The prince was disturbed that he was so eager to recover his memory so soon that he secluded himself at the river banks.
Perambulating around Maria noticed that the prince was no where to be seen, but there was only one place where he can be found and that was at the river.
She treked slowly towards where they normally sit, the prince was seated deeply lost in thoughts with red eyes which indicated that he has been shading tears with a frown face .
She approached him slowly from behind and touched his shoulder.
Why are you seated here alone in deep thoughts? What bothers you? She asked
Well nothing, he replied with his face down while his hands pick small stones from the ground.
Although l don't know you well but l know you are lying, something bothers you. She said.
Then she sat down and started throwing stones in the river.
Little did she realize that the prince was staring at her with a gleeful smile as he throws stone to the river.
The prince began to develop feelings for Maria, but all he could do was to have a secret crush on her... He knew that Maria never likes to be close to men apart from Okirror her childhood friend.
The prince had also realize that Maria is more close to him now days than before when she hated him.
Meanwhile in Maria's mind falling in love was the last thing she could think of. All she wants is to keep her people safe and develop the kingdom once again.
Meanwhile in Abela kingdom, Epiru and Uben are still trying to put things right about the prince whereabouts. Princess Asio was also on their neck to look for her nephew the only offspring of his late brother king Emorimori.
Epiru don't you think it's a high time we adventure deep into the forest again? Asked Uben with much concerns and a dreadful expression on his face.
I thing your right, replied Epiru.
We all know that we are the best warriors Morungatuny has ever had and l don't think treking deep that forest shouldn't be an obstacle. He said.
So they decided to go into the forest alone, only two of them in search of the lost prince whom no one is sure of his where abouts.
It was already sun dawn, Epiru and Uben we're ready to hit the road. So they decided to let the queen of Abela Princess Asio know.
My princess we're ready to go to the forbidden forest again, said Epiru. And in no circumstance shall we come back without turning that jungle upside down. He said withuc confidence in himself.
After that the dived into the forest with their bows and spears on there hands together with arrows ready for any type of battle.
They walked for two consecutive day, yet they couldn't see any sign of hope . Days elapsed, food and water got used up leaving them with less food not enough for even two days.
Epiru the great warrior, tell me what shall we do now ? We're out of food and water, yet it's been one week and two days and even if we say to trek back we may not make it without water. Uben said with a tired and frown face.
My friend am lost too, said Epiru, what should be we do now? He asked
They then decided to look for any near by stream since everyone knew that there's Ari er in that forest but the exact direction is what they didn't know.
Should we go left or should we go right? They asked themselves but to no veil. Being in thick equatorial forest they couldn't tell east from west, not to talk of where they come from, leaving them more confuse.
So are we going to die just like that? No way said Epiru with pit full voice. So they decided to wait till sun dusk, using the sun they would be able to know the direction to take.
Being so tired they seat down and rested a beat till sun dusk, but still it was of no use because they won't be able to move when it's dark. Not that they had torches those day, all they could rely on was fire.
That alone hindered them from moving at night, they had to wait for day break.
At sun ascended up the sky is went they woke up knowing where to go but that was not a guarantee that they would know here the river is. So frustrated in the jungle, the decided to move while paying more attention to that sounds around them if they could come across the sound of water body.
They walked for almost the whole day but all in vein.
I think we are doomed said Uben with so much disappointments. As he was still lamenting, he glimpsed and saw a water source it was the river. Are my dreaming? He asked cause he never expected to see the river there, he pinched himself to see if truly it's a dream.
After feeling pain, he realized that it was real with so much joy he rush to the direction of the water while shouting loud .'s water..., we have water now. Weth so much joy Epiru followed him and they not only drank but also bathed in the water to feel more freshness
Now where should we go next ? They asked themselves confusedly.
Let's follow the river said Epiru, l believe this river can get us out of the jungle. He said
It sounded like a great idea but the river they where to follow would take them direct to Maria and which may be a danger to the prince whi lost his memory.
As Maria was playing with the kids in the morning, the she warrior at the tower sent a message of seeing some foreign people entering the forest but they have spotted the river and we're treking towards the village.
Hearing this Maria was not happy that she sent her warriors to lay traps for Epiru and Uben although she didn't know that it was them.
The she warriors immediately got prepared and went with nets and layed it on the ground covering it with stones and soil since they trespassers were walking along the river, making it invincible to one who doesn't not pay much attention to his footsteps.
As Epiru and Uben we're walking they reached a point where there was no sounds af bird and the ones they saw were flying away which symbolizes danger somewhere.
Since they were well train they managed to know that they was danger ahead but little did they know that they had already entered danger zone . By the time they realized, they were already traped in the net hanging up side down under the tree.
Then come the she warriors dressed on animal skin with spears and others with arrows and bows which surprised Uben and Epiru. For they never expected to see people in the middle of the jungle and not to think of female warriors.
Akello marched forward with her shoulders up and her Timmy like of a man and asked them to identify themselves.
Who are you? And why are you trespassing in our territory. She asked with a striangt face .
Epiru laughed so hard mocking Akello. A woman can never subject me. He said while jiggling.
As he was still laughing, an arrow was shot and it come direct to his leg that was up on the net.
It was Maria who over heard him undermining Akello. Why did you stop laughing. Asked Akello. Continue laughing... She said, as Epiru's eyes were already watery with much pain on his leg.
Don't you ever in you life underestimate a woman. Said Akello as they laughed at him how he was grinding his teeth of pain.
Now let get down to business, who are you? Asked Akello again, and remember you say a wrong answer, l twist the arrow that's when you will know the power of a woman.
We shall talk, said Uben. We're from Abela kingdom. And what are you doing here? She asked again. for our prince. He replied.
Your prince? Wondered Akello and all the she warriors cause there was only one lost person and that was the stranger who fell in the pit and was rescued.
Could he be the prince? They whispered amidst themselves.
How sure are you that the person your looking for is in this forest? She asked again. Well the guards saw him enter the forest, replied Epiru.
You said that your from Abela kingdom but the clothes your wearing is not from Abela, then who exactly are you? Akello asked again, Epiru and Uben looked at each other not knowing what to say. As they were still thinking and looking at each other Akello twisted the spear in Epiru's leg making him to scream out loud.
Please.....don't , were warriors from Morungatuny. He said
What!!!, all the she warriors screamed at once as if it was the only word they all had in their lips.
Even Maria who was seated on top of a tree eating mangoes got choked by the mango upon hearing this.
She immediately jumped down to take a close look at the warriors claiming that they're from Morungatuny.
What!!!!!!!! She was shocked to recognize them but Epiru and Uben couldn't recognize her cause they knew Ongatuny was a boy and not female.
As they were still in shock, the prince was also coming towards them.
imagine what will happen if Epiru and Uben recognize the missing prince Infront of Maria who vowed to skin him for the sins of his father?
stay tuned as we unravel what
well happen next.