
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Trust Exercise

*Lucretia's POV*

I wondered around a bit. But a tall human man approached me. "Well, aren't you a fine addition to this dank and dreary place." He said.

I wasn't sure how to respond. "Ah.. You don't like it here?" I asked.

He seemed a bit thrown off, "It's fine here.. but.. Hi, I'm Dean, what's your name?"

"I'm Lucretia Acheron, it's nice to meet you, Dean." I said politely.

"When did you arrive in our fine.. home?" Dean asked.

"Just before supper was served." I replied. "Is this place new or was it destroyed?"

"Little bit of both, I think actually." Dean replied. "First it was a cave, then it belonged to a wizard, then it belonged to goblins. Now, it belongs to us."

"I hope it will be safe, then." I said, sorrow tinging my voice a little.

"You feeling alright? You seem a little down." Dean asked.

"My family was murdered and my home destroyed just a couple of days ago." I told him. "...You wanted something else from me?"

"Oof sorry to hear that. This place is filled with orphans like you and me. But there is a woman her who has been helping people get through that. Her name is Eluvian." Dean told me.

"That is kind of her. I am sorry I ruined your intentions." I told him.

"That's alright. You aren't the first one, and I doubt you'll be the last." Dean replied, amused.

"Do you want me to spend time with you?" I asked him.

"Would I want to be accompanied by a beautiful lady? Of course, if you have nothing else to do." Dean said.

"Alright. I was asked to stay a few days." I said.

"Sounds like I have plenty of time to convince you otherwise, come on, let me introduce you to some people." Dean said, placing an arm around my shoulders and guiding me.

He was very warm and smelled delicious. "You're pretty tall." I noted.

"Thanks, these long legs of mine get me where I'm going." Dean replied.

I laughed lightly. He took me around, introducing me to different kids and Dwarven workers and others. A guard-like man whistled appreciatively at me. Dean chastised the man pretty quickly. He apologized for it.

"I'm not offended." I told him.

"Still, if he whistles at the wrong person they'll do a lot more than tell him to shut up." Dean explained.

"That's allowed?" I asked.

"To a certain extent." He said, smiling.

"... That is different from what I was taught." I told him. "Father insisted I wasn't to mind such things and that I should be docile."

"Then what's the point of living if you can't get your blood pumping every now and again?" Dean asked.

"Getting upset or angry does little more than hurt yourself in the long run." I reply. "Such things are meant to be below dignified response."

"My apologies, I was unaware I was in the presence of someone so noble they aren't allowing themselves to have a speck of fun." Dean said.

"Did I make you angry? I'm sorry." I said, nervously. "I keep doing that today."

He stopped and looked into my eyes and said, "Are you afraid of getting wet?"

"I am only afraid of angering others." I replied, "Yet I manage to do so often."

"Then, how about a brief span in a cold wet small space? I promise it will be fun." Dean said.

"Alright." I agreed. Cold doesn't bother me much.

He took us up to the entrance area, then down the other tunnel to where the construction was taking place. There was a pool of water I'd not noticed earlier, that we were quickly approaching.

"Now, I am going to go first. It is a bit of a recent construction, I uh, just want to make sure it is safe. Really simple concept, you jump into the water and just keep going." He said. He got into position, getting ready. "And, I just wanted to be the first one to use it." He then jumped and was gone, into a hole in the middle of the pool.

How was I supposed to know when I should go? He hadn't said. What should I do with my bag? I waited for a count of twenty, then set my bag to the side of the puddle. Tentatively, I followed his actions, paused again for another twenty seconds, then jumped in.

Water pulled me down, whisking me along a winding smooth stone path. I noticed there were holes dug into the top side parts, for lights, I'd assumed. After three curves of the tunnel, I spotted a light. I was quickly approaching that light.

Just as I came out of the tunnel, arms closed around me. I squeezed my eyes shut, cringing, expecting pain. When none came I peeked at the surroundings, feeling firmly supported in the rushing water, with my bottom resting on Dean's leg, I realized, and his arms were holding me from falling. I turned my face up to look around again, with bubbles of giggly laughter escaping me.

It was the same view, but from a completely different vantage point. "How clever," I commented, "It's so pretty."

"Yeah kinda puts the whole area into perspective, doesn't it?" Dean asked.

"Yes. It's genius to make spaces for lights to be put in the tunnel, too." I told him.

"It's my idea. Didn't want the kids panicking when they ride through it." Dean said.

"That's amazing." I replied, impressed.

"I am hoping to put in more areas like it. Got to give the kids something to do, you know?" Dean commented.

I nodded, "What else have you come up with?"

"Well, I was debating carving out a particular part of the wall into a safe climbing area." Dean said.

"That's great. Climbing is a great way to burn energy. And you get to see amazing things that way." I replied.

"That was the main goal. Burn energy, learn to climb.. Ought to be a great way for them to stay put of trouble until told otherwise." Dean told me. "Are you ready to get down now? We're missing the big ending."

I nodded. He dropped me into the water, as I swam to the edge, he'd jumped in and done the same. I smiled at him and asked, "Are you cold?"

"Only a little. I'll dry over time. What about you? Do you have a spare change of clothes?" Dean asked.

I nodded, "Yes. In my bag. I left it in the construction area." Waving my hand I used Shape Water on him, pulling the water off of him, and causing it to turn into little animals that danced around and played until they collapsed back into the pond.

"Now that is a neat trick. I know several kids that would lose their minds over that." Dean commented.

Amused, I used Gust, to create a warm breeze that wrapped around him, at my command and gentle movements of my hands, warming him. "It's just minor spells." I told him, smiling. I waved and made Shape Water create birds of the water from my body, that flew around us before heading to the water, catching fish shaped water and collapsing into the pond.

"Simple spells or not, the imagination to use them like this.. You could turn it into a show." Dean said. "There were puppet shows in the Capital. If you used your spells, you could outdo them easily."

"I suppose." I said. "Do you know anything about Ymir's Town?"

"Hmm. Stories. Haven't been there myself." Dean said.

"I am supposed to go there." I tell him.

"Why would you want to go to Ymir's Town? It's got to be roasting, it's put in the desert." Dean asked.

"My father arranged for me to be engaged to a man there. I was supposed to go live with him. I don't know if that has changed...." My voice trailed off, uncertain what the future held. There is no reason for Phintias to marry me now that my family is dead. Unless he simply wants a wife. "I don't know a lot of things now, as it turns out."

"Welcome to the club. A lot of us don't know a lot of things." Dean said. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Normally, I just play about or read silly stories while avoiding Colt. I'd decided to accept the engagement because I was bored just staying home." I told him, "Then that massive ball of fire destroyed my family and home. Now nothing is clear or decided."

"Sounds like you had a very rude awakening from a lovely dream where things went mostly smoothly." Dean said.

I nodded. "A lot like that, yes. I'm sorry, I don't know what I want to do."

"Why do you keep apologizing to me? You owe nothing." He said.

"Because I am being gloomy and useless." I answered.

"Gloomy, sure. But useless is kinda up to me to decide if you are being useless or not." Dean replied. "And I would say not. You are providing me with entertainment and conversation. To be useless, you'd need to lay on the ground and just breath. Even then, I'd still be entertained because I'd be very confused and have to figure out why you were laying on the ground."

"I don't need to breath, though." I said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dean asked, taken aback.

"I don't need to breath." I repeated.

"And why don't you need to breath?" He inquired.

"I... um.. I was told not to tell people." I said, apologetically.

"Told to not tell people what?" Dean said.

It was a trick, I know. "If I say, you may guess it, and wouldn't I be in trouble, then?"

"In trouble with who, precisely?" Dean asked. "Cause you see, I am in charge of defenses around here and if there's someone who needs to know about things it's me."

"Plight told me not to." I answered.

"Hmm. And I bet he's back in that hidey hole of theirs." Dean said.

I nodded. "Yeah. I don't want to get in trouble."

"That's alright, I wouldn't want you to get into trouble, either." Dean said. "I'll just have to go pester him about it."

"Please do not. I promise it's nothing that will endanger your people." I pleaded.

He gave a thoughtful look and said, "Alright. I'll believe you. But if I am going to trust you, you have to trust me. Let's go get into some trouble."

"... Ok," I nodded. I didn't like that he we'd purposely get into trouble, but if he left Plight alone, then I'd do as he asked. I heal quickly after having a meal anyways. "I'll do as you say."

"Eh, good enough. Come on." He said, starting to move.

I followed him. He approached some drunken dwarves that were being rowdy. He passed me a flask of water and directed me to replace their alcohol with it, unseen. I followed his directions, while he started chatting them up, getting their attention. I casually walked away when I completed that task. After a couple of minutes, he caught up to me, between some buildings.

"I'm sure we will be hearing of that particular exploit rather soon. You did great, I didn't even notice you do it and I was expecting to watch you." Dean complimented.

"You jest." I accused.

"I jest about a great many things, but a good prank would not be one of them." He said.

Over exaggerated coughing and hacking was heard suddenly. The dwarves began bickering loudly over their alcohol being like water, that it was water, and that one of each other had tampered with it. I grinned ruefully at Dean.

"Well, it seems like it is time for us to make our further departure." Dean said.

"I need to go get my bag." I told him.

"Ah yes. We wouldn't want to leave that behind. Let us go and retrieve your lost treasures." Dean said.

I nodded, and took his hand, casting Invisibility on the both of us. We headed in that direction, keeping ahold of each other's hand. Once we were outside of the cavern, and towards the entrance, I dropped the invisibility, letting go of his hand.

"That... could be a lot of fun." Dean said.

"Invisibility?" I asked as we went to where I'd left my bag. "It can be. Unless it's seen through."

"Well, you just have to be careful with who you prank." He said.

My bag was untouched when I picked it up. I took out my toy, and hugged it. "I'm glad it's here, still. I'd be beside myself were it lost."

"What makes the toy so special?" Dean asked.

"It's been in the Acheron family for hundreds of years. It's passed down to every baby. It and my ring are my inheritance from them. I am lucky that my family, the Zelaria's, let me keep them at all." I explained.

"Why wouldn't they let you keep your inheritance?" Dean asked.

"Vampires are notoriously greedy." I replied.

He smiled at me and started chuckling. It took me a moment to think over why he would be. When I realized I'd basically confessed what I wasn't supposed to, I made a face.

"Are you going to tell on me?" I asked, hugging the toy tighter.

"Should I? Should I tell on you. I dunno. I think I should go tell Plight that you told me, yeah.." He said, his tone unserious.

"You don't seem bothered. But that paladin would be." I pointed out.

"Oh, so I should definitely not tell the paladin, but I can tell everyone else though?" He said, teasing me.

"Plight said people are afraid of vampires. He's had run ins with them before. He said people hate and kill vampires." I told him.

"All jokes aside, yes. He was correct in telling you not to share that information. Don't worry bout me, though, I like you." Dean said.

"I haven't had to keep it secret before. The humans all knew and didn't care." I explained.

"How long have you been alive?" He asked.

"A hundred and sixty-one years." I answered.

"Have you ever drained someone until they were a husk?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No. Never any person. I did to a deer earlier today, though. I was very injured and desperately hungry."

"Phew. Glad I'm not a deer." He said.

"I'm sorry to say that if you'd been close enough to me when I was that hurt, or any person, that it would have been your fate. I couldn't control it at that time. I had been in the house when it was destroyed. I was burned nearly to death, and don't even remember the fall as I awoke on the beach. No one else survived...." I choked on my words, tears forming again, "When I'd woke, I tried to find someone who was alive. There was no one. I climbed to where the mansion had been... Then I climbed more, to the top of the mountains, where I ended up falling all the way down.."

"Well, that's just survival. I'm no saint. I've taken lives in the name of survival." Dean said.

"I haven't killed anyone before. But I do feed on people, normally." I told him. "Plight said I cannot here."

"Well, Plight isn't infallible. He isn't in charge here. You shouldn't just walk around feeding on people, but. I mean if someone volunteers then, someone volunteers. But that would make it more difficult to hide your identity." Dean said.

"That's what I am used to, I would ask when I was hungry. A no is a no." I told him.

"Can you feed on someone without turning them?" He asked.

"Yes. The only time a person is turned is when they are drained. They become Nulls or Thralls. However, if I chose to turn someone they'd become a spawn. If I gave the spawn my blood, they'd become a noble vampire." I explained.

"Whew. I'm learning all kinds of things today." He said. "Are there certain spots that you have to feed on a body or does it not matter at all?"

I held up my wrist, showing him the scars along my arm, then I pulled down the collar of my shirt revealing the scars along my shoulder and neck. "It doesn't matter where a vampire drinks from, there are more intimate places to do so, to arouse the person, or ourselves, or to imitate intimacy or possession.. but anywhere is fine."

"Ok, ok, good to know, good to know. Now, I am not saying you can just walk up and feed on me any time, but if it becomes between that or going crazy you may. But no turning or draining." Dean said.

"Its ok. My ring makes it so I can go at least a month without starving.. And I can feed on animals. Humans just taste better. But thank you, I appreciate your kindness." I tell him.

"Not a problem. You can't transmit diseases with those teeth, can you? Not saying you have any, just curious." Dean asked.

"No. I'm immune to all diseases. The only disease I can pass on is vampirism, and only by my choice." I told him, "I don't want to make spawns. I like friends, not slaves."

"Lucky. Sometimes the itch just gets so bad." Dean said. Then he started laughing and said, "I'm just kidding, if you even know what I am talking about."

"Hmm. STDs?" I asked.

"Ah. I see you do know that one. And here I thought I'd get away with a cheeky joke." Dean said.

"I know about sexual things. One of the gardeners used to be a prostitute." I told him.

"Hm. Some of my best friends are prostitutes. They sure do know a lot." Dean commented.

"Are you sure that you would like to be a food source? It can hurt quite a lot." I say.

"It's my job to defend all those within these walls. Which means, I could die any time. If I'm worried about being bit, then I'm unfit." Dean said.

"Being bitten by an animal is different from a vampire. Especially if it's a cruel one." I tell him.

"So what you're saying is, I should only let you bite me." He said, "Well, I guess I'll have to make that sacrifice."

I giggled at his playfulness. "What a silly goal."

"Yes, but my one of my goals were achieved. I knew you had a beautiful laugh, I just had to get it out of you." Dean grinned boastfully.

I grinned and said, "I bet you are quite popular with women."

"Certainly can be." He replied. "But it only matters if the ones I actually want respond."

"Have you a failure?" I asked, curious.

"Yes. One. But it's alright. I'm hoping to fix what I failed to do before." He said.

"I wish you luck, then." I told him. "And happiness."

"Luck, I will appreciate the wish. Happiness? That is something you have to fight for." Dean said.

"What will you do if your lady moved on?" I ask.

"Depending on who with... move on myself, woo her... or kill him." Dean said.

"I really don't plan to stay." I told him. "Plight wouldn't like that and neither would the paladin. Places need willing healers."

"True. Places do need healers. But we also need good citizens. I still need to talk to Plight. It won't be about the fact that you are a vampire. I'll keep the fact that you spilled your little secret to me secret. But I do need to talk to him about keeping vital information from the one in charge of peace keeping." Dean said.

"I understand. I'll accept it if I get into trouble." I told him. "I don't think he'll hurt me."

"Hmph. Wouldn't let him." He said.

"Oh, be careful who you invite. As long as they aren't invited, lesser vampires can not enter any place considered private." I tell him.

"Hoh-oh, well that's been my stance on letting people into my home, anyway." He said.

"I can enter anywhere." I tell him. "I'm just also respectful."

"I'd let you in." Dean said.

"Well, that's silly. I might eat you while you sleep." I joked.

"Could eat me while I'm awake," He said, giving me a once over, "would be fun that way."

I laughed and said, "You win, you win."

"So since you are a vampire, you don't sleep? I am guessing... Pretty sure I heard that." Dean said, "So what are you going to do tonight?"

"I don't know. If I knew how to get to Ymir's Town I would just head out. Plight said they'd help me get there." I shook my head, "But I don't know what to do while everyone sleeps."

"Well, you've got some options. There is a library filled with bizarre books, can't make heads or tails of most of them. You could also drink with the dwarves if you wanted a multicultural experience. They stay up all night. Typically don't pass out till the early morn. Or, third option, lay on the roof of the cave and let your mind wonder as you stare up at the stars." Dean listed options.

"One of those books are titled, 'The Lusty Argonian: Volume 3'. I am pretty sure I'd accidentally reveal my nature with the dwarves. Alcohol does nothing to me." I tell him.

"You poor thing. We'll have to find a way to fix that. I'm pretty sure the dwarves would take it as a challenge." Dean commented.

"Well, if a vampire wants to be drunk or high, they have to drink from a humanoid that has partaken of such things to excess." I explained.

"Oh, well, I wouldn't suggest drinking from the dwarves then. You might not come back out of it." Dean mused.

"You're tired?" I asked him.

"What do I look like? An old man? I've had to go days without sleep and was still chipper." He said.

"Humans need sleep. After twenty-four hours awake their minds behave as though they are drunk." I chastised him.

"Well that's much cheaper." He said.

I smiled at him. "I suppose. Thank you for showing me your wonderful creation, the watery slide."

"You know, that's not a bad name for it. Probably remove the 'y' part of it." He commented.

"I am glad to be of some sort of use." I say.

"It's a good feeling to be useful." Dean said.

I nodded a little.

"Well, I think I will go ahead and head off to bed. Hopefully I will see you in the morning." He said.

"An odd hope. Good night, pleasant dreams." I tell him.

"I don't think it's too odd to hope for a beautiful woman to stay up for ya. Good night." He said, laughingly, heading off into the lower part of the cave, where the town is.

I was quite amused by the interaction. I just wasn't sure if he wanted to act on those flirts or not. I certainly wouldn't mind to, but he has a lady he is pining for. Then again, I am meant to be engaged. Perhaps I would find a transfer scroll and send Phintias letter. I did have some coin, after all.

I'd ask Plight about it in the morning, I decided. Which didn't help me for now. I headed outside and wondered around. I didn't go far. But I did come across a zombie. It was shambling around aimlessly. I ordered it to head to the mountains, by using my authority over such lowly things. Zombies don't simply happen. So I was quite concerned. I went back to the cave entrance and waiting for morning to come before going back inside.

I headed down the stairs to the town. I spotted the man I'd wanted to talk to, Plight. Dean was chatting to him. Their conversation was reaching an end as I approached with a pensive look.

"Plight, Plight," I said urgently. "There was a zombie! Why was there a zombie??"

"Where did you run into a zombie?" Plight asked.

Dean said, "I will gather the guards and get them on alert."

I grabbed Dean's arm and shook my head. "I made it go to the mountains." I told him, "It was a mile away towards the North."

"There is rarely ever one zombie. They can stand to be on alert for a day." Dean said.

"They creep me out." I shuddered. "I didn't see any more."

"Don't tell them that. Because then they would feel they were on guard for nothing." Dean said.

I let him go and he went and got the guards on alert.

"I spoke with Dean. He was extremely pushy about knowing your secret. I am glad you took my words to heart and didn't tell anyone. I didn't tell him either. Though he may think he knows something. He kept giving me this wry smile." Plight said as soon as Dean had gone. I may have given a guilty expression as I looked at Plight. "You told him didn't you? And he played me for a fool."

"I didn't mean to," I told him, plaintively, " He was talking to me and I was telling him about how I was lucky to have my ring and toy, and he asked why and I told him bout the greed of our sort without thinking it through. He said you were right about keeping it a secret. But I swear I misled him bout you, I swear it. Please don't be angry with me, please."

"I cannot fault you for telling someone like Dean. He's rather good in a conversation to get what he wants. He also told me that you thought I wanted you gone." Plight said, "I am sorry if that's how I came across. It was not intentional. You can truly stay here as long as you need. And you are welcome back here any time."

"But the more of us in an area the more obvious it is." I point out, "And you are uncomfortable with me. And I am not good at hiding what I am."

"It's not that I am uncomfortable with you, I've just-" He sighed, "I'm uncomfortable with my own memories, with my own self."

"I'm sorry. I can't make that better." I told him.

"It's alright. It's not your responsibility to make it better." He said.

"Dean's nice." I told him. "But really, do you know why zombies would be around?"

"We've fought one before, we're still not sure where they are coming from." Plight said.

"I can try to set up an Order around this place." I offered. "Or you could."

"What do you mean by Order?" He asked.

"The high born lords can order lesser undead, like zombies and skeletons just as though they are nulls or spawn." I explained, "Wolves, bats, and rats, too."

He looked around, then said, "We'll have to discuss this later. But I am very interested to learn more."

I nodded and said, "Ok. Plight, is that paladin dangerous?"

"He certainly can be. But he knows.. me." Plight answered.

"Oh, right. Plight, do you know where I can get a transfer scroll and paper?" I asked. "I should send a letter to Phintias."

"Yes. We could easily get you one from Dueling Rivers." He said.

"I wish I could ask around about him. He may not want to take me in anymore. There's no benefit for him to do so." I said anxiously.

"If he is just as greedy as the rest of our race, then that could be the case." Plight said.

"I don't know what was arranged. I should have asked." I sighed.

"If he turns you away, then you are welcome here." He said.

I gave him a light hug, and said, "Thank you." Then stepped back from him.

"It's not a problem. The woman in charge of making this place gave me a home here. It's only right I do the same." Plight said.

Alexion approached us. "I'll start working on people soon." He said to Plight, "Did you have an alright night?" He asked me.

I nodded shyly, not wanting to say much to him. He didn't press me. Just walked away, towards where breakfast was beginning to be served.