
The Shadow Walker

The_V · ファンタジー
7 Chs

End Of The Parth That Amreen Loved

Parth woke up early on the day he was supposed to meet Amreen. He felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement. He had been looking forward to this day for weeks, but now that it was finally here, he wasn't sure if he was ready for it.

He got dressed in a hurry, not wanting to be late for the meeting. He wore a black shirt and blue jeans, a simple outfit that he hoped would make him look presentable.

Parth headed to the university, his mind racing with thoughts of what he would say to Amreen. He rehearsed his speech over and over in his mind, hoping that he would be able to convince her to give him another chance.

Finally, the lectures were over, and Parth headed outside the university to wait for Amreen. He checked his watch, and after a few minutes, she arrived. She looked as beautiful as ever, and Parth couldn't help but stare.

"Hey, Amreen," Parth said, trying to sound confident. "Can we talk for a minute?"

Amreen nodded, looking a little hesitant. They walked away from the university and found a quiet spot to sit down.

"Look, Amreen, I know that we've been through a lot, but I really want to make things work between us," Parth said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Amreen sighed. "Parth, I've already told you that it's not going to work between us. You're in love with my sister, and I can't compete with that."

Parth took a deep breath. "But Amreen, I love you too. I can't help my feelings for both of you. Can't we try to work through this?"

Amreen shook her head. "I'm sorry, Parth, but I just can't. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's in love with someone else. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to you."

Parth's frustration was building up. He had come all this way, rehearsing his speech, hoping to convince her to give him another chance, and now she was just shooting him down.

"But you said you loved me too, Amreen. Don't you remember? You said it yourself," Parth said, his voice rising.

Amreen looked surprised. "I never said that, Parth. You're the one who's always saying 'I love you' to me. I've never said it back."

Parth couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always assumed that Amreen loved him as much as he loved her. He had held on to that hope, even after she had broken up with him.

"But, Amreen, I could have sworn that you said it to me. I remember it so clearly," Parth said, his voice now full of desperation.

"I'm sorry, Parth, but I never said that," Amreen said, looking away.

Parth didn't know what to say. He felt like his entire world was crashing down around him. He had based his entire relationship with Amreen on a lie. He had always assumed that she loved him, and now he realized that it was all in his head.

He took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. "Okay, Amreen, I understand. I won't bother you again. I'm sorry for everything," Parth said, standing up.

Amreen nodded. "I'm sorry too, Parth. I wish things could have been different."

Parth watched as Amreen walked away, feeling a mix of disappointment and anger. He couldn't believe that she had never reciprocated his love, and it hurt to think that he had been living in a false reality all this time.

He stood there for a few moments, trying to collect his thoughts. He knew that he needed to take a break from everything and sort out his feelings. He decided to take a few days off from college and try to clear his head.

Parth couldn't believe what had happened with Amreen. He had been living in a false reality, thinking that she loved him back, and now he felt like his entire world had come crashing down. He knew he needed to take some time off from college to clear his head.

Luckily, Parth had a direct relationship with the Chancellor of the university, and it wasn't difficult for him to take a month off. He spent the month traveling, trying to get away from everything and sort out his thoughts. He also spent a lot of time thinking about himself and the person he wanted to be.

When Parth returned to the university after a month, he was no longer the Parth he used to be. He was the Parth that he had always envisioned himself to be, the one that nobody could compare to. He was dressed in a black formal suit, looking like the main character of the world. His looks were top-notch, and even the most famous models would have had a hard time competing with him.

Parth used to come to college on a bike with his friend, but this time, he arrived in his custom-made sports car, which he rarely took out. It was too eye-catching, and he didn't like to attract attention. However, today was different. Parth had accepted the person he had always wanted to be, and he was ready to show the world.

As he walked into the university, he noticed how everything was different. The way people looked at him, the way they talked to him, and even the way they walked around him. He felt like he had entered a different world, one where he was the center of attention.

Everything had changed about him, from his style, the way he dressed, to even his ride. He had gone through a transformation, and he was ready to take on the world.

The transformation in Parth extended beyond one aspect of his character. In the past, he was consistently humble and courteous to everyone, irrespective of their behavior towards him. However, the present Parth displayed politeness only to those who reciprocated it. He realized that being excessively humble could be detrimental in certain situations. As a result, he underwent a complete metamorphosis, and he is now determined to address any issue that hinders his progress.