
Chapter I:Another World?

"Aghh..Such a boring day. Is there nothing interesting will happen?"

"Right, I just want to go out from here as soon as possible and go to Karaoke..."

This conversation was recorded in one of a High School in Japan, two typical students that complaining how boring the class are.

Now is lunch time, which the most noisy time in every school. All the students are just doing whatever they want to do, playing video games, go to the cafetaria, etc.

"Ahh, so hoott~ If only this school have an Air Conditioner every class~"

A Gal looking student with quite much accessories saying that, two of her uniform buttons is opened, showing her body more especially in chest area. Don't know she's doing it because the weather is really hot today or she just like to seduce men, really.

Her name is Akari Kana.

"Then how about telling your dad to get one for us? besides, isn't your make-up just making it more hot? wash your face and cut your hair, girl."

The one who answering the gal complain was Akira Haruto, 18-Years old, He actually looks quite handsome in comparison to the other boys, it just his lazy attitude and cold tone he had make it quite hard getting him at conversation.

"Shut Up, I'm not talking to you, Brick Head!"

Her dad is the Head Principal in this school, that's why she's allowed to wear such thing like make-up and accessories other female couldn't. Still, if she's wearing to much, she will get scolded.

"Whatever...and also close your uniform button."

"Huh?, wait- what? what kind of boy talking to a girl like that?, i know you're pervert but don't be so straightforward!"

"duh, so noisy..."

And that's how the argument ended with Haruto Akira as the winner, the gal blush a bit...and finally close her uniform completely.

"Well, well, Akira...you're just always like that aren't ya? if you continuing being like that, you will never have a girlfriend you know?"

He's one of Haruto classmate 'Genki Fujita', let's just get this straight...he's look like an every energetic boy in your high school, with black hair and black iris, he's quite tall, well he's plays basketball after all...but, that's it.

"It's not like you have yours too, Fujita."

"Well, about thaatt... yes, you're right."

"Huh, you guys are just phatetic aren't ya?"

With smug face, the female gal mocking them two, feeling she will winning this conversation, full of confidence.

"Are you even have your own, Kana?"

"Hehehe, don't treat me the same as you boys...for me finding a boyfriend is just easy. I mean, look at my body, and my face is pretty too and also-"

"You know Fujita? it's not everyday you seeing a girl keep complimenting herself."


"Hahahah, you hear that?? Akira know well you're just not an ideal type to be someone girlfriend!"

The gal almost cried...

"Now..now..Akira, how far have you been with Kaede?"

"I told you it's not like that, how many times do i need to repeat it? duh."

"Oh, come on..there's no way nothing happened, right?"

"Nothing it is. why?"

"Geez, as a man you must do the initiative bro! you and Kaede living in the same roof right? Don't be a chicken and make a move!"


Haruto sighed so long in annoyment, the sigh itself can represent how dark, how lazy, how don't care he is about this talk.

"What the hell with that sigh dude?"

"Kinda creepy."



"Stop that."

With those two critizise about Haruto sigh, a girl voice suddenly calling his name from the classroom door, she's Kaede Yukari.

"Heyaa, how's you guys doing?"

Say her with a smile at the Akira group near the window.

"Ohh~, Kaede-chan. How are you today?? Searching for Akira today also?"

"I don't know what so great about him, you know Kaede? Like, why you even bother to find someone like 'This'?"

"Oi you Gal over there, what's so wrong about myself being a trash?"

"...Look. I'm not even calling you that, and also being a trash is wrong itself."

"Huhh, what kind of idiot bother to explain that? whoever it is must know that being a trash is bad, right?"

"You know? I started thinking that you're a real trash now..."

"Even i can get hurts, you know?"

"So the likes of you can get hurt too, huh?"

"Nah, i dont really care."

"I knew it."

Now the conversation about Akira and Kana started again, Kaede just looking at them with such eyes.


"duh, Dude. Read some the situations."

Fujita responds after the long stare Kaede give to Akira.

"So noisy, i'm tryin' to sleep here..."

"Ugh..Don't worry Kaede, even though he's ignoring you, i will made sure you will not be lonely!!"

Fujita said.

"Ahhhh...no, thank you."

Kaede replied...

Fujita cried...

Yukari Kaede, She is a Childhood friend of Fujita, Long Black Hair with Black Iris, her Pretty Face and Kind Persona is what make her one of the popular Students in the school among other Students or even Teachers.

"Heyy, Kaede let's eat lunch together! Take a chair and sit down here!"

Kana said to Kaede offering to eat together, they're both actually really close each other even though their personality is really an opposite, but it seems they both enjoying themselves together, so why not?

"Then, excuse me!"


Fujita asked Haruto

"Haruto, I've been wondering about this. Why i never seen you eat lunch even once? How can you still survive 'till now?"

"Hmm? I wonder how..."

"Its not an answer..."

"Its not like i'm hungry or anything, its more like a habit."



Haruto answering while still sleeping or pretend to be asleep.

"Alright then, well, I'm going to the cafeteria now. You guys want something?"

Kaede ordering cold water with Kana having a cola while Haruto just sighed. Really broke the mood.

And with that the Lunch time is over.

*Haruto Akira*

Going back to class, everybody seems really bored hearing the teacher explaining things, except one person.

His name's Asahi Riku, the intelligent, the handsome, and the most popular boy in the class. With his Pretty face, blonde hair, and blue iris he's seducing every women that met him...or not.

But, as expected of Mr.Popular. He's really focusing his eyes into the board and his ears into teacher explanation. But sometimes, i'm wondering, its the school fault that 99% of the students didn't like it right? Riku just an exceptional thing but everyone in the school didn't like studying, right? So its not my fault that i'm sleeping right now, definitely not my fault.

*Haruto Akira Ends*

And that's how the class ended, or at least they thought so.

In all of a sudden, a white light shining in some of the students feet, don't know what in the world is going on.

"W-what the hell?"

"Huh, what is that light?"

And just that light making a really strange and loud sounds.


"W-what is happening right now??"


Most of the girls are panicking while others just staring in hesitation and quite fear in their body.

"Everyone, do NOT panic, we will be okay if-"

And just by that, Riku disappear from the class and followed by some others.


Sorry if you found any typo or misuse of the words, i'm not a professional writer and English is not my first language.