
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Complicated Minds

*Sarial's POV*

The next day the portal was established, so proven by Lucretia and Phintias visiting after lunch time. I brought them to our little library after thanking them for their visit and her work. Phintias said that the meeting with Adelaide could be had the next day. He didn't comment on my town, though he'd had a look around while Lucretia worked. She also showed me the progress of my baby's blanket. It was wonderful thus far and wonderfully soft.

They didn't stick around for long, having pretty much just came to tell me the portal had been established. I thanked them most graciously for their time and tidings. I hugged Lucretia before they left, using the portals to get home. They were shaping up to be a good couple, I figured. I let my family know what he'd said of the meeting of Adelaide. I also asked Uncle to help, since none of us could guarantee my safety while she's out of her mind. He of course agreed to help.

With everything set in place, Mills and I talked some with Dia, then went to bed. It was unfortunate for Mills that he couldn't accompany me to meet Adelaide. But he assured me he'd be alright. I just also had to be. I did what I needed to that morning after waking, including having breakfast, then Uncle, Tyra and I headed to Ymir's Town. Tyra excused herself, saying she'd watch with the Phasing Eye and stay around the market.

With that we fetched the three crates I was going to give to the Sultan. I'd forementioned this to my brother, only, and entered the palace to see the Sultan. We had to introduce ourselves to the guards, papers were checked, we were acknowledged permission to see him. Uncle had to hand over his sword, temporarily, I was sure. And the crates were checked over for poison and such before we had permission to bring them.

When we were admitted to his office, I noted that no one was with him. He was focused on his papers for the moment, and the people whoxd helped us with the crates left them in the office with us and left the room, excusing thenselves. I was prepared to wait until he looked up and acknowledged us, but that wasn't what he was doing.

He looked up, "Oh, hello."

"Hello, to you, too. I kinda expected you to do the nobility bullshit of making us wait to be acknowledged." I said, smiling.

"Oh, who has time for such silly things." The Sultan replied. "I'm assuming these are the products that you wanted to share with me."

"Indeed. I saw no particular reason to change their purpose." I answered. "Though, rather than being an example, just consider it a gift."

"Gifts can ve a dangerous thing." He replied. "But, I see no harm in this one."

"It's three different forms of produce, one fresh, one dried, and one a mix of canned and pickled." I replied.

"Can't say I know much of the pickling process we don't much want to add salt around here." He replied.

I grinned and said, "Would it interest you to know that salt has not been used for either process?"

"It would how did you accomplish this?" He asked.

"I really shouldn't tell you. It would be bad business, but I'm not a business person, so I will tell you. Rather than brine pickling or salt drying, it's naturally sun and air dried and vinegar pickled. With vinegar salt isn't necessary except as seasoning." I explained. "Vinegar has a similar process to alcohol in fermentation. I could write down several processes to food storage, if you'd like."

"That's quite alright. I am sure your brother would kill you if you continued to share secrets." He said.

I shrugged and said, "He'll have his shop to manage soon enough. I was more concerned bout my dad. Truth is, experience for Vincent, trade rights and the portal permission was all I wanted from you. Since I have what I want I'm much more likely to be helpful."

"I would certainly prefer you to be helpful than problematic." He replied.

"I'm willing to lend an ear if you need assistance. But. How are we handling the Adelaide meeting?" I asked.

"Well, I figured you'd like to get that done." He said.

"Yes. The truth and reunion are a little overdue." I replied.

"I can certainly agree with a little overdue." He replied, standing up.

He took us out of the palace, Uncle got his sword back and we headed to the arena, where we entered through a side door. We went through the gladiators prep areas, getting to see the fighters prepping to head out for their fights. Passing through more halls we came to a set of over large doors that were shut tight at the moment.

"This is where I will leave you two." He said, handing me a key. "I wish you luck on reaching her. At the very least, don't die." He then turned and left.

"Should I go in sword ready, or just wait and see?" Uncle asked.

"I... don't know. I don't know if it'll provoke her or not." I replied. "And I don't know if there's any external sense to her."

"I suppose we'll just open the door and see what happens." He said.

"I think I'm nervous." I half laughed. But I unlocked the door anyways, and opened it.

The room inside was exceptionally plain. Only a bed was in this room. Adelaide was sitting upon this bed with her hands on the hilt of her sword. Her body oozed exhaustion, her face was covered by her signature white mask with red tear drops running down it. She showed no reaction to us entering, but I could physically feel her rage and anger. Vakri was intangibly wrapped around her blade, she'd wrested it away from her mind. It looked twisted around with bloody thorned vines, and uncomfortable.

I took a deep breath, shutting the door behind Uncle and I, then reached out to her mind. It made me incredibly nauseous from the intensity of the emotion. I felt my mind being pulled at, the rage trying to draw me into it. I managed to push past, delving deeper into her mind, probing in a way, looking for the right mental door that she's locked herself away in.

I dimly heard Tyra encouraging me mentally. I felt a significant pull this time, and nearly a block, but I pushed past this with ease and was able to Mind Link to her. This time, it was a wave of exhaustion that tinged my mind.

<Are you Adelaide Cross?> I asked.

<'Yes... I am...'> She replied, her mind exhausted. Her head had raised slightly.

<Are you the mother of Sarial Cross?> I asked.

<'I was.'> She said, her mind echoing itxs heartbreak.

<May I share a memory of a letter with you? From Derek Cross to myself when I was five?>

<'If you must.'> Her head dropped.

I showed her the memory of the letter I had struggled to read, having just began learning to read. It gad detailed Derek's regret over selling his daughter to James Hearthry to pay off his debts and how Adelaide had gone crazy in her sorrow and went to the Arena to die. How she was winning those fights, but he wasn't sure how long that would last. That he regretted telling her I had died, how he wishes to bring me home. With his signature at the bottom. I'd looked up and asked Dad what that meant. He explained that he bought me from Derek, but that he loved me as his own daughter. I ended the memory there. Waiting.

Another wave of rage swept from her and into my mind. I weathered it and waited for one more moment.

<Adelaide, or rather, Mother, I'm sorry I have let this lie continue for so long.. I should have laid it to rest much sooner. It's not a good excuse, but I feared hurting the ones who adopted and loved me.>

A vortex of emotions came over her as realization sank in, from joy of her daughter being alive, to rage of being left to fester in her rage, and sadness that she can't control herself well enough to embrace her daughter. That was what she wanted the most.

I took a deep breath and tiredly looked at Uncle, "I reached her. She's.. sad, happy and still very enraged."

"Hmm.. well if you can reach her that well, see if she will leave here and get some rest." Uncle replied.

<Can you leave here? You need to rest. You're exhausted. I can stay by your side, if you'd like. I can tell you stories, too.> I said.

<'Leave? Why should I leave?'> I felt her rage building again <'I have no reason to. My daughter left me here to rot!'> Adelaide stood up, and Uncle shifted his weight, redy to fight. <'What am I to do? I've been here trying to die so I could find you in my next life.....but here you are.'> She started crying and her shoulder's slumped, <'Perfectly healthy, I'm so happy to see you.'> She clutched her head and screamed then fell to her knees. <'Why can't I stop all this rage!'>

<Mutyir, I am sorry over your suffering. I didn't understand it. Vakri showed your rage to me, and I was terrified of it. Everything Vakri showed me was confusing and terrifying. I was a sickly child.> I used the Quori word for mother.

She turned towards her sword and touched Vakri, which seemed to pull Vakri back into herself. Her extreme emotions muted and faded. She then turned to me and said, "I would like to leave."

"Very well." I said. "...Are you... well?" I opened the door, then mentally reached for the Sultan.

<You didn't precisely say if I could take Adelaide out of here. But I thought I should tell you I am taking her to rest.>

<'Some advanced warning before you jump into my mind next time would be appreciated. You take liberties others wpuld pay dearly for.'>

<Noted. I'll be discreet with her removal.>

"No. But I am hoping with Vakri's help, to level myself out." Adelaide answered.

"I understand. Tyra, can you open a gate for us to take us to either the portal or the office?" I asked aloud.

<'How do you plan on being discreet?'>

<A nomadic gate. It's a psionic ability I have.>

<'Alright. Do let me know if something happens.'>

I left his mind with that. A gate appeared before us. "Mutyir, if you will, enter the gate with me."

"Alright." She answered.

"Come along, Uncle. Let's get your lady to you." I grinned while entering the gate with Adelaide.

"Alright, you cheeky one." Uncle grumbled.

We stepped out of the gate into the building that we'd came out of when we came to Ymir's Town, so the offices. Tyra was already there. I felt an uncomfortable feeling before a brief flash of pain that caused me to flench. Tyra reacted touching me and checking me over.

"Alright, so portal seems to be ok, but teleporting you is a no go." Tyra said. "Good to know."

"Yeah. That was uncomfy." I said, as Uncle stepped through the gate behind me. Adelaide was looking at me.

"I would like to talk to you, Dirthin." Tyra said, giving him an odd and slightly stern look.

"Well, I have no idea what I did but alright." He replied, opening the office door for us so we could return to the Hearthry Estate.

I entered leading Adelaide, cautiously taking her hand. I led her inside Uncle's office, once everyone was inside and Uncle had reopened the door leading to the Estate, I took Adelaide with me to give the couple privacy. Mills was nearby, waiting for me. I smiled at him, but told him I was taking Mutyir to rest, and to give me a moment. He nodded and I took her to a spare room.

"Would you like a bath? Or to sleep? Or are you hungry?" I asked.

"I am in need of all of these things." She replied. "A bath would be a good start."

"I'll run it for you, then. Would you like help? You can tell me if I'm being too much. I tend to be." I said.

"I can bathe myself. And you are fine." She answered.

I nodded, smiling, and went to run her bath. I understood what she was doing. Using Vakri to mute her emotions so she could control herself. While preparing her bath, I added my favorite calming scented oil to the water and some bath salts to sooth muscles. "If you're curious, Mutyir, I can explain to you what Tyra, the lady Leonin, was meaning."

"Yes. I would like to know." She replied.

"I'm currently almost two months pregnant." I said. "I nearly miscarried and have been having a hard time with certain activities sense. Like meals.. or teleporting."

She seemed to twitch slightly. "I am sorry to hear that you are having difficulties."

"It's ok, Mutyir." I said, standing since the tub had filled. "I'll go get you a yummy meal. Do you want me to stay Mind Linked to you, in case you need me?"

"Yes." She said.

"I'll prattle to you, then. I talk a lot, I'm afraid. When you think it's fine to, I'll hug you as much as you'd like. Hugs and cuddles are my favorite." I told her, getting ready to leave the room.

"I hope that time comes soon." She replied.

I smiled at her and left the bathroom. I told her mentally that I'd get her some fresh clothes, too. She thanked me, and told me it'd be appreciated. I went to the kitchen and buggered the chef until he let me cook a meal. I ignored the nausea it caused. Mills was with me, now.

"Once I have this going, I'll go to the Silver Shilling and pick her out some clothing." I told him.

"Hopefully a nice bath, a meal and some clothing will help her. I feel even I could taste her rage." He said.

"I can't teleport." I told him. "It hurt. Tyra checked on us. And yes. Her rage is... intense."

He looked concerned. I smiled at him. Once I had the food going well enough to not need much attention, I asked the chef to keep an eye on it for me, but to not alter it. I took Mills with me to pick out clothing at the Silver Shilling for Adelaide. After picking out three outfits, and underclothes we headed back. I had been chatting to her about my town. Meanwhile, I told Mills about my conversation with 'Sully'. A code name for the Sultan to not raise any undue attention.

Once we got back home, I went to the kitchen, the chef had followed my orders, thankfully. I thanked him and plated the meal on a serving trey. Mills didn't want me carrying it, but relented to me. I took it to the room Adelaide was in, and set it up at the desk. I told her mentally that I made her a meal and had it ready for her, then I asked if she wanted me to bring in her clothing. She agreed thinking that her arena attire wasn't appropriate.

So, I entered the bathroom with her clothing. "I didn't know what you may want to wear, so I picked out a dress, and two pairs of pants and shirts." I held them up for her to see them.

"I will take that shirt and those pants. I do not feel a dress would suit me." She answered.

"That's fine if that's how you feel. I happen to have a keen eye for clothing. I've served as a courtier for some years. I'm even a proper Lady now." I replied. I set the clothing aside on a stool for her and fetched her some towels. "Are you finished?"

"Yes, I have finished." She answered.

"Would you like me to dry your hair? I'm not rough." I asked.

"Yes, that would be appreciated. It's been some time since it's been pampered." She replied.

I offered her a hand to get out of the tub, but she declined that, getting up on her own. She accepted a towel that she wrapped around her scar riddled body, and sat on a different stool. I started drying her hair and said, "Well, shoot. I should have gotten you some night clothes. I didn't think about it."

"That's alright. I didn't think about it, either. I haven't needed night clothes in a long time." She replied.

"Are you comfortable with me calling you Mutyir?" I asked. "Or would you prefer Adelaide? That's probably a hard question.."

"Yes, it is a difficult question." She said. "My personal feelings on the matter may be a little askewed at the moment. But I know the answer would be yes."

"Alright. I figured it would be a good compromise to my own feelings on the matter. I don't feel calling you Adelaide would be right, but I don't want to potentially hurt my adoptive family, either. Though, you are my mother, too." I said. "Vakri proves it."

I felt rage bubble up as her face twitched. "If I ever get my hands on your father..." She squashed the rage again.

"I'm sorry, Mutyir, for upsetting you. I hope you'll come live in my town with me, and that we can get to know each other. I did try writing letters to you, years ago. But you never were in a state to look at them.. As for Derek... I stole his son so he couldn't do the same to him.. Though, Vincent is a genius, so he'd may have kept him." I'd finished drying her hair, now. "Shall I put your hair up?"

"Alright." She said, "Best not let it get in the way."

I took a comb and lightly brushed out her hair. It was as black as my own. I styled it quickly, making sure to not pull her hair. I had a memory come to me of asking my Mom if I may one day be able to play with my birth mother's hair. She'd said she hoped so. I'd half braided her hair, and pinned the rest in a bun at the back of her head. "There you are, Mutyir. I've taken care of your hair for you. Goodness, I'm a bit to old to be happy over such a thing. Go ahead and dress, so you may eat and have a good rest. I'll stay nearby if you wish."

Adelaide began to dress herself after finishing drying off. "Deagytir, tomorrow I will try to ease Vakri's control on my emotions. I may become.. unreasonable. Emotionally distraught, if you will."

"That's alright. If you'd like I can hold you and Uncle can be nearby to keep you from harming us." I replied, "If it happens to go that way."

"I hope it does not." She said. "But I understand the necessity."

"I wouldn't be concerned if not for my baby." I replied. She'd finished dressing so I brought her into the room where her meal had cooled a bit. "Here, please eat. I learned to cook from the chef and family, not my dad though. He can't cook to save a life. And this fact embarrasses him."

She complied with my request, eating her meal. It was apparently still a little hot for her taste, but she was hungry. Once she'd finished the meal, she said, "Yes. I would like for you to stay near me. As much as you are comfortable with."

I smiled at her and said, "As you like. I'll only leave your side briefly. Go ahead and rest, Mutyir. I'll sing you a song."

She got into bed, readying herself to sleep. "What song?" She asked.

"A song I learned when small and frightened." I replied. "Or is there one you like?"

"No, Deagytir." She answered. "Any song you sing me I'm sure will be my favorite."

I smiled at her and sang her a song about dawn always coming. It was a song about hope. As I sang, I stroked her hair, lightly. As if she were a child needing love and comfort. Soon enough she fell asleep. It was one of those deep sleeps that one doesn't wake from immediately. So, I slipped out of her room with the dirty dishes to put them up and comfort Mills.

Since it was a bit past lunch, I was scolded a bit. I ate some fruit, not really wanting to. Mom saw me out of the room and asked, "..How is Adelaide?"

"Heartbroken, enraged, and happy. There's a part of her that blames me for not going to her, but I think that's simply rage. I don't think she does feel that for sure. I do believe she'd rip Derek apart if she saw him, though." I explained. "She's not really slept or anything from the looks of it."

"Understandable. Feelings are not always logical." Mom said.

"I'm calling her Mutyir..." I said, watching her face.

She smiled and said, "You're a sweetheart. Don't be concerned. You could call her mom, or mother. I wouldn't be hurt or upset by it, sweety. Changing the language is fine, too."

I gave her an uncertain look. "If you say so Mom."

"You don't have to believe me. I have the emotional maturity and security to know my place in your heart." Mom said, "Come here." She opened her arms and I hugged her. "You're the sweetest baby I've ever met. Even if you came from Adelaide. Hearts grow to make more room."

"She plans to ease back Vakri's control on her emotions tomorrow. She fears losing control." I said.

"Then, I will stay with you both tomorrow." Mom replied in a certain tone.

"Mom, that's incredibly dangerous." I said, frowning.

"It's alright. I'll talk to your dad." She said. "You look tired."

"Yeah, it was rough to push past the rage." I replied.

She kissed my forehead and said, "Why don't you nap till dinner?"

"Yeah. I can do that." I nodded, looking at Mills.

"I agree with your mother. Sleep is definitely good for you." He said.

"Are you going to stay with me, or do you have something else you want to do?" I asked.

"No, I don't have anything in particular going on at the moment. Let's take a nap." He said.

I nodded and we went to my room for a nap. He seemed at peace when I woke near dinner time. I kissed him and said, "Sorry this has kept me from you."

"It's alright. I knew I couldn't keep you all to myself forever. I have to share you occasionally." He said.

"You can't be too greedy. Our baby will occupy my time, and I've put our dream to reality." I replied.

"I'd be quite disappointed if you didn't put the baby first." Mills said lightly.

"Hmm. No, I think you'll be a trophy hubby." I joked.

"Every man's dream." He replied.

"To be mine? Of course." I giggled.

He laughed and said, "You cheeky little.. Don't leave me on the mantle too long, alright?"

"Course not." I smiled. "I need to check on Adelaide, then we can go to dinner, ok?"

"Alright. Let's go see how she's doing." He said.

"If Vakri is showing her what it showed me, she's dreaming of our past." I replied as we got up and headed to her room. I looked in on her and brushed her hair back from her face a little. She twitched but remained asleep. So I left her room, rejoining Mills before heading to the dining room.

"So how's our.... raging house guest?" Uncle asked as we entered.

"Passed the hell out, deeply." I answered, taking my usual seat. "She's using Vakri to make herself numb to the emotions. To not be reliant on that, she's already planning to ease off it tomorrow."

"Wonder how long it's been since she had an actual nights sleep." Mills said.

"Well, as long as there's several people nearby.. or at least me." Dirthin said.

Tyra looked at me and said, "You know, I should probably teach you Iron Durabilty."

Uncle looked at her and said, "What does that one do?"

"Damage resistance. It's how I shrug off hits that'd knock people my size out." Tyra said. "I used it against you."

"Ah. yes. That one. The cheaty ability." He said.

"Says the echo knight." She joked.

"I hardly ever use it." He said.

"And I hardly ever alter people's perceptions." She taunted.

I laughed, "Bullying Uncle now?"

"Yes." She said.

Uncle clasped his hand to his chest and threw the other hand in the air, "I'm attacked on all fronts."

"I could arrange that." Tyra said.

"I think my perception is off. Are you actually miffed with Uncle?" I asked.

"You can't read my face if I'm not looking towards you. No, I'm not angry at all. I just like being mean sometimes. I'd have already challenged him if I were angry." Tyra replied.

"Look at this face. Who could be angry with me?" Uncle asked.

Dad said, "I could guess a few names."

Uncle replied, "Bah, they're dead doesn't count."

We laughed some. Mom said, "James, your daughter still frets we'll be hurt by her if she accepts Adelaide."

"Oh, is that so? Sarial, you could denounce us and walk away. You could walk out those doors and never speak to us again. You could speak of every family secret you know to the King himself, but none of that will change the fact that you're our daughter." Dad said. "Not by blood, not race and certainly not by contract. You are our daughter because we love you, no matter what."

"I know." I said. "You can still be hurt by my actions, though."

"Goodness, you silly little girl. Come hug your father." Dad said, scooting his chair out a bit.

I listened to him. Getting up and walking over to him and giving him a hug. It had been a long time since I joined him for a conversation between the two of us only. At least, the two months it'd been felt like ages ago. I gave him a firm squeeze before heading back to my seat.

Understanding and knowing their live is unconditional is one thing. Being hesitant that I may hurt them was a seperate issue to me. It always felt like I was slapping them if I wanted to connect with Adelaide. Besides, it's not like they would have allowed Adelaide to raise me. Just like they didn't allow Vincent to return to Derek when he'd cried at two years old wanting to go home.

"How about when she wakes up, we all sit down and talk?" Dad asked.

"She'll probably want to." I acknowledged. "She was very wronged by Derek."

"We could always try to find him." Dad said.

"I shouldn't think that would be difficult. I could probably ask Phintias." I replied. "But I don't know if that's worthwhile."

"He may have some kind of lead. If not there are always the common areas we can check. I'm sure someone would have seen him." Dad replied.

I nodded. We finished up dinner and I checked on Adelaide again. She showed no signs of waking, so after a snuggle with Mills, I told him I was gonna chat with my Dad. He'd gone back to his office after dinner, so I went there to visit him. It was the hour window before bedtime that I used to always pester him during. He was on the couch like he used to always be at this time.

I'll admit, I laughed when I saw it. I wasn't sure if it was habit or he predicted it, but I joined him on the couch and snuggled up to him, just like I used to. I started telling him about what I've been up to in regards to the town, and all sorts of things. I told him about the two endless waterfalls Sienna's spirit friends had made for my kitchen and the nursery. And I told him about the family room that had a stage type area for playing music. I told him about my future plans, too.