
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Trial Day

*Tyra's POV*

Once we were in the cabin, I pulled the coat on. It might be my favorite thing to wear. I turned and smiled at him, he seemed to have something on his mind. But he was moving towards the door, so I went with him.

Once we stepped outside into the snow, we went to the cliff. This is when he said, "I have to ask you a question. Even if I don't like the answer I have to ask you anyways. Do you want to make this.. whatever we have between us.. a long term thing?"

I hesitated, looking at his serious expression. "I think that should be clarified first." I replied.

"What can I do to help clarify?" He asked.

"We would have to define what we're doing, I'd say. I've no experience with such matters." I informed him.

"Well. I truly enjoy your companionship. Being around you makes me happy. So I was hoping... that we would enter a relationship. Now, if you are saying you don't know what a relationship is, that's hard to describe but, it's where two people who enjoy each other decide they will... dedicate themselves to each other..? I'm not sure how to describe it." He explained.

I smiled and laughed softly. "I've watched others get into relationships. Casual and otherwise. I understand what marriage, taking a mate, and fooling around is." I sighed a little and continued. "My job has permitted none of that. Even if I were to look outside my clan. But with my plans to abandon my clan... I can have that option."

He said, "Would you like to make that option... me?"

My face softened, and I took his hand, pressing my cheek to it. "Dirthin, you want me to be yours? I can see myself belonging with no one but you."

He laughed and said, "That's a fine answer," He scooped me up and kissed me.

I petted his jaw, returning the kiss slowly. Once the kiss was over, I rubbed his ears. Attempting to be a pest. I paused after a moment and asked in a soft tone, "Your expression told me you had something of grave importance to say. What's on your weary mind?"

"Well, to be honest.. I was struggling to ask you that question because I know I am not around a lot. It didn't seem fair." He said. His tone was muted. Off.

"Do you expect me to stay in your home and wait while your gone?" I asked.

"No, I would expect you to go about and do what you would normally do. It's not like I would expect you to be locked in a room all day." Dirthin replied.

"So I may go out and do as I please, then? The only thing you really want is that you are my exclusive person, right?" I asked.

"And I would be yours, obviously." He replied, "I don't know. Maybe I will ask James to find someone to take some of these jobs off of me, so I can be around more. I have never had a reason to do so."

"That is up to you. But I don't consider it unfair that you would be working. Even if that keeps me from seeing you for days on end. I still intend to watch over Sarial until her baby is born. As long as I am not confined or feeling confined, I will be content to be present anywhere you'd like me to be." I said.

"Well I guess I was worried over nothing. This was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be." Dirthin responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well I wasn't sure how any of it would go until it happened. And it just went very smoothly." He said.

"Have people made demands of your time before?" I inquired.

"That's actually the most common complaint." Dirthin replied.

"I do have one ask, then, if I'm allowed to be so inconsiderate." I said, keeping my face neutral.

He hesitated, then said, "Yes?"

"If you take me as a woman, keep me. I'm inclined to mate for life." I told him.

His face softened, then he gave a little smirk, "Good." He kissed me once more.

Considering that I would become immortal, it was a big ask on my part. I wasn't expecting him to so readily agree to it. But he seems to quite prefer this arrangement. To ensure it was possible for me... I would need to change my psionic discipline from Adaptive Body to anything else. So I chose Iron Durability for my discipline.

This would make it not only to where I would need sleep.. It would allow me into a deep sleep. Where I would be vulnerable to attack. This terrified me. But I needed to do it. Not all the time, but at least for now.

I cuddled this big man that so held my attention. Gently, I groomed his mane with my fingers. An intimate act I had done only with him. This would have other Leonin women know he belonged to another woman. Not that it seemed to matter. He hadn't met many women.

Then, a thought occurred to me. Does he wish to have cubs? Do I? As I had that thought, I realized, I wouldn't mind having cubs with him. How wonderful would it be if we had little cubs that looked like us?

We'd need to talk about that at some point. But, wouldn't my expectations, and his, change at that point? I didn't think it would much. I liked to explore because it kept me from my clan. I was fine being a protector for this family.

I rubbed my face against his again, purring, and enjoying his bodies heat. In this moment I felt at peace with the world. Though, as my brain tends to do, I recalled that Vidorial and Maroulai were hunting me. I put the thought aside to focus on giving Dirthin affection.

"May I make one more request of you?" I asked him.

"What can I do for you, my Lovely Leonin Lass?" He replied.

"Nice alliteration. I have something annoying to settle, but once that's done with, can I ask you to use my actual name?" I requested.

"I would love to use your true name, you sneak. What is this business you're taking care of?" He asked.

"Tetenius told me that my clan has sent people after me. Because of my 'failure' with the sorceresses mission, as well as allegedly stealing the communication devices." I told him. "I'd have probably done so, if I'd returned, but I am unconcerned. It just means that Vidorial and Maroulai are heading to Valor's Crest looking for me, as that is my last known whereabouts."

"Is this something that should be taken care of.. violently? Or does it need a subtle touch?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, Vidorial can be unreasonable, and Maroulai just follows Tete's or Nevadon's opinions." I said.

"So unsure of what we need to do? Well, should we hunt them? Doesn't have to end in violence, but it is always good to get the drop on those who hunt you." He replied.

"You intend to confront them with me?" I asked.

He placed his hand on his chest and said, "I would be personally offended if you didn't bring me along."

"You have so much to do already." I responded, worrying about him. "This matter isn't important."

"This matter involves you, deeply. That makes it my priority." He said, "Besides, nothing I have going on right now can't wait."

"How can I argue if you say something like that? I may be weak willed after all." I smiled at him, then nuzzled his face.

"Well, if that's what you are weak willed about then I am perfectly fine with that." He replied.

"You are awfully cute. Had I to guess, I would say they are camping in the desert nearby your city." I told him. "They'll likely enter tomorrow. Which is when that trial is supposed to take place."

"Eh, they don't need me there for that." He said.

"Are you sure? Who all of your family is attending?" I asked.

"I know James has to go. Mills wants to go so Sarial will go as well. Now that I think of it I am pretty sure James said you need to be there as well. To many eyes saw you there." He replied.

"To be entirely fair, less would have seen me if I could have left them dead." I told him.

"Ah, the ultimate approach to stealth. No one can see you if everyone is dead." Dirthin said.

"I wasn't aware I would need to be a present for that show. That's far more attention than I would appreciate." I grumbled.

"Trust me, I completely understand." He replied.

"I suppose I will use Sky as the reason for my breaking in and messing things up there." I commented. "I don't think 'I was ordered to help him' would be a good defense."

"No, I don't believe that would make a good defense." He agreed.

My tail twitched a little. "Looks like my clan has poor timing all around. What is your suggestion?"

"My suggestion would be, come with us to the court case, then we will deal with your clan." He replied, "Hopefully peacefully."

"Vidorial is technically my father." I informed him.

"By that 'technically' that means I do not have to ask him for your hand, right?" He joked.

"That would be amusing from my point of view, but I think it would upset you." I replied.

"Would it upset me to the point that I would punch him? Because if that is the case, yeah, I'd rather not. Whether or not you like them, I'd rather not kill your father." He said.

"If you asked him for my hand and he denied that I was his daughter, how would you respond?" I asked him.

"I believe I could restrain myself up until the point he was persistent about it." He answered.

I cupped his face in my hands and said, "Until I left, from the time I was eight, none of my family claimed me per clan law. Tetenius has been the only recent exception."

"Well, I am glad there is at least one family member that I won't have to wring their necks." He replied.

"I'm sorry it bothers you. You and your family know more about me than my entire clan has ever known." I said.

"I think I'll take pride in that." He said.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder with a sigh. "This really wasn't in my plans. I'd left with no intent to come back, trying to convince myself to leave. I couldn't make myself stick to it."

"I'm just that cute, huh?" He laughed. He rested a hand on the back of her head and began purring deeply.

The rumble of it resonated within me, and I began to purr in response. Oddly, my body began to warm up. Quietly, I told him, "My name is Arity."

"That is a wonderful name." He put me down suddenly and placed his hands on the sides of my face and said, "You are beautiful, Arity." Then he kissed me.

I kissed him back, hearing my name from someone else after so long felt strange. I shivered slightly, though it had little to do with the cold. I turned my attention to my left towards the sky beyond the cliff edge we were upon. I huddled against him, placing my hands under the bottom of his shirt to touch his fur.

His response was to wrap one of his arms around me, and also turn his attention to the sky. He seemed content to stay like that for some time.

I decided to be mischievous. As soon as I began to move, he took his arm back to allow me. That was his mistake. I wondered along the cliff a few steps, before stooping and scooping up some snow in my hands. I squashed it into a ball, and flung it at him. The snowball hit his shoulder squarely.

He retaliated immediately, scooping handfuls of snow and lobbing them at me. As I'd started the play, I couldn't back down now. I could only dodge a few, his aim was impeccable. Je was large enough that even some of my sloppier shots hit him.

We'd both enjoyed the game, but when I was shivering visibly in the large coat, he called it his loss and took us inside to warm up. As I warmed up, I got sleepy. Without much discussion he picked me up and took me to the bedroom of this cabin.

He pulled back the sheets and comforter, then got ready for bed. I followed his example, removing the coat and clothing, which were damp from melted snow. I took out a simple wrap around night gown and put it on. It was meant for night time desert use, so it was relatively lanky.

I turned back to see he'd gotten in bed and was waiting on me, smiling. I joined him once I put away the wet things. Snuggling to him, and working my fingers through his mane. I managed to fall asleep only after he had.

I woke to that not quite awake feeling where everything is alarming, with someone's hands petting my face and nudging me, asking me to wake. Wait... Someone!?

My eyes snapped open and I hiss-growled, my ears flattening, my hands grasping arms, claws extended. My heart hammered with panicked alarm. Then, my mind started working.

"Dirthin?" I asked, as I made sense of what had happened. I'd been asleep and had panicked when he'd woken me up. "Sorry."

"It's alright. I still have my arm." He said.

I blinked, not quite taking in his tone. I shuddered a little, trying to release the fear that had invaded. I petted his face and said, "Did I miss the sunrise?"

"Not yet, no. It should be in the process of coming up now." Dirthin told me.

I stretched and made myself get up. My body still wanted sleep. Such things happen when you go a week or better without sleeping. I'd been to paranoid to sleep in the Hearthry's home. An odd sentiment when I'd spent the night asleep with Dirthin now. I changed out of my nightgown, putting on some Kingdom clothing.

Dirthin gave me an appreciative once over and asked, "All ready?"

"Yes." I said, grabbing the coat, "I am ready."

"Let's go see that sunrise, then." He replied.

I nodded and we went outside, right back to that cliff that overlooked the city. The sunrise was every bit as glorious as it was the day before. I tucked myself in front of him and placed his arms around me while we watched it. He rested his head on top of mine. I trilled at him in response. We stayed like that for around an hour.

He gave my body a squeeze, then kissed the top of my head, "Are you ready to go get some breakfast?" He asked.

I snuggled my head against his arm and said, "Yeah. Did I lay all of your concerns to rest?"

"Yes. Yes, you did." He said, "As long as you don't try to rip me apart every time I wake you up."

"I haven't slept near another since I was a cub. I panicked." I told him. "I want to try to adjust to sleeping near you, at least."

"Well, I would be more than happy to help you adjust." He said.

"Even if my first reaction is to attempt to maim you?" I teased as we went to his office through the cabin.

"I'm built tough. If the cost is a slight panic attack, I'm happy to stay with you." He said.

"I didn't hurt you, right?" I asked.

He laughed and said, "No. No, you did not hurt me."

I poked his nose and said, "I'm glad."

He stroked my face and said, "So am I. I imagine if you wanted to, you could hurt me very badly."

"Only emotionally. You'd make me pay more than I'd consider it worth it to physically try." I replied as we exited his office, heading for the dinning room. I'd spotted Sky heading that way already.

"I see your little charge heading towards the dining room." He pointed out.

I nodded. "That he is. I could shrink you."

He looked at me skeptically. Read in my expression that I was serious, and said, "Let's not do that. I don't want to be smaller."

I laughed and said, "I don't plan to. I am just saying I can. I can also make you giant sized."

"Now that could be interesting. Wouldn't mind trying to fight an ogre toe to toe." He said.

I smiled at him and said, "I'll help you try that out sometime. It's a very short lived effect. I can keep it going for nine minutes."

"Nine minutes is plenty of time. Could probably get it done in a minute." He said, as we entered the dining room.

"I believe you." I replied.

"What? I could. You should watch me." He said.

"I would have to. Otherwise it wouldn't work." I told him. "I really don't doubt you."

"We should invite others to witness the glory of such an event." He retorted. "Kid's do you want to watch your uncle get down and dirty? Warning, it could get bloody."

"And the context is?" Snow Den asked, frowning.

"Fighting an ogre bare handed. Should be wonderful. Apparently, she can make me giant." He said.

"Dearest Dirthin. Your word choice is atrocious this morning. But I shant make fun of the minute you can do something within." Snow Den said in a mockingly prim manner.

"Well, I don't know what you are talking about, but I started my day with a lovely morning rise. In fact, we enjoyed it together." Dirthin said.

It dawned on me what she meant. Snow Den raised an eyebrow and said, "No, I really can't respond to that at the moment."

Sarial was looking amused and said, "I don't really want to hear this."

"Sir, I don't really think your understanding what you are saying right now." Mills chimed in.

"Kid, I don't think you understand, when you get to my age you come to appreciate every morning rise you get." Dirthin responded, taking a seat. "You all seem grumpy. Maybe we should all enjoy a good morning rise together some time."

"In all seriousness, Uncle, there are herbs to help with that." Sarial said. "But I think you are meaning sunrise as you and Father wake before then."

"Course I was meaning sunrise, what did you..." He went blank. "Ah. I see."

"Not gonna keep going?" I asked.

"No, I uh... Think I will just eat my breakfast." he said.

I patted his shoulder comfortingly. "When is that trial supposed to be?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure... James, when is the trial?" Dirthin asked.

"I believe the trial is set to nine." James replied. "I'll be leaving shortly. Who all will be attending with me? Besides you, Tyra. You are required. A few to many eyes."

"I have every intention of going. I feel I must see the end of my.. I feel I must see the end." Mills said.

"I'll go as well." Sarial commented.

"I'll mind Sky." Snow Den says.

"Do I need to be aware of anything?" I asked.

"Maybe if you are asked questions, play up the rescuing over the murder." James suggested.

"I had intended to. As I understand it, there is some contention between the Realm and the Kingdom." I said.

"That shouldn't come into play." He said.

"I joined the Sleeping Ox. I was told that would lessen the likelihood of persecution as a spy." I noted with a shrug.

"It's alright. They'll probably just think you're one of us." Daelyn pointed out.

"I like to be prepared for worst case scenarios." I shrugged.

"Have you done any quests?" Sarial asks, curiously.

"No. I have little interest in altruism or monetary gain. I joined solely for the purpose of not being questioned by Northerners." I replied, then in a light tone, "Ah, but that didn't stop a single Hearthry from doing so."

She snorted and said, "Yeah. We like questions. We're an overly curious lot." She chuckled.

"I feel I should be questioning things a lot more now." Daelyn said.

"No." Vincent said to Daelyn, "No, you do not need to be asking any more questions."

"Daelyn can ask Tyra more questions." Sarial said.

Daelyn smiled at me and said, "Can I?"

"I won't promise to answer, but I won't stop you from asking." I replied, eyeing Sarial.

"That's alright, my questions get a one out of three response. The trick is in placing the one question you actually want an answer to, hee hee." He retorted with a giggle.

"I believe there is a door with a similar mindset." I said.

"A door has a mindset?" Sarial asked.

"That one does." I nodded.

Several eyes turned to me with curiosity filling them. "What kind of door is it?" Seralyn asked.

"Rowan wood with alder accents." I replied, "But I assume it's either magicked, or is a cursed person. It's not friendly."

"I would love to study it, but I don't want to go down there. Could you perhaps pop it off it's hinges?" Seralyn asked.

"If I ever find it again, I can try." I shrugged. I didn't mind to. "Then again, I should look into it to see if it's harmful, or just rude."

"The Underdark sounds like an interesting place." Sarial commented.

"I can't recommend visiting it. Humans are a delicacy there. Plus, you have psionics. Another favored meal." I frowned at her.

"Ah. I'm not a fan of being something else's meal." Sarial said uncomfortably.

"I also don't think your morals would let you find food easily there." I pointed out.

"Eh, hook horror soup ain't too bad." Dirthin said.

I agreed as we all finished up our breakfasts. James rounded us all up to get heading to the trial location, Dirthin included. Sky fussed about me going without him. I gave him a hug and told him it was just going to be tedious stupidity. It put him off wanting to go. Instead, he climbed on Snow Den and chewed the chew toy. I'd smiled at the boys antics without even meaning to.

Truly, I wanted to handle Vidorial and Maroulai and be done with the clan. This trial was meaningless to me. Though, I wouldn't say so. A glance at Mills and Sarial showed it held huge significance to them. Besides, either way I'd be near Dirthin.

When we arrived at the courthouse James exchanged some words with a few people and we were all admitted in. I stayed watchful of Sarial, an ill placed elbow or knife could end her baby right now, and that was my concern. This area was overly crowded, and whereas people avoided us cats, they paid no mind to the humans.

I took note of a few eyes lingering on Mills overly long. I was ready for conflict, should any occur. Thus far, everyone minded their places. Not approaching and not making hostile motions. I hoped it would stay that way.

Once we'd taken our places, we waited for the trial to start. It was going to take some time yet for it to start. I listened to Sarial doing her best to comfort Mills. He seemed to appreciate it, even with the sad and distant feeling to him. Several people looked our way. An elderly couple came up to James, greeting the men and Sarial. These were the Desquins, Sarial told me.

After a brief conversation, in which they detailed some of the clean up they'd done in their town, they went to their spot and began waiting, too. Once everything got properly underway, there was a lot of talking. In the middle of listing crimes, charges, and other acts, the noble family in question was dragged out and made to kneel in the middle of court.

One of them took a look around the room, saw me and cringed, lowering their head and keeping it there. I wasn't even that harsh when killing them. Jeez. Not many paid it any mind. They weren't going to bother to speak to me, it seemed, as they were reaching sentencing.

I'd assumed anyways. They discussed the stripping of territory from the Denoirs. They gave it to the Desquins. The Desquins graciously accepted the territory, then passed it to James Hearthry. Because they are old and heirless, they also took the 'opportunity' to will their land, titles, and all that entails to Sarial Hearthry, since the court and nobility were met together anyways.

Sarial appeared conflicted, but did not decline. Just looked to James for help. James thanked them, and accepted on her behalf. Sarial became very still and thoughtful. I didn't think she needed that on her right now. Mills told her he'll help her with anything she needs, he looked happy for her.

As the end of this trial was being reached, there was a ripple of energy. I angled myself protectively, so I'd be capable of defending Sarial within a second. The ripple became a shimmery portal. Stepping out of that portal, to my utter shock, was the Sorceress. Erica Neferati.

Once she was fully out of the portal, it shut. She looked around with that haughtiness that I wanted to beat her face in over. Guards started to come forward to put an end to whatever was going on. The judge demanded she identify herself.

I looked at Dirthin and James for direction, confusion in my eyes. I didn't know what to do. Then, the Sorceress spoke. "You have failed us." She said, blasting the noble and his sons with some sort of magic. They dropped dead. She turned to me while the guards rushed to stop her, "And you betrayed us." She waved her hand at us.

Everything went black. Everything. Seconds later, I came, to hearing screams. Everything was dark. As I became aware of this, I realized those screams were Sarial's. I used a light effect, saw her curled in the fetal position, clutching her belly. Checking her condition, I found her situation dire. I took out my item that amplifies ability and started stabilizing her.

It took a while, and was almost useless. But I managed to save her baby. She slept the instant I'd stabilized her. Looking around, the area was both familiar and not. With a minute bubble of panic, I realized we were in the Underdark. Deep in the Underdark.