the back of his neck, making him collapse. "Pika…!" I wince as I get up and limp over to him quickly on all fours. I lay my paw on his arm causing him to look at me before turning slightly to Patty.

"Sorry Sanji, but I can't let you do that." Patty says walking past him. "We're going to protect this place." I watch as he walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a giant cannon. My eyes nearly pop out my head; had that huge thing been in there all this time? "Hope you're ready for dessert! Cause this recipe is to die for!" Patty yells, aiming the giant cannon at Kreig.

I cover my eyes as a bright light comes from the cannon, hitting Kreig square in the chest with its ammo. I open my eyes as the light fades and Sanji sits up, picking me up as well. He's still gentle with me, even though the pain is starting to go away. I stare at the spot where Kreig once stood but I don't feel relieved, not at all. My suspicions are confirmed when Kreig appears through the smoke without a scratch on him.

We are screwed.

Yeah this one's short, but I can update while vacationing here, so I'll probably upload the next part sometime tomorrow.

Quick side note, a lot of details from episodes and arcs are gonna be summarized to save writing and reading time; I'll include any details and dialogue that I deem important to the story. Because honestly, you guys don't want to read me novelizing every single god damned episode, you wanna read Pika-chan being cute and awesome! Amiright?

Review! They all make me feel so fluffy!