
The Battle Of Kento Field(1)

Kentaro woke up early in the morning. The whole village was bustling with noise, the Shinobi were readying themselves for battle.

Kentaro did the same. Putting his robe and straw hat on, he checked if he had everything on him.

"Shuriken, check. Kunai, check. Katana, check."

He exited the house, leaving the sleeping Hatsu alone.

"Mister, the clan leader requests your presence."

Kakuzu came to get Kentaro, he followed Kakuzu to the big house. When he entered he saw ten other shinobi present.

"Men, this is Kentaro Fujimoto. He will be in charge of holding the numerous clan leaders during the battle."

All of them were visibly impressed.

"Kentaro, I hope that you have rested well because today will be a hard day."

"I have everything under control, Yosuke. Tell me, when do we depart?"

Lord Yamada was happy to see Kentaro invested on his task.

"We will depart after my briefing."

Lord Yamada looked at all the others and resumed.

"Everyone of you with the exception of Kentaro will be in charge of thirty men on the battlefield. The field where we will lure them has been trapped with countless paper bombs.

The explosions will kill many of those bastards, then Kakuzu's group will be in charge of actionning all the poison traps scattered around the battlefield.

As for Kentaro, he will hold the clan leaders down for us, ambling us to do all that."

All of them had understood the plan. Kentaro knew that everything relied on him.

The four hundred shinobi of the Yamada clan exited the underground village via the passages.

It took them thirty minutes to return to the surface.

It was raining and the clouds were dark.

"Let's go!"

Everybody followed lord Yamada's lead, they were excited to finally vanquish their great enemies.

They traveled for one hour until they arrived at a large field. It was known as Kento field, It had lots of grass and beautiful purple flowers. Unfortunately this beautiful place would soon be stained with blood and corpses.

From the other side of the field, a very large group of Shinobi approached. When Kentaro counted, they were three distinctive armor colors.

"Those bastards have finally arrived. The Yochida clan, Nichimura clan and Matsuda clan."

The Yochida had white armors, the Nichimura had dark green armors and the Matsuda clan had purple armors.

The leader of the Yochida clan shouted at the Yamada clan.

"Yamada cowards, today is the end for you!"

The Shinobi of the three clans roared with rage, they could charge at any moment.

Lord Yamado gave a knowing look to Kentaro, Kentaro nodded.

The Yamada clan retreated three hundred meters further, leaving Kentaro alone.

"Fuckers, I am Kentaro Fujimoto! I challenge the three clan leaders to fight against me, IF THEY DARE!"

This was a grave insult, to challenge them in front of their men. The three clan leaders came forward on the field.

Kentaro ran to the west and the three clan leaders followed him. Leaving their men here, alone on the field.

"They are so stupid! Come on men, Kentaro has given us the best opportunity to finish them all! For the honor of the Yamada!"

Brandishing his Katana in the air, lord Yamada encouraged his men.

The Shinobi of the three clans charged at the Yamada, sparkling lights could be seen everywhere they stepped on.


Explosion after explosion, the Shinobi of the three clans fell to the ground dead with missing limbs and mauled bodies.

They had activated the many paper bombs and many were just waiting for their deaths.

"Let's go the other way around!"

A shinobi of the Matsuda clan told the survivors of the explosions.

Kakuzu and his group were waiting in their position waiting for enemies to come.

The Shinobi of the Matsuda clan and the others tried to reach the Yamada by taking this path. Unbeknownst to them, they were walking to their deaths.

When the enemy shinobi were in the middle of the field, Kakuzu and the others in his group all began forming hand seals.

A purple mist slowly appeared, it was not looking menacing.

"What is that?"

An enemy shinobi touched the mist and his hand began burning and bleeding, he was screaming from pain.

The purple mist soon enveloped them all, the sounds of them agonizing in pain could traumatize people.

From the large group of Shinobi only a hundred were left alive. All the paper bombs had exploded and the mist had been dispersed.

To get rid of those shinobi, direct combat was necessary.

"Charge, men! Charge!"

The Yamada charged at the remaining shinobi of the three clans, overpowering them with their superior numbers they killed them all in a matter of minutes.


The Yamada clan celebrated their victory.

"Who is that?!"

Looking four hundred meters north from their position, they saw a large group of black clothed shinobi.

"I see, the battle is not over. We have unexpected guests!"

Facing their new enemies the Yamada prepared themselves to charge but the surprises were not over.

From the south, three hundred meters further a group of one hundred shinobi made their way to Kento field.

They had enemies on two fronts, this battle would be harder than expected.

"We will divide our forces in two! Two hundred men will follow Kakuzu to the enemies coming from the south, and the others will come with me to face those black clothed bastards!"

The Yamada divided very quickly, Kakuzu led two hundred men south and lord Yamada led the others north.

They each faced their respective enemies.

Kakuzu did not wast any time and began casting jutsu and ordered his men to do the same.

Lord Yamada had a more slow approach, observing his enemy was key.

They were around two hundred and were all armed with katana and shuriken.

Lord Yamada and the others faced the black clothed shinobi, they had pretty sinister looks on their faces.

"Charge men! For the honor of the Yamada clan!"

They roared and charged at the black clothed shinobi, they did the same.

The fights only grew more intense, the battle of Kento field was far from over.