
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Lost Home

*Lucretia's POV*

Looking out at the ocean from my homes balcony has always been a lovely sight. The way the sunlight and moonlight glitter off the rolling waves. If I had to say, it's the only reason I've dallied at home for so long. The servants here, along with my family members, aren't enough to keep me entertained.

After a hundred and sixty years, living here has become tedious. The same faces every day, with barely any changes. I'll admit, the marriage that was suggested grows more attractive by the day.

There is a person on the opposite side of the continent that my family received a proposal from. He runs a library and works closely with the Sultan of the Realm. Perhaps I should tell my Father tonight that I would like to enter the engagement.

In fact, I will go to Father now and tell him so. Truthfully, this family is not my own. They took me in because of a blood oath sworn to my real family before I was born. I don't even have memories of them, because they all died in a massive slaughter when I was a baby. All I have of them is my ring, and last name Acheron. I'd been raised semi-affectionately by the Zelaria family.

I ran past several servants, all the way to Father's study, where he conducts business dealings with the other continent of this world. He even had a way to teleport to and fro. His study's doors were overlarge, ogres could walk through.

Pushing them open, I entered the poshly decorated room. Styled both in wealth and comfort. Looking at him, "Father, I-" He cut me off raising his hand.

Conversing with someone via a magic item, he was in no mood to be interrupted. Especially not by me. So I flopped into a chair, in an unlady-like fashion, which earned me a scowl. Correcting my posture, I flashed a charming smile.

My Father has auburn hair, and brown eyes. A trait shared by all of his children and grandchildren. He inherited it from his great grandmother, a lovely woman, who is just a touch too opinionated. The exception is Colt, who had raven hair, and grey eyes. Along with those who married into the family who had black or, more commonly, brunette hair.

Which makes me quite the oddity. My hair is nearly platinum, and my eyes are as deeply crimson as blood. My skin also had a healthy glow to it, like a humans, rather than the pallor of a vampire.

This makes Colt quite keen on me. Often, he likes to feed on me, just like if I was one of the servants of the house, who are really just mortals who became indebted to our family, making them blood slaves. Though, if I stare at Colt he becomes quite incensed .. Or ravenous.

Due to his proclivity to feed from me, I have fang marks across my collarbones, throat, and wrists. Just like a servant. It peeves me off quite a bit, but it's better to let him have his fill, rather than to fight him. Even if it does make me hungrier to feed him. His tantrums are auite annoying.

It took quite some time before Father turned his attention to me and ended his conversation.

"What is it, Pet?" He asked, giving a slight smile.

"Father, I'd like to marry that man after all." I said.

He looked my face over, briefly, then nodded. "Very well. What has caused this change?" He asked.

"Just thought and consideration." I tell him, smiling.

He picked up a different communicator and activated it. Once the other picked up, he said, "Phintias, some news. Lucretia has agreed to be engaged then married to you." The man had replied, and Father told him, "I'll make some arrangements within the week to send her to be introduced to you. I'll keep you notified." With that, he hung up.

"Thank you, Father." I said respectfully.

"Yes, Pet. Go pack some things into a bag. I'll send you, a servant, and a couple of others to meet with him in his city, Ymir's Town, within the next couple of days. It will take around a fortnight, continuous travel, or a month at leisure." Father said.

I bowed, and left to my room, packing up as instructed. I packed up several dresses, a couple of jewels, and travel clothes; shirts and pants. As well as several comfortable shoes. I also included some of my favorite things, like an old stuffed toy I had from my birth family. It was a toy passed between children, Father said.

That completed, I left my room, feeling a bit peckish. I headed to the dining hall, where we're supposed to take our meals. Colt spotted me, unfortunately. He began to approach me, but the entire mansion suddenly shook. Several servants shouted in fear.

Colt and I raced to find our parents, for fear of whatever is going on. Seeing something out the corner of my eye, I paused at the class doors, looking outside. Colt had ran on.

Much to my horror, what I'd seen was a massive ball of flames flying at our home. It collided into our home and exploded, covering all in flame....

I awoke the next day, all the way down on the beach. Pain radiating throughout my body. I forced myself to get up, gasping from the exertion. I looked around, then up towards the cliffside that our mansion was built on. Was. It was gone. Looking around myself, stunned, there was no one. No one living, anyways. I spotted a sister, and a couple of servants. All cold, very dead.

In shock, and agony, I climbed the cliffs trying to reach where the mansion had been. After a few hours, I managed to reach it. Rubble and scorched corpses. Devastated, I collected what valuables remained. By whatever morbid luck, my bag had somewhat survived. Most of what I'd packed into it was scorched, unusable. But not the stuffed toy. A plush beholder. It was in perfect condition.

Sobbing, I hugged the toy close. Lost as to what to do. Then I remembered, I am not alone. Phintias, was newly made my fiancé. Well, he may break if off now... But I can try and see if he will take me in.

With a plan in mind I wiped at my face and began heading South, up the frozen mountain range. As I understand it, humans called this mountain Wolven Falls Mountain Range. We called it Moon's Rise.

The next terrible thing, my extensive injuries had left me starving and healing slowly. My throat burning horrifically adding to the sting of my singed body.

After I reached the top, I started on my way down. I'd never endured anything like this before. It was sheer agony. On the way down, I lost my footing and fell all the way the rest of the way down the mountain....

I'd blacked out once more, the next thing I knew I was barely opening my eyes.. It was a brand new day once more. The sun was beautiful. Warming me.

Luckily, a curious deer happened upon me. Once I'd drained it, I started healing slightly faster. Forcing myself up, I began walking. Before I'd fallen I'd seen a town nearby. Maybe I could get help there.

After an hour, I'd sensed another creature nearby. I used a spell that stole the health of creatures nearby and used it to heal myself. I got into some water and cleaned myself up as well as possible. Then I took out the most together outfit I had and put it on.

Then I continued towards where I hoped the town was. It wasn't until around night time that I had reached a road. I looked around, aside from a bridge, there was no way to determine which way I should go to reach people. Left or right? Left or right??

Overwhelmed, and miserable, I took my stuffed toy out and curled up, just off the road against a tree. I sobbed into my toy, feeling helpless and hopeless.

Once I recovered from my desolation, I just stayed there longer. Just cuddling my toy. I wasn't sure what I should do next. In truth, I wouldn't need to eat since my ring allows me to not need to consume sustenance for a month. Though, that is an uncomfortable feeling. I could stay here for some time and wait for someone to find me, then I can ask for help.

While I was lost in thought some people had approached me. A man, had crouched at my side and asked, "Are you alright?"

"No. Not really." I answered, looking at him and the others with him.

"Is there something we might be able to help you with? Or do you just need time alone?" The man asked.

I wiped at my face, uncertain what to say. As I hesitated, one of the women approached. She hummed a tune, casting a spell to repair my bag and it's contents.

"Did something happen to you?" She frowned, concerned.

Tears welled up within my eyes again and I said, "Everyone died..."

They were alarmed at that. "Would you like to come inside? We have a place nearby that you may rest."

"Is it safe?" I asked, warily, a tear falling down my face. I wiped it away, quickly, then sat up, looking at them.

"Should be." He said.

"If you don't mind answering.. what happened to you... was it nearby? We'd need to handle it." The girl asked, the women were elves I realized.

"No. We- I- lived in the mountain range. I think it's called Wolven Falls..." I said.

"I would say that's not to far from here." The man said. "I didn't know there were people living up there, though."

"Before we do anymore questioning of her, lets get her somewhere not out in the wilderness.. or not outside. Where she can maybe rest or have a meal." The blond man suggested.

"Yes, Atanya is right." The girl said, standing and offering me her hand. Atanya meant 'my dad.'

Hesitantly, I took her hand and she pulled me to my feet with a smile, even though I was a bit taller than her. Then her smile stiffened as she looked at my neck. I pulled my hand back and covered the bite scars, embarassed.

"It's ok, don't be embarassed." She said, smiling brightly again. "You're safe."

"Indeed. You are safe." Plight said. "Can you walk alright, or do you need healing?"

I shook my head, swallowing nervously, "No, I do not need healing. My wounds healed already."

"Alright," The blonde man said, "Then it's decided, off we go! I want to see what my daughter has been up to."

As we began walking, them leading, the second woman asked, "Are we all not being rude? Introductions have not been made."

The blonde man stiffened, "Ooh. Right, sorry dear. My name is Alexander the Bard."

"I am Plight the.. Healer? Yes. Healer." The other man said.

The girl who'd first spoke had stiffened slightly, too. "I am Sien, also a bard."

"I am Sylvia." The second woman said, "And you are?"

"I'm Lucretia Acheron. It is a pleasure to meet you all." I said, inclining my head politely as we walked. "I apologize for late introductions.. I am unaccustomed to strangers."

"That's quite alright. I am not accustomed to anything at the moment." Alexander said.

"I hope you are able to acclimate smoothly." Plight said.

"I don't know. I haven't had to acclimate. I just stayed home." I told them.

"Then this will be a fine opportunity to learn." Plight said.

Sien huggled to Plight's arm, as we approached an odd cave. We hadn't gone far at all from where I'd been crying. They opened the big doors that had a wreath on it, and we all entered, closing the doors behind us.

Inside this cave there were kids, adults, and dwarves everywhere. Guards greeted us all. Then an elf that looked like Sien approached us. I recognized right away that he was a paladin, based on the religious token, he is one of Tamara's. They hunt undeads....

"Mother, you are here." The elf man said, hugging Sylvia. She hugged him back. He then looked at Alexander. "Hello.... Alexander.... I am Alexion."

"Hello Ale- wait, Mother?" Alexander said, shocked.

"Alexion and Sienna are twins." Sylvia told him, rubbing his arm. Appearing concerned for him.

"It has been Sienna's greatest dream to meet you, Alexander." Alexion said stiffly. Then looked at me.

"Alexion, you aren't being very nice." Sienna told him.

Alexion gave her a withering look. "Very well, Sienna. It is good that you are well once more, Alexander. I am sure we all will enjoy getting to know one another."

"I would like that very much." Alexander replied.

"Did you all wish to grab a meal? The people who cook are very good at it. I have been working on repairing her arm, but it hardly stops her." Alexion said.

"Is her arm very bad?" Sylvia asked, frowning.

"It was worse, Mother. Many here are orphans or disabled. I have been fixing what I can for them... I am still lacking." Alexion said guiltily.

"Is there any way that I could help you?" Plight asked him.

"Likely." Alexion said, frowning, "But would you be willing to resnap poorly healed breaks to set them properly? In some cases I must mangle the tendens to stretch them to where and how they should be."

Plight straightened and said, "I am a healer. I will do what I must."

Alexion nodded wearily. "I do not even wish to do it. But if I can fix their suffering..." He sighed tiredly.

"If you instruct me in what to do, I will do it, and you may rest for a while." Plight insisted.

Alexion nodded, then shook his head and said, "It's a bit late for continuing today. They're human and need to sleep. Tomorrow I will show you what must be done."

"Fair enough. I will be ready bright and early." Plight replied.

"Our children are soft hearted, like you " Sylvia said to Alexander.

Alexander beamed brightly and said, "I am glad they have grown into such fine people," He saddened, "even without me."

Sienna patted his arm consolingly, then blinked, "Oh, Lucretia! Were you hungry?"

"No," I answered, "I ate while wondering."

She nodded, accepting my words, "Ada, Amile, are you hungry?"

The pair nodded, and Sienna asked Plight to look after me, show me around. Saying she'd bring her family along to Sarial's home to check out what Dryad had done. If he'd came at all. Plight agreed to her request, and began to show me around this cave town. There were houses in all stages of being built. From finished, to just started. There were also tent camps, waiting for the houses.

I took to cuddling my toy again as he showed me the water feature. I also noticed there was magic radiating from a metal covered pit in the cavern. Which I decided I should ask Plight about, as I was quite curious.

"Plight, what is creating the magic aura down that hole, do you know?" I asked.

"It would seem to be a broken teleportarion circle." Plight answered.

"It's thickly layered, then." I commented.

"Parently this place used to belong to a very impressive wizard." Plight said.

"Oh, who?" I inquired. "There have been several in this area."

"Apparently his name was.. Azerim?" Plight said.

"Ah, him. He's a bit of a prankster." I commented.

"I can't say I know much about him." Plight responded.

"Maybe I could fix the teleportation circle.. Only I don't know where would be good to link it to, since my home was destroyed." I shuddered, hugging the toy tighter. I had no idea why that attack happened.

"I am sorry about your family. We'll figure out somewhere to put it. We don't need to worry about that right now." Plight told me, attempting to comfort me.

I nodded, accepting his words and trying to find comfort in them. He took me through towards the entrance and over to the other tunnel. Construction was obviously underway in most of it. He took me into a study area with a lot of books that were in the process of being repaired.

It was here, where no one else was that I noticed something about Plight. He has the scent of one of my kind. I looked at him confused. Lesser vampires, or 'spawns' would fawn over me, desire to serve me. That makes him a lord at the least. I also noticed an odd door, that I then approached.

I examined it. "How unfortunate. I cannot read Celestial." I said after looking it over.

"I'm not sure we even knew it was Celestial, so that was a good start." Plight said.

"Yes. You can tell by this mark, and this one. It's an odd location, though." I noted.

"I'll have to bring Sienna over here and have her look at it." Plight said.

"She can read Celestial?" I asked.

"Yes. I believe she can." He nodded.

"You are a vampire, aren't you?" I asked.

He looked at me and said, "What?"

I couldn't read his face, which made me anxious. "Was I wrong?"

"Why did you ask if I am a vampire?" He asked.

"You smell like a vampire, but I could be mistaken. I'm used to the scent of vampires, so I could just be imagining it for my own comfort." I explained, my face became gloomy.

"Was your... family.. vampires?" Plight asked.

"Yes. The Zelaria family." I told him.

"Then why does it look like you were a feeding tool." Plight asked darkly.

"Because Colt said my eyes made him hungry. Because they look like blood. Really, he's just a pervert... was. Was just a pervert." I explained, correcting myself to past tense. "Are you angry, Plight? I'm sorry."

"Have you ever explored the outside world? Or left your family home?" Plight asked.

"No, I haven't. We had everything we'd need at home already." I said. "Gardens, libraries, teachers, friends..." Tears started rolling down my face again as my voice broke. They were all gone. All the people I cherished or hated... gone.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask... Did they turn you? Are you a vampire?" Plight asked. His voice didn't have that dark edge to it.

"No, I was born a vampire." I answered him, trying to get the tears to stop, wiping at my face.

"You told us you ate on the way here.. What did you eat?" He asked.

It struck me as an odd question, but I suppose it wasn't the usual. "After I fell down the mountain I ate a deer." I answered, sniffling, trying to stop the tears.

"Alright. I feel I must explain some things." Plight said. He explained that you aren't supposed to tell people that you are a vampire. That they tend to panic and jump to conclusions. He specified, very strictly, that feeding on humanoids isn't ok, either. He then acknowledged that he is indeed a vampire.

"Why is it not ok? There are people who allow it. I certainly agree that those who don't wish to be bitten shouldn't be. Is it still not ok to you, if they allow it?" I asked.

"By my experience the ones who would allow it, once they know about me, do so because they wish to become like me." Plight said.

"You don't like that?" I asked.

"Most of our kind that I have met have been nothing but murderers and slave traders." Plight responded.

"There are bad vampires, just like there are bad humans. Not all vampires share the same views. Like an ancestor of mine was very evil. Perhaps it is why my family was killed again. Perhaps Father was doing something wrong. I don't know." I said. "He protected the humans that worked at our home from misuse and abuse. He was fair, usually, if very strict."

"That certainly can be true. Unfortunately, the bad vampires make themselves very well known." Plight said.

I nodded, "I understand. Were you made?"

"I wish. Then my life would be much simpler." He said.

"Why do you say so?" I asked.

"That's a story... for another time. Let's return to the others." Plight replied.

"If you can tell me how to reach Ymir's town, I could leave..." I offered.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to kick you out. It just puts me on edge when someone announces that I am a vampire. It's typically followed by many attempts on my life." Plight said.

"It's ok, I was trying to find my way to Ymir's Town anyways. I was supposed to go there to meet someone, but.. after what happened..." I did my best to try and prevent the tears, but they fell anyways. I wiped at them again.

"Atleast stay and rest for some time. We can help you get there." Plight said.

I nodded, accepting his words. "Barring injury, I won't need to eat for some time. My ring will keep me satiated for a month."

"Now that is a very handy item. I feed daily to make sure I stay in check." Plight said.

"That shouldn't need to be the case. Are you weak..? Your bloodline that is... Sorry, that sounds so rude." I apologize. My head ached from all the tears.

"No, my bloodline is quite strong. It's just if I feed daily if I get caught out somewhere, then I can last longer." Plight explained. He'd started leading me back to the town area.

"Oh. So, you prepare yourself just in case of starvation." I asked.

"Yes." Plight agreed.

"It hurts a lot, so I can understand why." I replied.

"Yes. It just hurts a lot." He said.

"If a lesser one drinks from a greater one they can become stronger, is why I asked." I explained, needlessly.

"I have no intentions of getting any stronger in that way." Plight said gravely.

"I wouldn't have minded much if it didn't hurt. Colt always made it hurt." I told him.

"It's not my business.. but, you are not a power boost. Try to value yourself a little higher." Plight said.

"Well, the Acheron's were stronger than the Zelaria's. They could go into the sunlight because of me." I replied, as we entered the cavern. "Not all noble ones can do so, or they are uncomfortable with it."

"I have never had an issue with sunlight. So I truly have no desire to feed on you." Plight replied.

I nodded and said, "I was only explaining, anyways."

"Do you have any information or lead on who attacked your family?" Plight asked, when we got close to the people we were with earlier.

"No, I only saw a massive ball of fire heading for my home. It completely destroyed the entire house and gardens. Nothing was left besides bodies and a few odd bits." I shook my head. "I have no idea who would have done it or why."

"Do you know of the people that your people had dealings with?" Plight asked.

"Not much, I'm afraid. Father was always clear it was none of my business to know. I only needed to mind my manners and behave accordingly. I do know they had contacts in the Underdark, and Ymir's Town, as well as the other continent." I replied.

"That is quite expansive." Plight said. "Unfortunately that truly does not help us narrow it down."

I shook my head and said, "I'm a fair bit sheltered and useless, I'm afraid."

"Just being sheltered does not make you useless. It just makes you inexperienced." Plight says.

"Truly, he is right." Alexion said, "I assure you, there are no useless people. Only useless thoughts. Which are any that are self-depreciating."

"I'll keep that in mind..." I responded.

"Lucretia is trying to get to Ymir's Town." Plight said.

"Where is that?" Sienna asked.

"Oh, I can be beneficial with this one. It is in the desert to the South of the Capital. Quite a few days journey." Alexander stated. He reached for his side and said "I have just the... right. I actually don't."

I smiled and said, "Don't feel bad. I lose things all the time." The thought instantly reminded me of my home.

Sienna gave me a hug, patting my back and said, "Time heals all."

I gulped a little and cleared my throat. Then returned the hug. "Yeah, good thing there is time enough in the world for all things. It was the mad wizard, Azerim, that used to say, 'All sorrows are healed with bread.'"

"You know, I could never tell if Azerim came up with his own sayings or if he stole them from Archimedes. I really should ask him some time." Alexander said.

"It would be of no use. Azerim has become a spectacle to the Summer Court, as he arrived some time ago and made himself into a tree." Sylvia said.

"Why would he do something like that?" Alexander asked, baffled.

"I do not know." Sylvia replied. "I'd forgotten about it, as Alexion was often getting into fights with others around that time."

"This is true." Alexion nodded, "When they would bully Sienna, I would bully their faces."

"Who's bullying Sienna? And why?" Alexander asked.

"Because you are our father." Alexion bluntly stated. "There are many back home that have done so. Less, when she started biting them, and lesser still when her familiar figured out how to harm others."

"Hold on... A lot to unpack there. They bully Sienna because I am her father and she bites them? And her familiar hurts people?" Alexander repeated confused.

"Yes." Alexion nodded. "Baas will drop things on them, usually pointed things, or use gravity to his advantage."

"He does?" Sienna asked, surprised. "I know Bellam bites or kicks people, I didn't know Baas could do anything."

"And she does bite people. Undine and her familiar told her to, so she did." Alexion told his father.

"And I thought I was generally well liked. I'd have thought my kids would have been treated nicely.... It sounds like a very good familiar that it can do such things. I don't think I've ever heard of a familiar that could think like that. As for these spirits that are giving you such spirit-like advice.. biting people is nlt the best way to win an argument, thougg I suppose it would be a quick way to get them to go away." Alexander said.

"If it was arguments, I'd win." Sienna said, pouting. "They deserved it."

"I mostly agree with Sienna. Just not the method." Alexion admitted.

"Besides, Undine is the best." Sienna stated.

"Aren't undines known for drowning people who irritate them?" I asked.

"Sometimes it's just for amusement..." Sienna nodded.

Plight was snickering a little. Alexander was listening intently to the siblings chat.

"Oh, right. Let's go inside the room. Dryad was supposed to come today and leave presents." Sienna said, walking to a metal door.

I noted that Plight had glanced at me hesitantly. He didn't want me to enter that area. As curious as I was, I told them I wanted to go check out the game the children were playing. Sienna smiled and hoped I'd have some fun, before opening the metal door and entering. Plight's face was relieved. I'd read him correctly.

I wondered, idly, if he thought I was a simple vampire that would be hindered from entering homes uninvited. He'd be wrong, but I could pretend for him. And I would. I didn't understand him extreme dislike since he was born like I was, but I'd respect his boundaries.