
The Shadow Walker

The_V · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Distant Love

Parth couldn't understand what had gone wrong. After their first meeting, everything had started to go downhill. Amreen and Samreen's siblings had gotten married in back-to-back months, which their parents were against. Despite their parents' disapproval, the siblings had gone ahead with their marriages, making it difficult for Amreen and Samreen to dream about getting married to the guys they loved.

Parth noticed a change in Amreen's behavior towards him. Although they still chatted daily, there was now a wall between them that couldn't be broken. Amreen never gave him a chance to talk about their relationship or her feelings towards him. Parth was confused and hurt, but he didn't know what was going on. Amreen and Samreen never told him about the family drama or how it was affecting their relationship.

One day, Parth mustered the courage to ask Amreen what was going on. He was tired of feeling like there was something wrong, and he wanted to know the truth. Amreen replied with a cold message, saying there was nothing going on between them. Parth was heartbroken. He couldn't believe that the girl he loved was now so distant towards him.

He tried to convince her to talk to him and tell him what was wrong, but there was no warmth in her words. After reading her message again and again, Parth realized that it would be better to distance himself from both sisters. He didn't want to give his love to someone who wasn't going to love him back.

After Parth found out about the truth, he felt betrayed and hurt. He knew that he couldn't continue his relationship with either Samreen or Amreen. He decided to cut off all contact with them and remove them from his life.

Parth deleted their phone numbers and unfollowed them on social media. He didn't want to see any reminders of what they had done. For the next few months, Parth didn't contact either Samreen or Amreen.

The pain of their betrayal lingered, but Parth knew he needed to move on. He focused on his work and spent time with his family and friends. Slowly, he started to heal and began to feel like himself again.

Although it wasn't easy, Parth realized that cutting ties with Samreen and Amreen was the best decision for his mental health and well-being. He didn't know if he could ever trust them again, but for now, he was content with the distance between them.