
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · ファンタジー
35 Chs

First time in class.

Luke sidestepped the fist went past him and he grab it, giving Jake a shoulder throw. Jake get up really fast and he sent very quick jabs at Luke. Luke parried, blocked and dodge but can he keep up with Jake's increasing speed ?

At the other side Alex has just send a punch to Reginold's stomach and he also added a kick which Reginold blocked and seeing an opening he strikes.

'Hahahaha this is my favourite place to attacked even at home' Reginold thought. His aura flared and he send a very powerful uppercut to Alex's jaw. Alex feels like his head is going to leave his neck as he lie complete flat on the ground.

Jake is also having a hard time with Luke.

The two are ready clash again when Reginold grab both of their hands. Both of them seeing him they reduced the strength of their attack.

"Calm down, this is not a life or death. So let's stop here go take our bath and sleep a bit and get ready for school tommorow, am I right ?" Reginold state.

The two look at him weirdly. Reginold start to think if he said something wrong.

"You are right" Jake said.

"Is just the words: peace and calm down does not seem right coming from someone like you" Luke added.

"But I am a peace loving person, I am a sain-

"No way! You are a battle maniac, so stop pretending to be peace loving" They both said.

Alex also shakily stood up and join them as they go back to their room.

"Well, I think Alex should go to the bathroom first" Luke suggested.

"Alright he needed it the most" Reginold also agree.

" I naturally have no objection" Jake added.

After everyone takes their bath they are all soon asleep.

At the field....

"So those boys are also out for night training, what an interesting bunch" A blonde hair girl said then she keep on training exactly where Alex and the others have fought sometime back.




"Ahh a bright new day" Alex get up and get into the bathroom brush his teeth and take a shower then he comes an walk the sleepy heads.

"If you do not get up and washed up fast we will all be late to school!" Alex Shouted at his roommates.

A while later

They were all set and ready for class.

"I heard those swords of yours are valuable, so keep them in our room." Jake suggested.

"Okay I will be back in no time!" Reginold run back to keep his precious.

"Alright am back" Reginold announced his return.

"Well I have to keep the fact that I have ability so I have to go to martial arts and weapon hall. I guessed Reginold is coming with me too" Alex said his thoughts.

"Of course I will go to wherever I heard something like martial art, I will always be there" Reginold said.

"Okay I will go with the kiddo, his abilities needs some polishing" Luke said as he look at Jake.

"I will be going to be together with Luke and Luke, you should stop calling me kid" Jake said.

"Then stop behaving like one" Luke said as he started walking.

"Bye" Jake said before running after Luke.

"Then let's go" Alex said as he run with Reginold to the Hall of martial Arts.

As they arrive at the hall, they were again shocked by how big it is.

"This military dudes always like making things Mighty and grand" Reginold said in amazement.

The duo work in and saw that many students are already in the class.

"Now is 8 o'clock sharp, our class will begin right now" A man with a Long scar across his face, long spiky hair said. He has an air of wilderness.

"My name is Rios. I am a military officer that has volunteered to come and teach in this school, so that our future leaders can be bright heroes." The scar man said.

"As the coming of of the mysterious energy which leads to the discovery of some mysterious type of beast. They are many types and grade of mysterious beast, they also has their own distinguished abilities" Rios said.

"But can we harness that particular power for ourselves and for our own use ?" Rios asked.

"The purpose of what I am saying is that We can defeat them and use their energy cores to create the Beast weapons. This way, we can harnessed the power of the beast and using that we can boost our fighting capabilities." Rips said.

"For starters, all of you should go pick a weapon of your choice." Rios said to the student.

The students all started to walk and look for weapons to pick, one student in particular, is still contemplating about what to choose.

'The sword is fast and versatile but light, the hammer is powerful but heavy, the spear is long range but bad at close range, the dagger is short and good for quick burst attack but is not balanced. Argh what should I choose ?" Alex cannot seem to decide what to choose.

"Hey kid, having a hard time choosing ?" Rios asked.

"Yeah, all of the weapon are good, I can't decide what to choose ?" Alex said truthfully, honestly he is embarrassed.

"Hmm, choosing a weapon is a tough choice. All those that have take a weapon without thinking are like idiots, those that already trained in weapons before have already choosing their life partner" Rios said.

"Life partner, you say ? What is that ?" Alex is amazed.

"Well, you heard me correct. Life partner means that a type of weapon that can accompany you in your life journey. Their is some kind of reasonance that will be created between the two of you" Rios said.

"Time is running out, calm down and choose a weapon. Follow your heart and feel what you really wanted to be that life partner of yours" Rios said.

"Thank you, Rios sir" Alex said as he set his eyes on a particular weapon.

"I am gonna take that" Alex said as he set his eyes on a weapon that look like a cross between a sword and a spear.

The weapon has a long handle and at the end a very large slightly curved blade.

'This boy sure got good eyes, I am starting to like him more, that weapon is not an ordinary one. He is really interesting.' Rios thought with a smile.

'That's a weird choice of weapon for a beginner, I thought he is going to be like other students choosing sword just because it looks cool. Him and that Reginold are not ordinary students' Yi fang thought.

[Note: Yi fang is the blonde haired girl with yang ability]

"Alright! Now let's get practicing" Rios said.

"To activated the weapon's magical power, we will need to focus our energy and send it towards our hand that is holding the weapon like this" He swung the sword in his hand and a small curve fire shoot out.

"Cool, right ?" Rios said.

"Yes, but sir can we have like a little spar between the students here?" Reginold suggested.

"That's a good suggestion. It is approved and no abilities" Rios said.

Reginold eyes are sparkling as he ready himself for an exciting fight.

"You arrogant fool! I am challenging you to a fight" A handsome bo said. It seems he is trying to impress the female students.

"That's such a bold word you got. I will make you eat them" Reginold said.

"Hahaha, it seems some students are really energetic. We will be having the first match now" Rios laugh.

Reginold jumped up the stage.

"You should know the name of the one that will kick your ass. I am Jim" The handsome boy said.

"Who ask you ?" Reginold said as he lazily look at Jim.

"You!!" Jim shouted.

"Meeee!!! Now quit talking and start fighting" Reginold said as he slash at Jim.

Jim side stepped and thrust his sword towards Reginold's neck. Jim is really enraged.


The sound of the wind is heard as Reginold narrowly dodge the attack, his is thumping wildly because of excitement.

'This Jim boy is not that bad' Reginold swung at Jim's neck.

Jim parried the attack to the side and send a punch to Reginold's face. Reginold side stepped and quickly push the attack to the side.

Reginold found an opening and delivered a round house kick to Jim's stomach, successfully hitting him.

Jim quickly get up and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. He slash at Reginold very fast and took a large step forward.

It seems Jim is trying to overpowered the little Reginold in a strength fight.