
The slave alpha and his princess mate

The alpha prince of Nehemedia pack was captured while running in the wood in his wolf form and sold to a human king. He subjected him to different torture and pain in order to make the young wolf submissive to him. For ten years, the prince was under slavery in the human world. He hated them and kill any human who he lend his hand on. One day, the kings daughters came back to the kingdom and was taken to the room where he was kept as a means of entertainment to them. Unfortunately, the kings last daughter out of excitement of seeing a life wolf clumsily fell on top of him and was seized by him. He felt elated, that the gods has finally answered his prayers by bringing his enemies to his feet. At least now he could hit back on the king where it would pain him the most even if he has to die. He was determined to kill her but to his greatest chagrin. She Is his mate. How unfortunate!! Knowing this , he was now left in a turmoil state. what would he do? Would he let her go after everything the king did to him? Or would he get his revenge, even though she's mated to him?"

Maryangel · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 10-Hot exchange.


"Because.... because discontinuity would decrease the effects yielded already. Even you know that. Pesistency and consistency are the major keys in every successful experiment."

Bonnie groan. She hated the fact he's right,but she won't give him the upper hand. If she give up now,it only means .... Oh no! She won't let it.

She had to battle it out. She must fight to the end. Wolfarine needs it. Letting his word get to him means more cutting and injection on Wolfy. Her Wolfy.

When Roger saw she was tongue-tied,he smile victoriously.

"I know that quite well." She acknowledge.

His smile breaded.

"But I also know that it works more in production rather than operating."

"What are you saying?" He frowned.

"In production of drug or similar substance. You must be pesistency. You mustn't give up no matter how hard or difficult it becomes. Continuity. There shall be no rest until the product is set."

"Em..what're you driving at?" The confused old man asked.

"He's a hu...mammal." he changed her word immediately. She wasn't sure if calling him human would sit well with her father. Since they probably thought him to be an animal.

"His a mammal and they breathe. His body needs rest and adjustment. Frequently cutting and experimenting on him might cost his life."

"But it doesn't matter as long as we achieve our aim. There would be more of it kind to replace him." Dr Roger defended.

She stare directly into his balls."And how sure are you he would be fine 'til new ones are form? How're you sure,his body can condone more cutting and tearing?"

Dr Roger bite his lips pissed. He hate her. He so much hates her gut. If only he could get ride of her. He sure would do with no second thought.

He scrowl at her. Before he could proclaim another word the king interrupted.

"Bonnie's right Dr Roger. I don't want him dead. He should rest for sometime then you can continue."

"But ,My king. He seem strong." He argues.

"Strong? For Someone who woke up after ten years in coma,huh?"

"I wasn't talking to you little girl." He spat, gaze fiercely at her,wishing he could strangle her. He hated the fact a little girl like her is challenging him.

But Bonnie careless. Looking directly into his eyes. Not intimidated by his the intensity of his gaze.

The king seeing this butted in. He can't let his daughter and long term friend be at drag each others eyes out.

"Um..Dr Roger. Let's allow the animal rest for three months. After that you can continue your experiment. Is that okay?"

"Of course, my king. If that's your decision,it fine-totally fine." He smiled bitterly before standing and bowing for the king.

He began walking but stop facing Bonnie.They held each other's gaze. The king could feel the tension between them.

But he shrug thinking it doctors things. Dragging for supremacy.

After few minutes of intensely gaze,Dr Roger broke off and headed out while Bonnie went to hug the king.


She's seated inside her room deep in thought. What could she do to help him, Wolfariane. She knew he needed help.

Though he's acting stubborn but she knew he does need help.

"How can I help him?. I do want to set him free but my hands are tied. I don't have that power,only my father does."

Just thinking about that took her mind to the even of earlier.

What she said to him,dud she really mean it .

She bit her lips sadly.

Don't feel bad. It wasn't your fault, really. He pushed you. You wouldn't have say those to him if he hadn't provoke you. And beside the deed has been done. Let's hope it'd bring positivity.

"I know conscience. But I can't help but worry. I shouldn't have gotten angry. And even if I do, ranting it out that way isn't proper,for some one who's being into a lot and still going throw more."

It has happen,stop beating your chest. Let's hope your word penetrated deep inside his heart and soften it.

"Yeah. " She laid down. But couldn't sleep. She look up the ceiling scrutinizing it.

Things people do to kill boredom. What's so interesting In the ceiling? Making it worst it has be there ever since she got to the palace yet she find no interest In watching the design. Why today?

"Fuck! The palace is beginning to get so boring!" She murmured.

There's nothing to keep herself busy. She can't even enter the kitchen. Apart from the fact she can't boil an ordinary water. The maids won't let her do anything.

The treat her like egg ,holding her high and up. If it possible for them they would carry her and ne'er let her feet touch the bare floor.

Not that they sincerely does that though, probably due to her father. They all fear the king so much,they hardly breath in his presence.

She stretch out her hand and press a switch. A maid rush in few minutes after.

"My princess. What'd you want me to do for you?"

"I'm sorry you came. Please do tell Sally to bring a cup of milk for me."

"Yes, my princess." She bow and left.

She waited, waited and waited for Sally but didn't see. Bonnie was drifting off when she heard a knock.

"Come in."

The door open and Sally step in holding a glass of milk.

"I'm sorry ,princess. I took much time. I was helping princess Delva out."

"It okay. I'm glad you're here."

She moved close and handed the glass to her.

"Thank you." She said , gulping it down hurriedly.

Wooh! She didn't realize how thirsty she was until now.

Within a blinking of an eye,the liquid is gone.

"Wow! princess. you must be very thirsty,should I get more for you?."

"Yeah, do please."

Sally left and reappear shortly with another glass. This time larger than the former.

She handed it to her. She took it ,smiling appreciatively at her, she lifted it and down it . But this time she didn't finish it once due to increase in quantity of the liquid.

She kept it on a side table , shifted and parted the bed for Sally.

She smiled before moving and sat where she had shown her.

"Princess,is everything alright?"


"Yes, princess."

She want to talk. She really wants to share her problem. She needs someone to talk to. She's done pretending to be fine when she isn't. She gotta lighten her mind.

"Can you keep a secret?" She inquiry.

"Sure. What ever 'bout."

There was silent. The silence was do impregnable that Sally started feeling uncomfortable.luckily she broke it.

"I'm attracted to him." She breathe"It increasingly worsening daily." She added.

"That's a good thing, princess. Everyone has one or two people they crush on. Having attraction isn't a bad thing."

"You don't get it, mine is. It's fucking forbidden."

"Um..princess?"Sally was confuse. Short of words too.Why would she say that,she thought.

Bonnie saw her confusion through her eyes. She's pretty much sure she's trying to understand her outburst, Why she said her love is forbidden.

She wanted to tell her, but she's scared. Should she really trust her.

"I love Wolfariane." She declared at last. After much thought over it. She just hope she won't betray her.

Though she have never. Right from a childhood when she was assigned to her as her maid.

She has always help to bury her bad deed. And never let it out.

But people change, and ten years is more than enough for someone to change completely. She hope she's still the same Sally that got her back all the time.

"Wolfarine? Who's he princess? Is he from Europe?"

"No.He's from another place but is here, in our kingdom." She have herself saying.

"Oh!"She relaxed."That's nice. At least you two are close. It shouldn't be difficult getting him to like you. Who wouldn't like a princess ,anyway?" She joke and wink.

Bonnie shock her head."You don't get it,Sally."

"Why? Your highness refuse to accept him."

"That would be better if it's the case, but it isn't?"

"What's the problem then,princess."

"My father. He doesn't see him as human. He thinks he's an object of experiments. Everyone thinks too." She groan.

The thought of Wolfariane being just an experimental object hurt her so damn much. If she has her way she won't let anyone touch him ever again. But she knows it just a merry wish. She can't do anything. She has no power or authority over what get to be done or not on him.

"Um..I don't quite get you, princess." She said wispering the word out like she's afraid of saying it.

Though the princess head her.

"Sally,this am about to tell'ya should be between us."

"I swear,princess. The secret shall die with me." She sworn.

Bonnie saw her sincerity,she decides to trust her.

"Wolfariane...I named him that. I don't know his name."

"Wolfariane. Wolf....Ariane. Oh!"

Bonnie saw her murmuring the name to herself,she let her be.

And continued later when she saw she's done murmuring to herself."He's my father's slave, a half human-half animal being."

"The king doesn't...wait. is he the same man rumored to be an animal and is being use for experiment in the lab? "

She nodded.

"I also heard he died and rose again and now is kept in the museum as an art, for entertainment."

Bonnie also nodded.

"O.m.g.!"she clinge in shock"This is bad, very bad."


"What're gonna do?"

"I don't know, Sally. And he hated me."

"I'm sorry, princess."

"You don't have to be, Sally."


"Mmmmm." She murmured.

"Why would he hate you? Have you two met?"

"Yeah. I saw him the day I came back. My father took Delva and I to see him."


"I also secretly visits him."

"What? Um.. the king. You know...aaa..um..won't he be mad when he find out?."

"He would. I have no intention of letting him know. Except someone spill ." She eye her severally.

"God forbid I'll betray you, princess."

"Sally, will you help me?" She ask suddenly. Her outburst surprised Sally. They were discussing about the human wolf, suddenly helping. What could she possibly want.

"Tell me princess. What would I do?"

"I want to see him."


"Help me see him."



"What!" She yelled,eyes widened like saucer."Princess.....?"