
3 am use to it

except the class rep, who did not find it funny, the teacher got annoyed by their noise, what is the meaning of all this this? he asked which made them all went silence immediately, the class rep stood up, sir this is Annabelle William, she's from this class, the teacher was shocked by what he heard and look at Anna again, it was then he notice that the girl look is kind of matured compare to her stature, he knew he has made a mistake but chose to overlook it, it's not entirely my fault he thought.

Annabelle? Mr Brown the new teacher called, still feeling slightly guilty

she was shocked when she heard her name being called, why is he calling my name like that when am right in front of him she ask in her mind, sir she replied, why are you just coming? he asked, the question took her by supprise erm I I..... what should I say now, I can't possibly say I overslept could I, as she was thinking of what to say, Mr Brown notice this and cleared his throat, hmm hmm you see in my office after the class, yes sir she replied happily, at least she would have think of something before then, you can go to your seat, she proceed to her seat and didn't mind his fellow classmates whom are still making fun of her, Mr Brown felt he has wronged the latter but still find it surprising that she did not show any sign of being angry at those that are laughing at her.

after the class, she made her way to Mr Brown's office, getting there, he ask her to sit down and couldn't help looking at her from head to toe before she took her seat, how old are you? Mr Brown asked, am 19

sir, oh that's nice he said hiding his supprise, am sorry about this morning Annabelle , I mistook you for a young girl, he never plan to apologize but he can't help but recall how the student burst into laughter and he felt that he caused it, it's nothing sir am used to it,

you are used to what?,

being called a little girl she replied hiding her anger, she found the question silly, alright then, now tell me why are you late? Mr Brown asked,

I went on an errand for my mom this morning and didn't get back on time, after saying this, she wished internally that the man would not asked anymore question and just release her,

Ok, but try to be early from now on, I don't tolerate lateness in my class, he said which she quickly nodded her in agreement, ok you can go, Thank you sir, she said and left his office.

after she return to her classroom, she realise she has gain a nickname, she heard most of the student laughing and calling her little one, she didn't mind though, it only affect her if someone important to her mock her, as for the those that are irrelevant, she treats their words as flies.

after school hour, she was on her way home when she saw a good looking guy by the road side, he was waiting for the red light before crossing, she couldn't help but admire him, my god he is so handsome she thought looking at him as she walk closer to where he stood.

a certain someone felt someone gaze on him and look at where she stood, she was shocked and quickly look away, the guy saw her stopped in her tracks and looking away quickly and couldn't help but smile, she find her cute and decided to talk to her, seeing him come closer to her, she felt her heart skip, hello, she heard him say, wow, now that's a nice voice she screamed in her head, the guy saw her face turning red and couldn't help but find her cute, while looking at the girl whose face look mature than her age, he thought she should be around 11 or 12 years base on his assessment, suddenly the light turn red, are you also crossing?

coming back to her sense a little, she nodded her head, and was caught by surprise when a pair of hand hold hers, before she could say a word, he felt him pulled her gently and started crossing, she followed obediently with her blushed face, her heart kept thuding and felt like they could explode at any moment. is this love ? she asked herself in her head.