
4 princess anna

after gotten to the other side of the road, he look down at Anna who now find it hard to look him in the eyes and smile, he had this feeling that he's has seen the girl somewhere before but that was a long time, it's not possible for someone to remain the same after many years, maybe they are sisters he thought? which way are you heading? he asked,

caught by surprise Anna who did not reply his question and kept thinking in her head that the guy is showing interest and couldn't help finding his voice hot, well that's a good thing she thought at least her future won't be as bad as she had imagined,

seeing how she's ignoring his question the guy thought maybe he has gone too far with the question and decide to change the it, what's your name princess? he asked, looking up to steal a look at his handsome face answered; my name is Anna but I wouldn't mind the princess as well she heard him replied shyly with her burning cheek that has turn red, he find the girl a bit odd but shake the thought off his mind, she seems like a shy one he thought, that's a nice name, he said. well am... before he could finish his sentence, his phone ranged, he reached his hand to his pocket and picked the call, hello sis, yes am almost there, ok, sorry for keeping you waiting, he hang up the call and face Anna, princess Anna I will like to take my leave now, i will love to see you again, he said and pat her head lightly before heading his own way.

Anna was dumbfounded, did he just said he would love to see me again and actually pat my head? she thought completely forgotten about her stature, and how much misunderstanding it could cause

he called me princess, his princess, but wait if am his princess Anna then he's my Prince what? the question brought her back from her daydream, raising her head she saw that he has left, she look around and didn't find any traces of him again,

she sigh feeling sad for her mistake for not asking his name, what if he thought am not interested in him? no no no, dont think otherwise anna, he's clearly into you she assured herself and hope they meet again.

The guy got to his office and was welcome by his sister angry face, Mike, how can you kept me waiting for this long, this is unfair, is this how you will treat me after not seeing all this while, what a.... she was wrapped in her brothers embrace before she could finish with what she was saying,

it wasn't intentional Maggie, my car develop fault all of a sudden, i came on foot and thankfully also happen to meet a princess on my way, Maggie pulled herself from his embrace, she knew what he meant by meeting a princess, Mike what's with you and this princess stuff, I hope you don't get in trouble with one of those kids parent someday, not all parent appreciate a stranger approaching their kids anyhow,

common Maggie, I just find it hard to ignore the cute ones,

you've always have soft spot for little ones but am scared people might misunderstood your intentions, it's getting too much, you should think of getting a girlfriend if you really want your own princess sooner.

Maggie it's okay I understand, just don't start with your girlfriend talk now, have missed you a lot, it's six month but it felt like six years he replied hugging her again,

you bad boy, changing the topic hun? said Maggie, she knew his junior brother loves ķids but never thought of having a girlfriend, every time she brings up this topic, this shameless brorher of hers will hug her tightly and sweet talk her off the topic, she's worried of someone mistaking his love for kids as something else, she didn't want to see him gets in trouble, they only had each other to rely on, they were an orphan, who lost their parent due to a car accident, it was this same accident that claim the life of Anna's father, the brother and sister pair have been together since then, they were into fashion business which include bags and shoes making, Mike make the wears while Maggie do the selling, they can't be considered filthy rich, yet they can't be look down upon either, it should be considered average yet they don't lack in anything. Mike has passion for fashion designing since young, at the age of 13, he pleaded with his parent to enrol him in a fashion school which they did and he happen to learn bag and shoe making as well, Maggie has passion for selling, she find it fun, and sees it a means of connection, so she got herself into buying thing at cheap price and reselling adding a bit interest to them since the age of 18, and thanks to their passions, they now own a big fashion house.