
The Skill Imitator

× Discontinued. If you want to read same theme like this under mythology with a twist, visit my sister's work "Reaping System: The God Slayer." I'll focus on my romance stories. Thank you very much.

Scarfaced · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 12: Levaerûn: The Lawless Town Prt 2

Morning shone at the lawless town of Levaerûn. 

I stretched my arms as I gazed upon the view before me while sitting on the inn rooftop. I could see the wide green land surrounding the entire settlement from afar and the massive forest next to it where we came from.

As I looked down, I could clearly see the marketplace beneath. The marketplace was completely different from what it looked like at night; at day, it seemed like a normal marketplace.

The slave shops were still open, but no slave was being displayed outside, the same with the prostitute dealers who used to be scattered around the place last night.

People were gathering to buy necessities from the shops that were not there when we arrived last night.

Even with shady businesses at night, I can say that this place still functions as a normal community.

As I watched them, I finally saw some humans joining the crowd, casually interacting with the demi-humans buying in the stalls.

There really are humans peacefully living in this place. Rudolf had told me humans were being hunted down, and maybe they were originally settlers here and not summoned. So, how would one know if a human was summoned? I don't know, but Rudolf knew. 

Then, where did the human slaves come from?

I shifted my gaze and wore my hood when I heard someone open the wooden door of the rooftop.

"Oh, good morning, mister," she said while waving her hand to me. She's the wolf girl last night.

"The view here looks nice."

She tilted her head sideways. "Really? Glad to hear that."

She hung the clothes she was carrying to the metal clothesline.

I walked towards her. "This place is quite odd, isn't it?"

She shifted her gaze towards me and smiled. "Maybe? I grew up in this place, so I couldn't tell."

"The moment I arrived in this place, this place was screaming 'we hate humans' all over it, then all of a sudden, I saw the kind old man peacefully living in this place."

"Do you mean my father?"

"Real father?"

"Why? Can't you see the resemblance?"

"I did." I shrugged. "I guess?"

She chuckled. "I'm his daughter, a legitimate one."

I repeatedly nodded. "I see."

The awkward silence occurred, and I was about to be forced to leave when the wolf girl spoke. 

"Those female humans you saw last night were members of the aristocratic families who used to live here," the wolf-girl began. 


"Yes. They were the members of the three Houses of Aristocats, the Lawrence, the Riverdale, and the Gundhr families. These families were connected to the royal family in the Capital that people in every town feared the most."

Oh damn. I felt like something sinister happened in this town. 

"Those Aristocats made every citizen of any race their slaves, hunting bait and slave merchandise. Levearûn had become the capital town of slavery because of them. And the young demon you were with, I assumed she was purchased here," she continued.

"That was awful. What kind of aristocrat they were?"

"Well, someone who abused their status, I think," the wild girl replied. "To make everything short, a spark of fire started the rebellion ten years ago. They claimed their freedom and captured all those remaining members of the Aristocrats. What they did to the citizens was being done to them. You know the saying 'you tasted your own medicine?"

"Yes," I replied. 

"That's it," she said. 

"But your father-"

"He's a low-status aristocrat who sparks the fire I have told you," the wolf girl said and winked at me. "Everyone knew him around here," she said and continued hanging all the clothes she was carrying.

When I returned to our room, I found Rafaela awake and decided to take her out to get breakfast.

We strolled around to find some restaurants, and to my surprise, this place really has decent diners around here.

We entered one. It's not as extravagant as the restaurant I saw back in the Captial, but considering the nature of this place, just the thought that there are actual restaurants here is already a feat of its own.

The waitresses were jogging table by table due to the huge amount of customers inside.

Both of us walked towards one of the only available seats at the corner, and the yellow-haired cat-girl waitress immediately approached us.

"May I take your order, Mister?"

I read the menu and checked the food they had.

For some reason, since the day I arrived in this world, I have already understood the people of this world's languages and can read their written language.

Maybe, it's one of the perks of being summoned by that spell, ridiculous horns and red eyes included.

While picking up our order, a red-haired guy stood next to our table while looking at us.

"There are no available seats. Would you mind if I joined the two of you?" 

His fox ears twitched as he smiled.

I nodded. "I don't mind."

He grabbed the third wooden stool resting on the corner and put his hand on the wooden table. "Thank you very much."

However, three of the waitresses immediately approached him and repeatedly bowed.

"Please forgive us, Master Xin! We will provide you with a good table right away."

He just raised his hand and chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't mind. Besides, the people I'm sitting with now seem nice. By the way, can I take my order now?"

As he ordered, the waitresses moved quickly.

I see. He's a big shot in this place.

It's pretty apparent in his air-black suit with neat, red, wavy long hair and aristocratic aura. This is what a big shot looks like.

"I can't decide yet; get his order first; don't let a customer wait." He said with a smile while pointing his hand at me.

The blonde cat girl waitress skipped towards me and bowed her head. 

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it." I shifted my gaze to Rafaela. 

"Have you decided what you want to eat?"

Misha removed her hood and nodded while smiling. "Yes." And pointed her finger at the food that she wanted.

"We will take the one that she pointed out, and I'll take this too." I pointed my finger at the beef stew.

The waitress hurried towards the kitchen. 

While waiting, I wandered my eyes around the crowded restaurant. "Is this restaurant always like this?"

"Most of the time, there is an abundance of demi-humans visiting here because they all thought that this place is as lawless as they imagined," Xin answered my question while removing his gloves from his hand. "Or, for some, they aim to challenge the faction leaders to dethrone them and get their territory. I can't blame them, though; supremacy is the very thing that everyone wants to have, and this place is the easiest place to get it. At least, that's what they thought."

"Faction leaders?"

Rather than answering me, he just chuckled. "You are new here, aren't you?"

"Just arrived last night."

He put his hand on his chin. "I see, that's why. However, you don't seem to come here to challenge the faction leaders. What made you come to this chaotic place while bringing your daughter with you?"

Misha, who was just silently listening to us, shifted her gaze to Mehrad. I patted her head and smiled.

"I'm still too young to have a daughter."

He was about to say something, but our food finally arrived, and we decided to just focus on it.

After a month of eating the same grilled meats, we can finally have proper food!

Just the sensation of the stew sauce drifting in my mouth made me want to sob!

This is what salvation feels like!

While on the other hand, Misha was just eating the food as if nothing was special in it.

I think there's something wrong with her taste buds.