
The Skill Imitator

× Discontinued. If you want to read same theme like this under mythology with a twist, visit my sister's work "Reaping System: The God Slayer." I'll focus on my romance stories. Thank you very much.

Scarfaced · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 43: Levaerûn: End of Volume 1

The morning came to the town of Levaerûn, signaling my departure soon. 

Mister Heizou bowed his head upon me upon seeing me walk down the stairs and, at the same time, approached Misha, who was holding my hand.

"I'll take care of Rafaela, Master Troy," Lina said, extending her hands toward her.

"A Summon, without any particular merit in mind, is embarking on a journey without destroying anything. It makes me wonder what kind of environment you grew up in." Raiden walked past me. "Anyway, we should go now."

I nodded and faced Rafaela. "Be a good girl to Anabelle while I'm gone, Raf?"

Rafaela's eyes immediately narrowed upon hearing what I said, and she tightened up her hold on my hand. "I can't go with you? Why?"

Oh, I forgot to tell her.

I squatted next to her and patted her head. "The place I'm going to is not appropriate for children. You should stay here and play with your big sis, Anabelle. Don't you like Anabelle?"

Her eyes widened. "I like big sis An."

"I like you too, Raffy!"

I smiled. "Good. I'll be back after I reach the end of my journey. Don't cause any trouble here, okay?"

She nodded and hugged my neck.

I patted her head. "Don't worry, it won't take long before I come back again."

After a few seconds of silence, she let go of my hand and took Anabelle and Lina's hands while still pouting her lips and looking at me at the side of her eyes.

I don't know why, but I can't help but smile at her minor tantrum; she reminds me a lot of my little sister.

"She's really attached to you, isn't she?" Lina commented.

"So I to her. Anyway, I'll be going now. Please take good care of her."

"You can count on me, Master Troy."

As much as I want to bring her with me, I don't want her to see where I'm going and what danger awaits us. So, for her own sake, I have to leave her behind.

I left them alone and walked towards the entrance of the town. After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached my destination.

Right at the exit of the town of Agrona, a huge white stone arc stood.

The carriages have four horses pulling them with coachmen driving them; behind the coachmen's seat is a huge wooden wagon that can fit up to ten people. It has a circular white tarpaulin acting as its roof and sidewall, leaving the back part as the entrance to get in.

It's good that Raiden lent me twelve of her merchant carriages that I could use for this purpose.

The members of the first faction immediately bowed their heads upon seeing me walking towards them.

Just like I instructed, the road was completely cleared with nothing but the members of security personnel of the Fang faction, who were scattered throughout the area. I walked through them and found Leo standing while looking at me with a smirk.


I nodded and shifted my gaze towards the people sitting in the center of the road next to the carriages.

The human slaves.

Some of them raised their heads upon hearing my arrival and instantly had their eyes enlarged upon seeing me; however, some couldn't even hold their heads up and stayed looking down, maybe due to exhaustion. At the farthest back of the group, I could hear some cries while sitting on the road.

Now that I could see them all, I noticed that there were also male slaves. Most of the time, the only ones I could see were female slaves; maybe the male ones were stuck inside the shops while the female ones were the ones getting displayed.

All of them were wearing clothes that almost resembled a rug, had malnourished body proportions, and metal chains on both of their hands and feet to prevent them from escaping.

However, even after seeing them, it terrified me that I couldn't feel anything. I felt bad for them, but I couldn't call it compassion or sympathy. I couldn't even remember why I decided to help them.

I have lost something within me, and the most horrifying part is, I already know what it is.

My humanity is a huge part of it.

"Is it all of them?"

"Yes, there are a total of 103 of them," Leo explained.

"I see."

Let's start the play.

I walked towards the crowd of human slaves and activated my Geo magic to set a footing on one of my feet while gazing at them.

"Listen up." I raised my hand. "You should rejoice because you are finally free. You will ride these carriages and drop you a few miles away from the nearest human kingdom. I'm finally bestowing you all your freedom; you don't need to say your thanks; it's not a big of deal anyway."

I saw more heads raised upon hearing what I said, but their eyes instantly filled with fear upon seeing me.

Are my eyes really that scary?

"However." I changed my smile into a menacing smile, like an evil demon lord smile. "Don't even try to tell a single soul about your slavery in here. I know you understand that once you do, we can always find you wherever you try to hide and believe me when I say I will never be this kind the next time we meet. And if one of you somehow tried to defy me. I will personally pay you a visit to whatever hellhole you are hiding in." I stood properly. "Are we clear, humans?"

None of them responded, maybe because they were shocked seeing who was talking right before them.

As I expected.

Now, for the final push.

"I can't hear you, insects!"

I activated my Dark magic and engulfed the entire road with black smoke that instantly terrorized them.

"Yes, we understand!"

"Please let us live!"

"I just want to go home!"

Some of them screamed due to the intense fear, and some cried while stating their agreement.

I heard This evil boss line many years ago at my previous job.

I know it's a little overkill, but I think it's just the amount of scare I need to give them.

As much as I don't want to do this, this is the best way to silence them. If I don't do it, there's a high chance that their home kingdoms will come for us, and that's the last thing I want to happen.

This is the consequence of my selfishness to save them. If I had to add more trauma to them just to protect everyone, so be it.

I would rather traumatize them a little more than get retaliated on just because I chose to save them, which is extremely risky.

"Good." I shifted my gaze to Leo. "Set them free."

However, Leo didn't respond. He's just looking at me with his enlarged eyes and wide-opened mouth.

He's probably thinking right now, Who the fuck is this guy?

That's the power of acting, buddy.

Even all the security personnel were doing the same expression.

I exhaled. "Leo, guide them to the carriages."

"Ah." He slowly nodded. "I understand."

I walked out and left them behind while looking at me like I was a big oddity.

"Now, for the departing," Raiden said, who seemed like she wasn't affected by my little show. "Just to remind you, Zephyrus is surrounded and protected by an Active Barrier skill connected directly to the Holy Knight. The barrier will detect any active skill, and the knight will know it immediately. And for your own survival and safety, use a passive skill, well, if you have any," she added as she chanted something. 

Suddenly, a yellow-like circle thing appeared below me. And before I knew it, the circle started climbing on me, making my lower part disappear. 

"Farewell, Imitator. I hope the next time we meet, you will be still you…"

Like that, I left Levaerûn and left everything to my three commissioners. 

Hello Mina-san. Finally, Troy's Adventure in the lawless town has finally come to an end. It's time to move on into a new adventure and let's see what kind of adventure awaits our hero in the land of Zephyrus, the land of four winds..

Next chapter will be a world from Cherubim and Troy's acquired skills.

Scarfacedcreators' thoughts