
yours to explore

finnaly it's time to leave, Austin stood up to escort him out, as John was still protesting against it, telling the man not to bother himself, Lillian spoke.

let me see him out daddy, she said hugging her father's arm.

sure dear, he said then face John, since you wish for me to stay, let my daughter do it then.

yes thank you, he said feeling it will seem awkward if he reject it.

as they made their way out, she could feel that he was ignoring her on purpose, he sure knows how to hold grudges she smile to herself and thought of how much fun await her.

after exiting the main house, they made their way to the gate, john was expecting her to return but instead she hand him her mobile phone, here

he stopped and look at her, what should I do with that?

aren't you asking the obvious? she said smiling

I still don't understand, he replied feigning ignorance.

Lillian being good at persuasion smile, she thought to herself that since he want it the hard way, she wouldn't mind complying.

do you think I will let my future husband walk right away from me? she said with a serious face, seeing the look of shock on the guy face, you don't think so do you? she added.

this line was derived from her mother story on how she got her father to fall in love with her, she doesn't really need the number, she could get it from her father's phone, she just wanted to leave an impression something to make the guy have her in his mind.

John was caught offguard this was unexpected, a lot of girls has tried to hit on him in the past mostly at school, but none of them was this shameless, suddenly he recall something and smile looking at the girl,

the last time he was here was to celebrate her being conceive, and the second time he was looking at this sweet girl hitting on her, it's really funny how the universe works.

seeing him smile her heart started beating fast, the smile was so beautiful and it remind her of her love, the man he had his picture hang all around his room, the man he couldn't help but felt heart break when he kissed other girls, the man that appear in her dream all the time with his charming smile, LEE MIN HO, the man he only got to see on her television screen, not able to touch or start a conversation with yet make her heart beat fast every time she watch him on screen.

seeing her in a daze, he shook his head thinking what the girl fed on since young to be this shameless. but he still find her cute though, he took his time to look at her as well, from her long dark hair to her brown pupil that compliment her beautiful round face, she's not as thin unlike most girls yet not too fat, when her eye land on her breast that seem too much for a girl of her age, Lillian has come back from her daydream and happen to spot his gaze on her chest, a normal girl would have gotten angry and call him names but instead she smirked.

aren't you going too far already, let start from exchanging numbers and before you know it all this will be yours to explore, she said making sure to let him know she caught him by waving her hand in front of her chest, before watching as his handsome face began to turn red.

what are you saying? he asked feeling uneasy

seeing this, Lillian smile, she knew she has achieved her aim, there is no way he wouldn't have her in his thoughts from now on.

Am merely giving you an assurance, since you seem to be checking it out already.

it's not what you think? am not checking anything out, he said avoiding eye contact with her, this girl is really something he thought.

Lillian: whatever you say then, she said turning to leave, bye

seeing her leave, he was speechless, why is she leaving all of a sudden he thought before returning to his sense, wait why should I care if she left, girl like her are nothing but trouble, the girl has gotten to him twice in a day, the most embarrassing part is that she has caught his eyes on her chest, even though he didn't mean any harm but just looking, who would believe him yet the girl seem fine with it as if it's nothing.

he sigh and then left.

LEE MIN HO: Korean movie actor