
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Town Stability part One

*Sarial's POV*

I entered the guard house with Mills at my side and asked if Haril was in his office. Since he was I went and knocked on the frame to his open office door. He was reviewing some papers.

He looked up from his papers and said, "Abd to what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from an ex offender?" His belt was on the desk.

"Your pay is abysmal for the job you do." I said, directly.

"Indeed, but I'd have to talk to the king about that. Why are you bringing up my pay?" He asked. He looked quite curious.

"It's what? Ten gold a month? I believe that was it. I am going to be direct with you." I said. "You probably haven't heard, but I've founded a town and I'm turning it into a city. I would greatly enjoy it if you considered becoming my guard trainer, with no less than triple the pay starting out. I would also be fine letting you have the same job title there. I will also be providing housing, equipment and meals."

He looked at me and said, "And why would you come to me?"

"Because, like my Father, I have high expectations and enjoy employing people who excel at their job. Unlike your current employer, I both respect and admire you, regardless of our past together. You caught me, I was thoroughly punished, but never once have I lied to you. I want my people safe and protected." I said.

"Is this city you are constructing within the kingdom?" He asked.

"Yes. East of Dueling Rivers, a thirty minute walk. I have twenty-one guards, and one hundred and one citizens at the moment, unless it's grown since I've been in the Underdark. The numbers will be growing to make the city expansion worthwhile." I answered. "Which is also why I am willing for your starting pay to be only thirty gold monthly. I firmly intend to raise it and provide medical benefits."

"What are medical benefits, precisely?" Haril asked.

I smiled. "An excellent question. Medical benefits entitle you to paid time off based on injury, and how it was recieved. So, if you catch a thief and they stab you, you get the wound healed, or treated with mundane means, and you're entitled to a day or so off if you want or need it. You will need to take a week of paid vacation every six months. If you need additional time, merely ask me. I'll make it work. If you end up with a non work injury, or even have a headache, you'll be treated, no cost to you."

He ran a hand through his hair and said, "This sounds like a deal with a devil."

"I am a Hearthry." I said. "Let me even it out, then. No belting kids, adults are fair game. I've permitted stealing from unsavory visitors only. Majority of my guards are bandits I chose to hire instead of kill, and many of my citizens are orphans and cripples of the thieves guild from East Haven. We protect ours first before we help others, but we do help if we can. I intend to take undesirables from any place I can get them and settle them in my city to nurture their talents and allow them the resources to grow. Most of all, it is my town, which would make you one of my people. I'll set you up however you wish so that you may succeed. Dean has been in charge of keeping the thieves guild in check thus far, and training my guards. Yes, the Dean from here."

I looked at Mills and then back to Haril, "There is also the fact that I am pregnant, which we both know means I could die during child birth. Should that come to pass, the town will be ran by a council with Dean as part of it. You'd be surprised at the clean life he's leading."

"Now, this sounds like a challenge. I would like to inspect this soon to be city of yours before I decide. I will have some time coming up next week." Haril said.

"That's perfectly reasonable. Thank you for your consideration." I said, "I may even have a portal established by then. I just need to talk with the right people for permission."

"That would certainly make travel easier. Did you have someone else in mind for this position?" Haril asked.

"A man name Emel is currently doing it. He used to be a private guard to a noble family here in the Capital. He's done fine, but I feel he may crack once I bring in more citizens." I explained. "If you choose to not take the job, I will be hunting for others I can have trained up. I just thought of you first."

"Hmm.. alright I'll shift some things and check this place out in a few days, then. No promises but I will take a look." He stood and reached to shake my hand.

I firmly took his hand and shook it. Thrilled he'd consider it, "I'd ask no less of you. Thank you for your time and consideration." I looked at Mills and said, "Let's go talk to a man about some fruit seeds now."

Haril said, "Odd pair you two make, huh. A Hearthry and a Denoir. Cute, though." He laughed.

"How did you know who I am?" Mills asked.

"Oh, you'll have to do a lot more than get older and change your style to fool me." Haril said.

Mills looked at me and said, "I'd say he is a good fit."

"He is, and we are an odd couple, but what can I do? This sneak knocked me off balance, stilemy heart, then got me pregnant." I laughed, too. "Have a lovely day, Haril. See you soon."

Haril chuckled as we left his office. I took Mills over to the Silver Shilling. An odd shop, ran by the brother of the jerk who runs the Gold Shilling. I entered and looked at the pretty clothing briefly, before walking up to the counter.

"Welcome to the Silver Shilling. One of my returning favorites, how are ya?" The shopkeep greeted me.

"Yes, hello. Great to see you after a time. Feel up to obtaining some things for me?" I asked.

"With how well you pay? Sure, whatcha need?" He asked.

"Fruit sappling and sprouts from the islands preferably. Ten of each sort you can get ahold of. Seeds where you can't." I said. "Perhaps a book of how to grow them right."

"Even for you that's an odd request." He said. "So just fruits in general, none in particular like apple or mango, things of that nature?"

"I would like any edible sort you can get your hands on. I'm going to end the islands monopoly. Grapes, berries, fruits." I said. "Also, can you put out the information that a new city is being built? It's called Hearthstone Town. It's looking for citizens to be coming in as it's built. Guard types and workers of all sorts."

"I can put the word out, but I can't guarantee the quality of the people that'd be coming in." He said.

"I know. That's why Dean is there. We also have ways to ward off wrong doers." I smiled. "If they turn out to be unusable for the town, I'll find a use for them."

"That's fine. I'll put the word out and send them to you." He said.

"Thank you much, and the price?" I asked.

"Well, it depends on what I can find, but for acquisition, storage and transport, I could charge ya, let's say... seventy-five." He said.

"No problem there." I agreed easily. "I'd like some information..."

"I've got a little bit of that, too. Whatcha need?" He asked.

"Is there any eyes or ears out for Nathan Denoir?" I asked. "I need anything pertaining to that."

"Nathan Denoir? That's practically old news." He said. "No one with any kind of funding is really looking for him anymore."

"The hushers have called it off?" I asked, using a code for assassins.

"No body left to pay 'em." He answered. "That doesn't mean there's no one looking for him. Just no one that can afford 'em is looking for him."

"Whose left then?" I asked.

"The Elmire's. But all their funds are tied up in other things. They don't have any time to hunt the last Denoir." He said.

"Any chance you can put a little extra worry towards them?" I asked, meaning exhaust their funds more.

"I could probably come up with a few ways to make them.. um.. financially unstable." He said. "Now a service like that is gonna cost ya a little bit more. You want it done? Two-fifty. You want it done right? Three-fifty."

"Perfect." I said, "Do you need anything, Mills?"

"Lunch." He answered. "Let's go back to your families place and get you some more of that buckwheat stuff."

"Alright. Been a pleasure as always," I said, I paid him the four twenty-five for what I wanted and told him to have a nice day.

We headed back to my families home. "Interesting man. Very well informed." Mills said.

"There's gaps, but he's a good man to get things done. If he refuses a request or tries to hike prices, threaten to go to the Gold Shilling. He'll buckle." I said.

"Why does he care if you go to the Gold Shilling?" He asked.

"That's his brother. They don't get along, he's known for being on friendly terms with certain nobility.. He's also an asshole." I said.

"I feel I can relate to not getting along with siblings." Mills said.

"Does that mean you only want one?" I asked.

"No, but I certainly hope they get along better than.. others." He said.

"With Hearthry values, do you think they won't?" I asked.

"Well, they are only half Hearthry." He said.

"Hmm. They're half Mills and half me. That'll still make them a Hearthry unless you plan to go by your other name again. Otherwise, you're one of us." I said. "I don't see any reason for you to not marry me."

"At this point, I'd have to agree." He said. "I'll still have to talk to your father, though."

"If that's what you'd like. We have a paladin back in town. You're going to move in with me, aren't you?" I asked.

"I already told you that you'll be lucky to leave my sight. Moving in together would be a lot easier to accomplish that goal." Mills said.

We entered the house again, greeting the doorman. Anusingly we met everyone on the way to the dining room. Tyra complimented my new merchant. And told me about the dragon visiting her.

We discussed some things we were up to today, and when Tyra offered to hold Uncle down for Vincent to bop his nose himself, Dad said Uncle could easily toss her. Uncle told him exactly why he wouldn't be throwing Tyra at all for a while; she was pregnant with his baby! Mom pointed out that Tyra's baby will be older than mine, barely. Uncle looked so happy. Tyra looked comfortable, happy in her own way.

After lunch Dad told everyone we'll be having a family outing in Ymir's Town. I'd have liked to go ahead with it and just play my Dad's way, but I needed to do things, and I didn't want to be lazy with it. So, I explained they should all have fun, Mills and I would handle my business.

Dad started to protest, I knew he was going to, but Mom spoke up. "No, let her do her thing. She'll have Mills with her. If we weren't going to accept him and trust him to help look after her, then we should have killed him and dumped his body in some sewer for the rats while she was still gone. Even if she didn't believe us, she wouldn't push us on it if we spun some tragedy." She shrugged.

Harsh, Mom. Very harsh, and accurate. I patted Mills' hand to check in with him. He was uncomfortable, but able to move past it. Dad accepted that Mom was right, and that was that. Tyra added about the earrings we still wore, and it's ability to link psionic users. We headed to Ymir's Town through the office doors.

Dad gave brief directions, since I'd only been here once when I was ten to kidnap Vincent. This was Vincent's birthplace, and where Derek probably still was. I wasn't sure, didn't really care. Then a sort of realization came across me. What if Derek comes to my town? That unsettled me. Dia chose to stay with my family. I squeezed Mills' hand lightly while we walked towards the library.

I'd decided to see Lucretia first, since she'd helped Dad and I. Looking around, I saw warnings. Scratches done against buildings warning you not to act crooked near here. The closer to the library we got the more cryptic the warnings that the thieves guild had etched. I pointed it out to Mills, mildly amused.

Once we entered the library I commented that this will be Vincent and Seralyn's favorite stop. I was tempted to go through it myself, but I was here for a reason. I approached the desk, and asked for Lucretia. The person nodded to me and told me it'd be a moment. The person that came was certainly not Plight's little sister, but a man, probably her fiancé.

He was a very tall man, brown eyed and black haired, though, he had grey streaks around his ears. His clothes were comfortable, rather than tailored or well put together. There wasn't an aura of 'this better be worth my time', like with my dad, or intimidating like Uncle, but comfortable. Kinda like Kershka. This was an intriguing thought.

"This is probably rude to say, but you give me all sorts of ideas. Some of which may be amusing to you. I assume you're Lucretia's fiancé, then?" I smiled, keeping my body language open. "I'm Sarial Hearthry, and this is my beau Mills. I just wanted to greet you both since you helped my friend and I come home."

"Yes, my name is Phintias. I'm glad to see you're alright. Are you taking a tour of the town?" Phintias asked.

"No, my parents are taking my siblings around, though. I came to see Lucretia, and Adelaide." I answered. "You're not an intimidating sort at all, are you? Is that on purpose? You remind me of a friend named Kershka."

"I certainly try to be peaceful more than intimidating." He replied. "If you're here to see Lucretia, then I suppose I can go and fetch her for you."

"If it wouldn't bother you to. I promise I'll only pick on her a little, like siblings do. I'd considered Plight a brother of sorts and would like to treat her similarly." I said.

"Well, that sounds lovely. I'm sure she'll love it as well." He said.

He waved us to follow him and took us to his study, where he said he'd bring Lucretia to. Mills and I were invited to make ourselves comfortable, and did so. He brought Lucretia down after a few minutes, and excused himself, leaving the three of us to talk comfortably.

I got up and hugged the girl, she looked my age, which probably didn't mean much. She was slow to return the hug, but did. She greeted me, and was more comfortable when I explained who we were and why I was here. Since her fiancé wasn't present anymore, I was gonna tease her.

"Dean told me the two of you had a lovely time together." I said.

"We did, yes. He is very skillful." Lucretia replied.

"Yes, but I think you're referring to in bed?" I joked.

"That, yes. People seem to respect him. I hope his lady accepts him." She said.

"You know, I probably might have at one point.. But we had fought and said some deeply hurtful things. We may yet recover our friendship, but we would have never been a couple." I said. "I understood he loved me, but he's always been a kid at heart, and to quick to wound me when I don't act like I grew up on the streets."

Her eyes had grown wide. "Ah. I am sorry. I had not realized the connection or known what happened between you both."

"Don't worry bout it. I honestly was hoping that Eluvian would catch his attention, but she seems more like me and strict than someone who'd settle with him. But, things can change." I sighed. "He told me to invite you back. And I'd like to. But I don't want him pestering you and hurting your relationship, though, you're welcome to visit any time."

"I can see why Dean would be so hung up on you, you are a very warm person. You know I am a vampire right? I do not feed primarily on animals, like Brother does." Lucretia replied.

"That doesn't bother me. You aren't acting monstrous, so there's no need for me to hurt you. Plus, you're Plight's sister." I said.

She looked considerably relieved. "Do you want to see what I've been working on?" She asked, her eyes excited.

"Sure. I love to see what people can do." I answered.

She showed us all sorts of things she's crocheted, in all varieties of colors. I quite enjoyed it. A lot of them were stuffed animals. Some were cozy shirts or shorts. Others were headbands and hair clips. Or, super intricate bookmarks.

"Do you think you could make our baby a super soft blanket, or a stuffed toy?" I asked.

"Yes, I can do both. I have a lot of time... You're pregnant?" She asked.

"I am. Nearly two months along." I answered.

"Aww. Babies are so cute. I'll definitely find some very soft yarn for the blanket. What color do you think? In another month I could divine the gender if you'd like." She offered.

"Color doesn't matter much to me, but I think blue and green would be nice, to symbolize both Mills' and my eyes." I answered, squeezing Mills' knee lightly.

"How are you going to divine the gender of the baby?" Mills asked.

"It is a simple process. Despite my heritage, I am a divine sorcerer, though of chaos. I can cast divination and channel it towards knowing the gender. Unlike priests, I will not require drawing Sarial's blood to do so. It merely would require touching her belly. Or I can tell you how to evoke such things through ritual if you are anxious." Lucretia explained.

"That's quite alright. You've dissuaded my worries." He said, "I think it would be a fine idea."

"That's Mills speak for he'd like to know." I laughed.

Lucretia was easy to talk to. She was an incredibly like minded person, open to helping and inventive. She even started showing me how to crochet. The new movements made my hands ache. I also kept losing count and needing to recount. A few hours had passed when Phintias returned with a gentleman.

I noticed from my peripheral, while saying, "I've no hand at this. I fear I may need to re-learn to count."

Mills was the one to react to the new comer. Standing and greeting him exceedingly politely, and by title.. The Sultan. Having caught my attention, but also being covered in warn and such, I declined to stand, but gave him a polite greeting of my own. I then eyed Phintias and warned him that I'd remember this.

"I find it most pleasing when people are not expecting him." Phintias said, grinning widely.

"If you were a feline I'd pluck every one of your whiskers." I sighed. "I had wanted to speak to the Sultan anyways."

"And I have been wanting to speak with your father." The Sultan replied.

"May I pry and ask what for?" I asked.

"It is to my understanding that your father deems himself above trade law." The Sultan ventured.

"That is most unfortunately, incorrect. He simply finds a loophole to it and exploits that." I replied, "And I am seeking to be of the same mind with my town."

"Well, then. Let's discuss." He then sat in a very specific chair.

Phintias said, "That's my-" The Sultan raised a single finger, interrupting him.

I did my pest to clean up the yarn, flustered, but Lucretia took it off me, helpfully. "May I be blunt?"

"If you would find that easier to get your point across." He answered.

"I had intended to visit you in two days time with goods prepared and my master merchant in tow. I have no hand I trade, myself." I explained. "Never mind. I wish for your permission to establish a portal between Ymir's Town and Hearthstone Town, a town I have founded. My goal is to create a way for my people to generate wealth through trade. Currently, we have an over abundance of vegetables and I will be ending the islands monopoly on fruits."

"Well, leave it to Phintias to catch one unprepared." The Sultan replied. "As for your proposition for a portal, do understand that you are asking for a direct route into my town."

"I'll remind you, that I did get permission to be blunt..." I grinned shamelessly. "I don't exactly require permission to do so, there are other legal ways I could obtain it. Hence my presence here today. I just want to do this as openly as possible so my people don't need to sneak. If you speak your concerns, I may be able to lay them to rest. I understand that there are some... tensions between the Kingdom and the Realm, though I don't have the details of it. I can assure you that no one with ill intent may enter my town, and nor is my town explicitly part of the Kingdom."

"If you wish to dissuade some of my worries, then tell me of your produce." He said. "How much would be shipped? What would be the frequency of shipments were there a portal? What would be the cost?"

"Fair questions. A moment." I glared at Phintias and took out the communication device. I called Sienna, told her to get me Dean, and in thieves cant, asked him the questions. Once I had the numbers in my head, I mentally reached for Vincent, gave him a run down of what was happening, and asked his input. He replied he'd come to me. "I need to request for my merchant to be permitted into this little meeting. He'll be here in a moment."

The Sultan waved his hand and said, "Granted. I suppose Phintias hasn't caught you quite as unprepared as he thought."

"In all fairness, how was I to know that she wanted to see you? I was simply trying to be lazy because I knew you wanted to see her father." Phintias said.

"If you'd said something I could have told you. I really want to kick you." I replied.

He gave a slight bow and said, "In all fairness, you could have simply not brought it up first. For you see after seeimg that I have a connection directly to him, you could have brought it up later when you were prepared. You jumped the proverbial crossbow."

"Phintias that is quite enough of your teasing." The Sultan said.

"My Father raised no fool. You brought me a gift horse, and I chose to not look in the mouth." I told Phintias, then to the Sultan, "By all means, I'll inform my father you wish to speak to him, Sire, but only after wexre done. I would also like your assistance with a personal matter aftwrward, since you are the master of this city."

"My you are full of drive, aren't you." The Sultan said. "I will give it to you, you know what you want and won't stop until you've atleast attempted to get it. We will continue to wait for your master merchant."

I inclined my head. Reaching out to my Dad next.

<As it turns out, Dad, the Sultan wishes to speak with you once Vincent and I are done with him.>

<'I have a few guesses as to what might be what he wants.'>

<He said that he understands you deem yourself above trade law.>

<'Well, that's simply just not true.'>

<Yes, I explained.>

I glanced at Phintias again, after ending the link to my dad. I Mind Linked to him.

<Do you recognize this voice?>

<'I recognize this voice, but only through pleading and screams begging for death though never to find it.'>

I cringed. <So there is more than rage.>

<'Yes, there is more and every day she gets slower now. She will find what she begs for soon.'>

<Perhaps not. If I can find her within the rage. That's going to be the hard part.>

<'Someone with your connection may very well be able to. At least you would have a better shot at it than we did.'>

I made sure to deaden my emotions on the matter. I had already told my brother how to get back here. So, Vincent soon joined us. He saw my carefully blank expression and frowned, but greeted the Sultan politely, apologizing for his tardiness.

"Your master merchant..." He eyed Vincent, "I assume."

"Yes. Please don't let his age fool you." I replied.

"His age is hardly something to consider." The Sultan replied. "His abilities are all I need to consider."

"An excellent mindset. Vincent, You have the information you need, correct?" I asked.

"Indeed. Shall we discuss things here or somewhere else?" He asked.

"I have a more private place in mind." The Sultan replied. The Sultan waved his hand and a portal opened, he gestured him to go inside and once Vincent went, so did he. It shut behind them.

My face must have shown anxiety, because Phintias said, "You seem to be distressed. If your worried about your... young master merchant, he'll be quite alright. I know exactly where he has taken him."

"Distressed is a word for it. I know he's capable, but he was a very sickly baby. Incidentally, I sort of kidnapped him from Derek Cross." I said.

"Ah, yes. Derek Cross. The ever hopeless vendor." Phintias replied.

"He fathered the both of us, Vincent and I, and that's the only good that can be said of him." I concluded.

"Well, he certainly hasn't been a productive member of town." Phintias replied.

I nodded a little. "Any over population problem, here?"

"Well there is a bit of over population here, nothing crazy, we were thinking of making more housing." Phintias replied.

"Incidentally, I need people." I shrugged. "I have some citizens. But to become a city, which we're building already, we'll need more people. My citizens are currently the misfortunate of the Kingdom, cripples and orphans. We've had some success fixing them up. Children number a third of our population."

"Well, of course I'll have to discuss with the Sultan, but I believe we could help you." Phintias replied.

"I'm fine taking in thieves and beggars, as long as they expect to work. They'll keep what they earn. I feed my people without cost to themselves and house them. They just need to follow the laws I've set." I shrugged. "Lucretia spent a little time in my town, as well. You're both welcome to visit. I'm having a school built, when that's done I'll be looking for teachers. If you'd like a hobby, you can teach on the occasion."