

"The Shifting Soul" is a tale of resilience, redemption, and the enduring power of the human spirit, where one young man's journey becomes a testament to the limitless potential of the soul. Absolutely Noob in writing and English is not my first language so. WHAT TO EXPECT - Grammer mistakes and simple wordings -Due to limited vocabulary in English there will be some repeated lines and words but, freight not I am working on it, it will improve on future. - R18 , RAPE, VIOLENCE, ROMANCE ADVENTURE, ACTION, HAREM , INSCEST, DARK, LOTS OF BLOOD. If you have any ideas about improvement than please comment readers your wish is my command SIRS .

Aniket_Kumar_1890 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter - 1.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting eerie shadows across the overgrown path leading to the dilapidated house nestled within a deserted area which feel like haunted. Anjan, a young man of twenty, stood outside the creaking door, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. He knew what awaited him inside—the all-too-familiar sounds of his parents' escalating argument.

As he pushed open the door, the acrid scent of alcohol and anger assaulted his senses. His mother's voice, trembling with fear and desperation, pleaded for peace, while his father's slurred words echoed with rage. Anjan's steps quickened as he rushed toward the source of the commotion, his hands trembling with adrenaline.

In the dimly lit hallway, he found his parents locked in a violent struggle, their figures silhouetted against the flickering light of a dying candle. His father, consumed by the demons of alcohol, brandished a glinting blade, his eyes ablaze with fury. Anjan's mother, her face streaked with tears, stood defenseless against the onslaught of his drunken wrath.

With a cry of anguish, Anjan lunged forward, his instincts driving him to protect the only family he had left. His hands grasped desperately at his father's arm, trying to wrestle the weapon away. But in the chaos of the moment, his father's wild swing found its mark—a searing pain ripped through Anjan's chest as the blade sank deep into his flesh.

Time seemed to stand still as Anjan staggered backward, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. His mother's horrified scream pierced the air, mingling with the haunting echoes of the deserted are outside. Blood stained the worn floorboards beneath his feet, a stark reminder of the brutality that had torn their family apart.

As darkness closed in around him, Anjan's gaze met his mother's tearful eyes, filled with a mixture of grief and gratitude. In that fleeting moment of agony and sacrifice, he found a flicker of solace—a glimmer of hope that perhaps, someday, they would find the strength to break free from the cycle of violence that had consumed their lives.

As Anjan's vision blurred and darkness encroached upon his senses, he felt the weight of unconsciousness enveloping him like a suffocating shroud. His body grew heavy, his breaths shallow, until finally, the world faded into oblivion.

When he regained consciousness, it was as if he had been thrust into a surreal dream. The air felt different, charged with an unfamiliar energy, and the surroundings seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly glow. Blinking away the remnants of slumber, Anjan struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

As Anjan's senses adjusted to his new surroundings, a wave of apprehension washed over him like a chilling tide. The jagged cliffs loomed ominously overhead, their rocky edges shrouded in a veil of mist and shadow. The air was heavy with the stench of danger, every gust whispering tales of peril and uncertainty." What the fuck is this."

As he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, a movement caught his eye—a sinister figure emerging from the murky depths of the cliffside, its grotesque form twisted and contorted in the flickering light. Anjan's heart quickened with dread as he beheld the creature's eerie visage—a grotesque amalgamation of flesh and bone, its eyes burning with an otherworldly glow.

A primal instinct screamed within him, urging him to flee, but his limbs felt leaden, paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. The creature, its rusted sword glinting in the dim light, stalked toward him with an unsettling grace, its movements fluid and unnatural.

Anjan's mind raced with a cacophony of emotions—fear, confusion, and a gnawing sense of unease. In the recesses of his consciousness, a whispered realization took root—an unfamiliar memory stirring from the depths of his being, warning him of the dangers that lurked within this cursed place.

In his mind he had a inkling of what it might be.

But in the face of imminent danger, he found himself paralyzed by indecision, unsure of how to confront the horrors that surrounded him. Should he stand and fight, or surrender to the inexorable pull of fate?

As the creature drew closer, its unearthly gaze boring into his very soul, Anjan's resolve wavered, teetering on the precipice of despair. Yet, in the depths of his heart, a flicker of courage still burned—a spark of defiance amidst the darkness.

With trembling hands and a prayer upon his lips, Anjan braced himself for the coming storm.

Suddenly, Anjan's mind throbbed with a searing headache, fragments of memories flooded his consciousness like shards of shattered glass. Visions of another life, another time, cascaded through his thoughts.

With each passing moment, the pieces of the puzzle began to solve, revealing the tragic fate that had befallen the body he now inhabited. A pawn in a deadly game, Used as bait to attract monsters by the people he considered friends, condemned to a fate of obscurity

As the memories surged forth, Anjan's head pounded with unbearable intensity, the weight of his past bearing down upon him like a crushing weight. Yet amidst the chaos, a revelation dawned—a glimmer of understanding amidst the turmoil.

As all the pieces of puzzle fitted in place he understand the situation he is in now, He was a huge fan of fantasy webnovels in his past life which was never filled with happiness, the webnovels he found online and his mother and sister was the only thing keeping him living.

The current situation is not so sweet.

He glanced around and found a bag, most likely a space bag which was used by the previous owner of body. A one handed long sword, and a empty leather bag.

Although he want to review his memory somemore in, the current situation won't allow it. When he saw the green creature, goblin he hid near a large rock, but the goblin got attracted by the noise he produced when he got the headache.

He either need to flee or fight. He was mob character in his previous life where he don't have any fighting experience, except some video games. Fighting the goblin without any experience will likely get him killed.

The second options was not available in the current situation where his back was against a dead end, to flee he needs to run past the goblin, which is also likely to kill him.

He was lost in thought, suddenly he heard the footsteps coming closer, his mind raced he made his decision.

He grip the handle of the sword, from his memories and muscles memories he has a basic idea about how to hold the sword.

Although there is magic he don't know anything about it, and need time to review his memories.

" SLAP! , Get your shit together Anjan"

He slapped his own cheeks to rouse out of nervousness. He came out of the cover of rock and confronted the goblin. The hiding spot was not in the line of sight of goblin so he was safe till now, and now that he has revealed him self, the Goblin caught the sight of him charged with out giving any time to prepare.' At least give me some time to prepare '.

" To hell a monster will give his prey a chance to escape"

Anjan screamed and was ready to confront the goblin. As the goblin Inches towards him he can hear his own heart beat.This was going to be his first fight in another world and he didn't even have time to prepare.

The goblin reached infront him in blink of eye and branished his sword from overhead, in a downward slash.

Anjan didn't block the sword instead he back stepped, he was not fool enough to block a opponents sword while holding the sword himself for the first time in his life, not counting the other person's memory.

While the goblin swing the sword downward his body reacted on instincts and slashed horizontally towards his neck.


The goblin cried in pain, he couldn't behead the goblin in the first time, but he didn't miss the opportunity and thrusted the sword towards his chest, killing him instantly, the goblin vanished in mist leaving a mana stone behind.

Anjan was out of breath,Surprisingly he didn't feel any thing after killing the goblin,like shown in webnovels,may be his body is used to killing.

He picked up the mana stone and stored it in the leather bag and retreated towards the rock, where he was previously hiding, he needs to gather his shit together or he is definitely going to die.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Aniket_Kumar_1890creators' thoughts