
the visit

Lillian was on her way down the stairs when John came in, she stood still to examine him better, her eyes followed him as he was being welcome by his father who has also came to the door to personally welcome him in.

John how are you boy? it's nice of you to finally decide to visit, Austin said patting his shoulder, you are free to come here anytime from now, the security man has been told to always allow you in without any questioning okay?

thank you sir, he respond smiling at him but at the same time he knew in his heart that he has no reason to pay them such visit, today might be the last.

come, let's go in for some refreshments, Austin said taking the lead

yes sir, he followed behind and finally raise his head at the direction he has been receiving a stare since he stepped in.

looking at Lillian direction their eyes meet,

but instead of she looking away since she was caught in the act, she gave him one of her charming smile and keep looking at him,

John was shocked by the smile, making him unable to retract his gave,

ouch! he exclaimed as he hit his head on a wall, that's when he realise he has been following the man without looking forward, the man has made a turn and he kept going forward exchanging gaze with the girl.

he suddenly remember something and look at the girl, that scheming witch he thought, so the smile was a distraction

Lillian gave him an evil grin

Austin turn back and walk to him, are you okay?. feeling embarrassed he replied am good then he saw the man look around before his eyes stopped at where Lillian stood by the stairs.

Lillian you are in trouble this time, he said to her before facing John, that Lillian my daughter.

"... "

oh you are wondering how I find out she's responsible?

this word made him felt more embarrassed. and he couldn't answer the question.

she played this trick on all visitors except the elderly, I understand that She's pretty they had no choice but to look don't you think so?

feeling a bit awkward but a bit angry as well, she look at Lillian who still has a cute smile on her face, I think she's more like a spoil child,

he expected Lillian and Austin to feel offended by his remark but instead her smile grew much more charming, and Austin smile as well, you are right I have spoil her too much but what can I do, her smile seems to have effect on me as well, let's go in, he said and they walk in not minding Lillian.

Getting to the sitting room Esther walk up to them and welcome him, seeing the red mark In the boy forehead she sigh, she got to you too? am so sorry for not teaching her well she said giving him an apologetic face, but deep down she is proud of her daughter, she never fail, and it's not her fault that they choose to stare at her instead of facing where they are going.

John felt the same in his heart and only bow his head before they made their way to their sit.

after a while refreshments were served, before they engage in their conversation.

Austin: you said you have something to discuss with me

hum yeah He replied with a bit of discomfort in his voice, Lillian has joined them sitting at his father side staring at him again.

this made him a bit uncomfortable, God knows what this girl is up to this time he thought, he thought he will be able to talk to the man privately but here he was with the whole family.

actually Austin did not view him as an outsider, or a business partner, he think of him like as his family, so he sees no reason for the privacy.

John cleared his throat making sure to avoid eye contact with Lillian, and begin, I came to turn down your offer sir, I wish to hunt for a job myself, I felt incapable with the way I lived on your money, I want to do this myself so i can be proud of it, I really appreciate all your effort on me since young and please don't take it the wrong way sir, I just wish to.... he scratched his head feeling a bit nervous, start living by myself from now on without receiving help from you, I can't thank you enough fo everything you have done and I don't want to keep having this feeling that I can't do something by myself without your

intervention, am sorry for saying this I really am..... before he could finish his last sentence Austin cuts in.

I understand, you don't have to feel sorry, you think like a good man should, am proud of the man you become, but if you ever need any help please let me know, I would be glad to help in anyway possible okay?

Lillian who has been looking at him with a teasing expression suddenly turn serious, am right, he is a perfect match, I will get you for sure, she thought in her mind, looking at him with a look of interest.

you have grown up well, Esther added feeling proud as well.

John was moved, he had thought the man will be annoyed and yet even his wife seem glad as well,

Am glad you understood sir, he said feeling relieved.