
The Sleeper

In a world shrouded in darkness and mystery, where beings lurk in the shadows unbeknownst to humanity, a lone sleeper rises. The sleeper must embarks on a journey of self-discovery and survival, uncovering the secrets that lie within the nightblood hierarchy. But as ancient rivalries resurface and dark forces converge, the sleeper must embrace their monstrous nature to confront a greater threat that looms on the horizon. This sleeper known only as Elysium, awakens to a world of chaos and deception, haunted by visions of a destiny shrouded in blood. As Elysium navigates the shadowy mist of nightblood life, Allies and enemies emerge, testing his resolve and challenging hos humanity as he delve deeper into the mysteries of his own origins.

Charming_8210 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Shadows of betrayal

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense forest as Elysium's footsteps echoed through the darkness. 

His breathing a ragged gasps, each exhale clouding the cool air with a mist of desperation. 

Blood dripped from his wounds, staining the forest floor with a macabre trail of crimson. As he ran, branches whipped at his face, scratching his skin and drawing more blood. 

His heart pounded against his chest heavily, the fear of death driving him forward with a primal instinct for survival. Memories of the betrayal burned in his mind, the faces of his friend and fiancée twisted with malice and deceit.

"I only wanted to surprise, to express my feelings" Elysium curse with gritted teeth as he bear the nagging pain threatening to take away his sanity

Flashbacks of the fateful scene that lead to this played out before his eyes, a cruel dance of treachery and manipulation. He had trusted them, believed in their loyalty and friendship, only to be blindsided by their betrayal. The realization of their true intentions had hit him like a dagger to the heart, shattering his world into a million jagged pieces.

Like every gentle man wasn't to express love to his betrothed, he had story by to grab his fiancee favourite flower while booking a reserve in one of the top class restaurant

He wants to shower and spoil her with lobe and affection, being the CEO of one of the biggest company at a young age of 16

Inheriting his father ton of wealth after his sudden death to a falter car accident, money wasn't a problem for him

He drove down to her apartment and went straight for her door to surprise her, something he hadn't done before now

He usually call her down to meet up with him, having arrived at the door he was about to knock but pause wit his ears peck as he could hear the sound of pleasure moan and flesh tapping against flesh coming from the other side

His expression became ugly more he listened on to the point he was fuming with rage, threw the flower he bought angrily to the ground and turn to leave

Before he could make a move, his step were halt in place when he heard his fiancee voice asking the other a question after a successful round of pleasure ride

"Come on Roland, when would you kill that bastard already so I can be with you fully

I can't stand the sight of him around me any more" Elysium brow twitched, his fist clenched as his knuckles turn pale from over exertion of force

"That name" he mutter underneath his angry breath, struggling not to believe jos own presumption to be true but fate were cruel because the voice that replied were ever too familiar with him

"Just hold on a little longer" it was no one else other than Roland his best friend voice that came through, "I'll be done with my plans soon and just like his parents

He would be history and the Adrian enterprise would be ours to enjoy" Elysium veins threatened to explode from rage

His parents death that was thought to be a falter car accident was actually orchestrated by his best friend. No way, he can't sit on the sidelines for this one

He foolishly out of anger burst into the room to confront them, only to see his fiancée's sweet smile turned into a sinister sneer, her eyes gleaming with a hunger for power and control. 

His friend's laughter had morphed into a chilling cackle, mocking his naivety and trust. The seems to have fast forward his inevitable end at the moment"

The thought of how cruel and emotionless this two who had always act like they had his best interest I'm heart is so choking he could barely breath as it hurt even more than the stab he got to his chest as side

Thinking of everything once again brought his anger to another level, he refused to give in. 

He would not be a pawn in their wicked game, a puppet to their dark desires. He would fight, he would survive, and he would seek vengeance for the blood that stained his hands and the heart that bled with betrayal.

The forest blurred around him, the trees merging into a chaotic maze of shadows and uncertainty. His mind raced with thoughts of escape, of survival, of revenge. 

The beast's roar of Roland screaming his name while in hot chase after him echoed in the distance, a relentless pursuit that threatened to consume him whole.

he stumbled and fell to his knees, the ground cold and unforgiving beneath him, but his resolve hardened like steel. He refuse to go down like this

With a defiant cry that echoed through the forest, he pushed himself to his feet, his eyes blazing with determination. The hunt was far from over, and he would not rest until he survived and justice served to his enemies.

He plunged deeper into the shadows of the night, his path lit by the flickering flame of vengeance and the unyielding spirit of a survivor.

The trees thinned out as Elysium finally emerged from the woods and onto a lonely highway. 

Unfortunately for him due to rush, he didn't notice the blinding headlights of speeding cars illuminated the night. 

His desperation urged him to keep running, to escape the darkness that pursued him to get away as fast as possible.

But seem like fate had its own plans or the heaven were just mocking him, because the moment he sprinted across the highway

The speeding car came hurtling towards him, its tires screeching as the driver most have applied all his strength into his brake

Time seemed to slow down as he locked eyes with the car ever so surely drawing close to him who now look like a dear petrified in front of headlights, a look of horror dawning on his face as its too late to stop the inevitable collision.

The impact was like a thunderous crash of reality slamming into Elysium. His body was flung into the air, a rag doll in the grasp of fate. 

He felt bones shatter upon impact, the excruciating pain a symphony of despair. As he skidded along the unforgiving asphalt, every scrape and bruise sang a dirge of his own mortality.

In that moment of chaos and destruction, time seemed to stretch endlessly. His life flashed before his eyes like a flickering movie reel, memories and regrets blending into a haunting montage of what could have been. 

The fool he had been, blind to the signs of betrayal, the puppet dancing in the shadows of deceit, was laid bare before him in all its tragic glory.

And as his broken body finally came to a rest, the roar of agony tore from his lips, a primal scream of anger and despair against the heavens and the cruel unfairness of the world.

The once proud and defiant Elysium lay broken and shattered, a mere shadow of his former self, consumed by the shadows of betrayal and the merciless hand of fate.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a cold and indifferent light upon the scene of devastation. The night echoed with the sounds of p

Crickets and distant howls, while the world continuing on its endless cycle of life and death, oblivious to the tragedy that had befallen one lost soul on the road of shadows and betrayal. 

And as Elysium's world faded into darkness, a single question lingered in his mind: 

would the perpetuators go scout free, is this world just a mess of bad guys winning and good guys dying

He couldn't stand the thought of seeing Roland and that bitch inherit all his family wealth since their is no other person as his next of kin and he had foolish signed him in as his next of kin.

"No way, this can never happen, I refuse to die, I refuse to let them win" Elysium last moment were one of defiance, his every breath a testimony of his battle to survive but darkness still slowly ever drew close leaving Elysium to scream within himself out of anger and disappointment

"Noooooooo" as if he had muster ever last strength to scream this out, his voice was extremely loud as the darkness disperse and the ceiling to his luxurious room came in sight

As he Sat up in. Sprint likened unto one that have had his worse nightmare, his breathing uneven as he pant for breath

Thick bead of sweat running down his forehead as his precipitate profusely. After regaining clarity of his surrounding, he breath out in relief having survived that terrible nightmare

He raises his hands over his face to wipe his sweat but when he brought it back down his eyes almost pop off their sockets by the sight before him

His cheat heaving up and down from his ragged breathing as he stare at his palm in horror

His body fidgeting as he didn't want to believe the sight in front of him, no he refused to believe the sight in front of him trying to convince himself it all still. Dream.