
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Alexander's Return

*Sienna's POV*

*Chapter Warning Rated R Content*

It wasn't until near lunch time the next day that my parents awoke. Baas had informed me while I made lunch. So I made extra. Using Baas to speak to them, I told them there is a bathing room through the door to the right of them, Baas had looked at it, and that lunch would be ready shortly.

Mother blinked slowly, sleepily, then said, "Yes, thank you Sienna, we will be down shortly. Just let me have a private chat with Alexander first."

"Yes, Amile, I will do so." I replied and summoned Baas to me. He was happier with me anyways.

I let Plight know about them having woke up. He asked if I wanted privacy, but I shook my head and told him how anxious I was. He'd stay with me. We'd have some hours yet before my towers despawned, unless I resummoned them. Which was honestly tempting to just do. I didn't. I needed to go check on what Dryad had done. But now wasn't time to.

Once the food was ready, it took another ten minutes for them to come down. I giggled at the sleeves and pants being over-long on Alexander.

"Would you like me to hem those up for you? I have sewing things, and I won't prick you." I said to him.

"I would love that, they are... how would you say...? A little drapey?" Alexander said as he raised a hand showing how it was to long on him.

I giggled and explained, "Plight is a taller man than you. Have a seat, some food, and I'll work around you."

"Thank you, that will be much appreciated." He replied.

He and Mother sat at the table and Plight served them a meal for me. I got the sewing needles and threads ready. Just as I began to get started hemming up the arms, Mother spoke.

"It is not within me to keep introductions from being made.. I have already said you have missed much in the last twenty Mundane years. But I did not give you those details, as Sienna had been waiting on us." Amilessë said, she then paused, looking at Alexander. "I do not wish to distress you, so we will make proper introductions after the meal."

Accepting what Amile said with a smile, I finished the hemming of the right hand so that Alexander could eat, then started on the left. It was an effective stitch, meant for elegance, as well as to be completed quickly. I noticed Alexander still had my lute.

I finished his left arm with the same efficiency. He thanked me with a charming smile, and suggested I could hem up the legs after the meal. I nodded, agreeing obediently.

I sat and enjoyed the meal with my parents. Both of them for the first time ever. I could see in Mother's eyes she was curious about Plight, and stunningly happy to see Alexander. He really lit a light behind her eyes I had not seen before.

When the meal was over, Mother asked about the layout of the building. I detailed it, kitchen and empty room, then the bedroom and bathroom, with a study on the top floor. She nodded and told us to bring chairs from the kitchen into the next room, then. We obeyed her.

Once we got set up in the next room, and I'd hemmed up the pants legs and made Alexander some makeshift shoes, Amilessë said, "Thank you, now, give your introductions."

"Amilessë, this is Plight. I cherish him." I looked at Plight, "Plight, this is Amilessë, my mother, Sylvia." I turned to Alexander, then. "Alexander, I am Sienna Locke, it has been a long standing dream to meet you."

"It is lovely to meet you, I am Alexander Lockeheart. And I am glad to fulfill your dream to meet me. I seem to have been out of sorts for a while." Alexander replied.

Mother nodded to Plight, "It is good to meet you, Plight. I am glad my daughter has someone she's close to. We will need to discuss you further at some point, but, Alexander..." She placed her hand on Father's hand, looking into his face, "Sienna is your daughter from our time together."

He looked confused, "She's my.. daughter?"

"Yes, she is our daughter. I gave her a part of your name." Mother told him. "Your time away has been long enough for her to come find you herself."

"So... I have a daughter.. who is.. hoh. Well, it is.. splendid to.. meet you." Alexander said haltingly. "And I am sorry."

"Atar, I should like to tell you about the adventures I've had with Plight so far." I tell him, smiling, "Do you feel up to hearing, or would you like a moment? I understand that you may be disoriented still."

"No, please, tell me everything." He said.

With the gentle insistence, I began telling my parents about my travel before meeting Plight and Sarial. Then about how they took me to meet Tilton and Bibs, how much I adored Kershka, and I showed off the pretty spider Kershka gave me. Amilessë admired it as much as I do.

I continued on to tell them about our travel to East Haven, Alexion catching us, and helping us fight the wrongs of East Haven. Then how Alexion had led the people to Hearthstone Town, the place Plight and Sarial were building and the ideas behind that town's creation. I also told them about the Leonin girl who'd met us, and how we learned Sarial was pregnant, and that being the reason she didn't return with us immediately like she wanted to once the vile noble Denoirs were arrested.

Once I'd finished telling them about our adventures, Alexander said, "It sounds like you've really had some great times. Sounds like things me and my buds would have got up to, only with less explosions."

"Alexion and I did explode some bad guys with fireball spells. But we did so carefully as to not set things on fire." I told him. "It was a lot of fun to collect signatures for trading."

"Signatures for trading and fireball explosions. Sounds like an afternoon with Bibs, really." Alexander said.

I grinned at Alexander brightly and said, "Back home I am often accused of being like you, Atya."

He grinned back and said, "I am going to say that is a good thing. I'm sorry, I am still just reeling from the fact that I have a daughter, and she's this wonderful, kind person who already has all of these friends.." A tear ran down his cheek, "And I've just missed so much."

"Oh, Bormah," I said, hopping up and wiping the tear from his cheek. "I'm so sorry you're upset."

"It's.. It's alright. I am just a little emotional." He said.

"I understand. It's not a fault, Atto." I said. I'd referred to him in different languages as both father and daddy. "Do you need hugs?"

"I would love hugs." He answered.

I wrapped my arms around him. My father is a warm person. He returned the hug, but it also seemed to break whatever control he'd been trying to keep. He'd begun sobbing. Unfortunately, that also popped me into Winter aspect, and I cried, too. Mother began to rub both our backs, mature enough to not also be swayed by our tears.

After we cried for a bit and we recovered enough to calm down, I gave Plight a cuddle, as Mother began speaking, "I am sorry I gave up on you, Alexander. I had thought you lost to a grave. Our daughter was the only one who was searching for you with all her heart."

"It is alright, Dear. I had expected to be back rather quickly. If after twenty years you were still searching for me, I would say I'd feel even worse." Alexander stated. "The next time they try and have me go out on an adventure I will just have them dance right out the door."

"I think they retired, Atya." I said, "Tilton is mayor of Dueling Rivers, at least."

"They retired? Hah. I have missed a lot." Alexander sighed. "I could never imagine Bibs retiring. I am sorry, dear, I seem to have turned you winter. I am extremely happy that I get to know you, now. I am just sad that I missed so much."

"It's alright, Vadre. I am a sympathetic crier. I'm very glad to get to know you." I say.

"If you pick what you wish her to call you, she will stick to one. She is multi-lingual like yourself." Mother told him.

He looked at Mother, confused, then looked thoughtful. "You have been using several languages. How many do you know? And aren't they all just so fascinating?"

"I know ten fluently. I am working on Common, Aquan, Deep Speech and Undercommon." I replied.

"I can help with that, I know Undercommon. I'd be happy to teach you." Plight said.

"Ooh. That will be handy, especially since I've been teaching you Celestial." I grinned, slowly returning to Spring.

Alexander smiled and said, "What a wonderful friend you have. And how close you are to each other..."

"Plight is wonderful, Uset. It may be uncomfortable for you and Amile, but Plight is my lover." I responded. Plight's face turned bright red.

Mother's eyebrows raised, surprised.

"L-l-lovers... Hmm..." Alexander stammered, "How... long...?"

"Not long, Ada, Plight is fairly oblivious." I told him.

"No, I suppose I can see you being quite aggressively persuasive with someone who has caught your fancy." Mother commented.

"Aggressively...? I, um... feel a little out of my depth at the moment. And yet, I really shouldn't." Alexander said.

"I suppose she would be considered an adult by human standards..." Mother replied.

"I feel most father's have a lot of time to brace themselves for this." Alexander said.

I smiled guiltily and said, "Sorry, I thought it would be better to be direct about it, instead of leaving it an uncomfortable question. I like Plight a lot and intend to keep him with me as long as possible."

Mother frowned, "Explain that statement, Daughter."

I looked at Plight, "Are you ok with us discussing the issue? Amilessë may be able to help."

"Yes, we... We can discuss it. Maybe she can help us." Plight responded.

I nodded and looked at Mother again. "I am sorry to trouble you so, Amile. Plight is plagued by an evil bastard who was his ancestor. When Plight is damaged to the point of unconsciousness the ancestor takes over and harms those nearby. Since it is very like a blood curse, I thought you may have insight."

"Do you know his name? What goal does he have to be coming back through such a hostile means?" Mother asked Plight.

"Unfortunately, no. I do not know his name. But he comes back in such a way to strengthen.. me." Plight replied.

"To what end? Once he has you, permanently, what will he be doing?" Mother asked.

"He has never spoken well of anything. Has always spoken as though he is above everything, so I can only assume it's nothing good." Plight responded.

"If you can find his name and purpose I may be able to figure more out. Until then, there are hundreds of possibilities and many difficulties in potentially removing him." Mother said. "I am sorry I cannot help you more with just this. Is there anyone who may know more?"

"Unfortunately no. The rest of my family was wiped out by something. There may be some information left over in the ruins." Plight answered.

"Maybe Tyra may know something? She explores the Underdark, doesn't she?" I asked.

"We could ask her. Maybe she does know something." Plight replied.

I tilted my head slightly, "Oh, Adar, I met your pupil. She's Sarial's mom. She have five kids. Three Leonin and two humans."

"I am a little confused on that, but I am glad she found someone or someone's?" Alexander said.

"Hm? Her husband, James, adopted Sarial and Vincent. James is a gold Leonin, his brother Dirthin is silver and Snow Den is white. Their other kids are Jasper, Seralyn and Daelyn. Daelyn is funny and loves music, too." I tell him.

"Well, they sound like an interesting pair. I will obviously have to visit them." Alexander said.

"Seralyn and Vincent are smarter than most elves." I say. "Jasper is almost taller than Plight. But Sarial says he's secretly cuddly. I think he'd hurt someone if they tried though."

"Sounds like she has quite the collection of kids." Alexander said.

"They're great. Tyra is a little scary, though. She keeps saying she's going to hurt Sarial, cause Sarial keeps cuddling and teasing her. But she hasn't done anything to her. Just cause Sarial's pregnant, Tyra says." I tell him. "Sarial is cuddly."

"Sarial seems to have made quite the impression on you, Little Spark." Amile commented, smiling.

"On everyone she meets." I say firmly.

"I should like to meet her, then." Mother says.

After our serious conversation, we spoke on lighter matters for a time. When it was getting closer to supper time, I asked my parents if they wanted to see the town Plight was helping to build, and the home we were building for Sarial, with help from the spirits. Alexion was there, helping people, I mentioned, which helped Mother agree to go.

Of course, Father also wanted to go and see what we'd been up to. On the way, we found a girl huddled against a tree, she'd been crying. Plight and I convinced her to go with us to the cave. Mother scolded us all for not making introductions. The girl's name is Lucretia Acheron. She looks about Sarial's age.

She's very weepy, as she'd lost her home and family very recently. Once we arrived in town, Alexion came and greeted out mother. He greeted Father, unprompted, and Father looked utterly floored to learn we were twins, that he'd had a son, too. But Alexion made it clear that is was my dream to meet Alexander. After seeing Father mask the hurt he felt, I scolded Alexion.

Alexion gave me a frustrated look, then turned to Father and told him we'd look forward to getting to know him. Father said he'd like that very much. Plight and Alexion had a conversation about fixing the handicapped people. Then, Alexion invited us all to a meal, provided by the new comers to the town.

Lucretia declined it, so to cover for Plight, I asked him to show her around. He smiled at me and agreed to do so. After the meal that we chatted during, Lucretia and Plight returned. Plight told us Lucretia was trying to get to Ymir's Town. Father provided the info on how to get there, though, he seemed to have not realized he didn't have a bag on him.

Lucretia had giggled and commented that it was alright, and that she loses things all the time. Her face froze and the friendly smile she'd had on started to break, so I threw my arms around her, trying to comfort her. She hugged me back briefly.

When I was taking the group into Sarial's home, Lucretia declined going with us. She excused herself and walked in the other direction. I didn't think much of it, though I did worry she was going to go cry.

I'll admit, I was fully distracted from that when we entered the office. Closing and locking it behinds us as Sarial had ordered, we'd found a brand new double door set finely crafted in gold and wood where it entered into the Family Room.

I marveled over the beauty of the doors that must have been Dryad's doing. Opening the doors, we entered the next room. It had been lit up with an endless water fall yesterday and flowers aplenty. But today it was decorated with plush pillows and couches with cushions as fine as any elven crafter could make back home. The center table was round and decorated every bit as finely with gold as the door. Every bit of wood was decorated with gold, in fact.

We ventured into the other rooms that had been made up, the kitchen was wonderful, with cooking things and counters, stoves and a smokeless way to heat said stoves. The dining room had been made, which we hadn't known about, it was also well lit and wonderfully decorated with cushioned dining chairs.

Rudely, we'd checked on Sarial's chambers. The nursery there was utterly splendid and had all things you'd need. Even an endless waterfall there and a space with a permanently scented wind gust for cloth diapers to be dried. All of the furniture was, lovely. We next checked out the wing we were to stay in. It wasn't as wonderfully decorated, until we reached where Plight's and my room was evidently meant to be, so claimed by Dryad's handiwork on the door. A beautiful Elven symbol for protection sprawled across this door with 'Sienna' and 'Plight' written on it.

We entered to find a beautiful cushioned bed, done up in greens, golds, and with flowers growing up the wooden canopy bed frame. Diaphanous silk cloth made up the bed's canopy. There were places for sitting, and snuggling and places for books. The attached bathing room space included everything two people would need to be comfortable.

Dryad had popped in as we looked at our beautiful room and stared at me gloatingly. I hugged Dryad immediately and he chimed, "Sienna, Sienna, praise us."

"You did amazing!" I cried. Truly, I did cry, "I couldn't ask for anything better than what you and your friends have done."

Dryad said, "Of course you couldn't ask. We love you and did this for you. We couldn't be outdone by the others. And we didn't need to use your energy for this."

"You won't take anything for thanks?" I asked, feeling like I was the only one who benefited.

"Yes. Play for me." Dryad demanded. "All is even, then. Because we love Sienna most."

I laughed, "Yes, I can do that for you." I agreed.

"Yay!" Dryad gleefully shouted. "Ah yes, we have more furniture and things made. Just have to finish the other rooms."

I hugged the spirit again, and Alexion offered to play music with me. He saw that Father had my lute and suggested Father play with us. Father said he'd be honored to. We went into the Family Room, where the other spirits had gathered, unbeknownst to us. The sat with satisfied looks around the table, waiting for us. Even Aura was present.

This is when we noticed there was a golden stage with diaphanous silk curtains in the corner of the room near Sarial's wing. Taking my place on the stage with Alexion and Alexander joining me, we began to play for the spirits. I played my viol, father played my lute, and Alexion played an oboe.

Mother and Plight had found cushions to sit on and listen to us all play. After we played a couple of songs, Mother was openly, and silently, weeping. Father went to her to comfort her. Alexion told them to use his room to rest and take some time. And with Father's thanks, that is what they did.

Alexion entered room to pray privately, so I played on for the spirits for a bit longer. They began finishing the rooms at that point. Which was just Sarial's families rooms, and the servant's wing for whoever Sarial directly hired as her own people. Once my mana was spent, the rooms were decorated by Dryad, and the spirits left to allow us rest, and for their own rest. We ended up storing all the ores they found in Sarial's Bag of Holding that used to be Father's home.

Plight and I went to our room, then. Where we marveled once more at the splendor Dryad had given us. The lights were dimmed with a simple command for them to do so, they could even be ordered to go out. I pulled back the curtains, climbing into the bed and beckoning Plight to join me. It was like laying upon a cloud, only not wait.

He joined me without hesitation. Cuddling me, using my chest for his pillow rather than the cushions. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close. I giggled with delight at the closeness. He smiled at me brightly.

"It's marvelous, isn't it? Our home together with Sarial." I asked him.

"Yes, it's marvelous." He said, "Your spirits did quite a number on this place. Best part is I get to experience it with you."

"Do you think Sarial will like all that?" I asked, petting his hair.

"I'm sure she will. She'll probably ask if they can do those kinds of things in other places." He said.

"Perhaps. If asked sweetly." I replied.

"Ah, so.. Apparently Lucretia is also a vampire. But I don't think she is harmful." Plight said.

"Is she? She seems like a lost and hurting child to me." I replied.

"Well, you are not wrong. She certainly is that." He said. "Every other time I have come across one of my kind, it has never ended well. They have always wanted to recruit me, or kill me. She doesn't seem to wish to do either. She seems.. very sad. I just don't know what to do with that."

"She did just lose her family. What would you do if she was human?" I asked.

"I would want to help them." He said, firmly.

"She's just a girl, even if she is also a vampire. If I judged others based on how I am treated, here or in the Fey, I would not be friendly to anyone. The villages I visited were weary of Fey visitors, and in the Fey I was bullied or ignored by others. I have to believe that new people aren't going to be like that. And you see? With that hope, I earned you." I smiled at him.

"I want to help her. I will try to express that tomorrow. I believe I was a little on edge, maybe mean earlier." He said.

"How did you find out?" I asked, curiously.

"She asked me if I was a vampire." He said. "I informed her that spreading what she is dangerous."

"She wasn't aware?" I asked.

"Apparently not." He commented.

"I think she's pretty." I say.

"Is she?" He asked.

"Her eyes are like rubies. She's got a similar figure to an elf, and she's tall. Her hair is long and fine, her skin in a warm tone, as well." I point out.

"I suppose I am blinded by your beauty." Plight replied.

I turned his head to meet his eyes and said, "Beauty comes in all forms. I most like yours."

Then we kissed each other.

With that kiss, more followed. His hands began to explore my body, ever so gently. In response, I began to massage his shoulders and back, using my fingertips to work firm circles in the spaces I could reach. He exhaled audibly with pleasure at my touch, the sound turning into a throaty hum.

I paused my massaging to request he remove his shirt, robe, and armor. I didn't wish to be burned. He nodded, sitting up and twisting to remove the offending garment. While he did so, I removed my clothing. When he'd turned back, he swallowed and said, "Beautiful," before placing his hands on my hips.

From there, he caressed my hips, moving to my bottom, and kissing me. I returned the kiss, while feeling his chest and shoulders. His hands moved up my back to squeeze me to his chest. The kisses were becoming intoxicating and fevered by now. He leaned down to tease my breasts with his mouth. I gasped, sharply, shivering with delight at the sensation.

Then one of his hands touched me between my legs. Much to my embarrassment, it was moist and slippery. He played with me there, teasing me as I gasped, shivered and squirmed. Soon, all I could do was hold onto him while he tormented me. He was watching my face, as he toyed with me. Shuddering, I cried out, climaxing from his hand.

Egged on by his success, he slipped his manhood inside me. He groaned at the sensation, leaning his head on my shoulder for a moment. I panted his name, desperately, as he began to rock himself, carefully against my hips. The sensation was entirely different from the first time. He was savoring this moment. Both to soon and not soon enough, his thrusts became more desperate.

My nails dug into his shoulders, as I whimpered and moaned. He began to grunt and groan, as he quickly approached his own climax. I felt my body begin to tense everywhere, getting closer and closer... With a cry, I bit into his shoulder, completely out of control as my body shook and spasmed around him, and he reached his end, releasing himself deeply inside me.

As soon as I regained control of myself, I released him, "Plight, I'm so sorry. I hadn't meant to."

"It's alright. We'll call it even." He said.

I poked the red bite mark I'd left, "Does it hurt?"

"No," He said, amused, "I'm quite alright."

I kissed him and told him, "You're amazing. That was incredible."

"Considering you are the only one I've done this with, I'm going to take that as fact." He replied.

"You're my only, too." I grinned.

He smiled and squeezed me gently. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back lightly, as he withdrew himself from me. We lay like that all through the night till dawn, when we decided to have a bath.