
Shopping with Sheldon (part 3) / Penny See's the Light

Sheldon POV

Lunch with Leonard and the guys went as well as I predicted. They became drooling barbarians when it came to beautiful women. I do admit I was a little startled when Ali grabbed my hand for what I am assuming to be comfort. I settled down fairly quickly when I remembered that she too had been keeping herself rather clean with the sanitizer I had given her throughout the day. As well as her leaving to wash her hands before we sat down at the table.

I thought the idea of touching another human was revolting, but I am starting to wonder if I am only revolted by the idea when I don't know if they are truly clean or not. Interesting, truly interesting. We made it to Ikea with time to spare, Ali grabbed a cart because we will need it. She ran to the shelves practically vibrating with excitement, all while yelling at me about the new bookshelves that she needed being on sale.

I just chuckled at her until I noticed how nice the shelves she was looking at were they were on the skinny side but tall and took up very little floor space this would fit nicely in my room to hold some of my action figures. Walking up to her I said, "It looks like both of us will be buying a new shelf. It's a nice choice and will fit quite nicely in both of our apartments." Ali just smiled up at me and excitedly said, "I know right and it's on sale!" I looked at her for a moment and said, "Well no point in standing around here for write the item number down and then we will shop for all the little things on your list." 


I giggled at Sheldon but did as he suggested and wrote the item number down. With the shelves being the last of the furniture that I needed to buy we set off for cutlery and dishware. Sheldon was a big help, he pointed out the durability of the different plates and cups. He helped me pick the best ones while staying within the budget I set for the task. The rest of our day was pleasant and we finished with little to no trouble at all until we got the shelves. The shelves wouldn't fit in my car so we had to have them delivered to the apartment along with Sheldon's. The problem came when they told us about delivery time options. The only time they had available for delivery was when I had a meeting with my publisher and Penny had a shift at work. Sheldon was sweet enough to offer to accept my shelves for me if I were to sign a delivery acceptance form, which I promised him I would. 

***Back at the apartment***

We were walking up the stairs to the 4th floor when Penny flew by us almost knocking me down. At the moment I tipped and began my fall Sheldon's arm flew out and caught me. I was shocked for one because I was expecting to hit the floor and for two because I could feel the muscles under his shirt and let me tell you something Sheldon is not as weak as he looks. I staired up into his blue eyes while he looked down at me with concern and with a breathy voice said, "Thank you for catching me Sheldon."

Sheldon helped me to stand firmly on my feet and said, "It's no problem Ali, although you might want to talk with Penny so she knows how dangerous her running by you like that almost was." 

I nodded and said, "I will. Let me go talk to her then I will be by to sign those papers for you." We reached the landing for the 4th floor and I walked into 4B to have it out with Penny only to find her crying on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand.

I immediately jump into sister mode and ask, "What's wrong, who do I have to kill?" She giggles weakly and says, "I didn't get the part Ali and to top it off some jerks at The Cheesecake Factory copped a feel and I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore."

I let out a sigh and say, "You know I love you and support you no matter what, but what I haven't told you is that I think you are going about being a 'famous actor' all wrong." She looked at me like I kicked her puppy but I continued "When you dropped out of college I thought it was the wrong choice but I never said anything because at the end of the day it's your life. If you want my advice I think you should apply to the theater department at UCLA. You would have a chance to act in the plays on campus to get experience while building your portfolio, make connections with alumni and get a degree to fall back on in case you don't get you big break. It never fails to have a back up plan." 

Penny looked thoughtful for all of 5 minutes and said, "So you think I should quit my job and go to school. But then how will I afford my clothes and shoes?" I laughed at my sister's airheaded comment she can come off as stupid when she is in an emotional fit but said, "No Penny I don't think you should quit your job I'm not floating your lifestyle no matter how much I love you. You need a job to pay your own way, but I will help you apply for grants and scholarships for school if you decide to take my advice. You might never be famous but, you could do more than just be an actress if you take the time to learn all that being in the film industry entails. You are smart when you apply yourself Penny you are just kind of lazy and want things to just fall in your lap without having to work for them."

Penny looked at me with contemplation, anger, and understanding before sighing and said, "I know, I've known this about myself for a while actually. I don't even know if I want to be a famous actress anymore but I gave up so much for what I thought was my dream that I felt like I had to keep at it or I gave up my life for nothing. It's stressful with Mom the way she is and Dad always saying I should just give up. I guess I just dug my heels in you know."

I know Penny but I still think you should go back to school maybe try some classes and see what you like. Also if you want to quit The Cheesecake Factory you can it's your choice but you need a job I meant it when I said I'm not paying for you no matter how much money I have in my bank account."

"Thanks Ali, I needed this talk I have some thinking to do I will let you know about my decisions once I know what is in my head." 

I smiled at Penny and said, "That's great Pen. One more thing before we finish our heart to heart I think you need to lay off the drinking for a while it isn't good for you." At this Penny sighed and said, "I guess I can cut back if that makes you feel better. I'm gonna head to bed early I have had a day. Night Ali."

I take a minute to collect myself from Penny's breakdown and head over to 4A 

**Knock Knock**