
The Shadow Resurgence: A Necromancer Hero Fantasy

(Check out my other book The Sanguine lord) "Where there is light, there is shadow." _________________________________________________ Roan was your everyday adventurer tumbling through the world of Asterisk with his friends by his side, a wholesome life. But it came crashing down after an ambush from strange monsters left his friends dead and him a Necromancer, a type of magus that the world abhorred and had once been the cause of the destruction of half the world and plunging the world into darkness. Thrust into the world of magic with little to no knowledge of it, Roan has to change his ways and adapt. But when the world he called home is suddenly invaded by people from the world below, Roan is forced to become the light for his world that is slowly being devoured by the SHADOW. ______________________________________________

Parzivaall · ファンタジー
65 Chs

Chapter 31

"Welcome my friend. "A bald middle-aged man with a clean-shaven face entered the hall with open arms as he smiled at Roan.

Roan's eyes widened as he felt something. It was ether and tightly knit around the man. And then he realized....

'This man's a magus. '

Roan didn't know what to do after he came to the realization. He just stood there awkwardly as his brain worked to make an assumption. Can this man sense that he was a Necromancer? Roan didn't know if he could or couldn't but from the man's expression, Roan guessed that he probably didn't which made him wonder how all this worked. All he could feel from the man was just plain ether and no elements. So, he hoped that it worked this way for the bald guy too.

"Why don't you come in? " The bald man ignored Roan's frozen state and invited him with an even broader smile on his face than before.

Roan stood there debating whether to go in or not. He was in a new place and there was a stranger who happened to be a magus inviting him to a shady back door of a shady-looking adventurer's guild. It was a huge risk if he decided to go in.

But if he didn't then it was a huge risk too. Who knew what kind of magus the bald man was or more importantly what kind of person he was? What if he got mad that he didn't accept his invitation and squirted out a ball of water and kill him? That wouldn't be a good way to die.

Roan hadn't fought a magus before so he had no idea of their capabilities. And what was even the reason for the man to invite him to a back room? Was it to talk? Roan was about to ask but then shut his mouth. Both of them were magus so the man could be intending to have a conversation about some magical stuff which they couldn't do in front of these normal people.

So Roan decided to take the risk. He had some abilities too so he wouldn't go down easily even if things went south. But maybe he could learn something new about magic from this man which would be something worth taking a risk for Roan right now.

Roan walked towards the door. The bald man let out a smile after seeing Roan walk towards him. He slid to the side allowing Roan to enter the door.

It was dark inside but Roan's eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. The room that presented itself surprised Roan. He had expected it to be some kind of shady room with illegal things or even dead bodies but instead, it was a library with shelves full of books all over the walls and a round table in the middle of the room with around eight chairs around it. There was nothing else.

"Surprised? " the bald man who had invited him said as he walked towards the table.

"sit. " He pointed at a chair in front of him as he sat down.

Roan tentatively sat on the chair and waited for the man to speak.

"you can call me Isak and you might have noticed already but I am a magus just like you. " The man introduced himself and also confirmed that he knew that Roan was a magus. And it seemed that he didn't what kind. That was good for Roan.

Roan nodded, " Roan. My name is Roan. " Roan introduced himself. He had no surname and it seemed Isak didn't have one too just like every other commoner in the Ceres kingdom. Only Nobles had surnames.

"Why did you call me here? "Roan got straight to the point and asked the burning question he had.

"You said you needed some work? "Isak asked as he leaned back on the chair.

Roan nodded, "Yes. I am but there doesn't seem to be any good work here in the guild. "

"Well, that is because this is not an adventurer's guild any more. "Isak said surprising Roan. But he continued not giving Roan a chance to speak, "The adventurer guilds all over the kingdom have changed and gone through significant changes after the disappearances of the higher-ups of the guild headquarters. The Guild master who was a Knight lord at the time and some other Platinum-ranked guild members vanished overnight about a year ago causing the guilds all over the kingdom to fall or be captured and overtaken by other organizations. Just like we did to this one. "

Isak dropped a bomb on the ignorant Roan. Roam was surprised but also confused after hearing Isak's explanation. The guild here seemed to be hollow and not even an adventurers guild anymore but the one in Tolaga was functioning just fine. There was a guild master who overseed everything and the missions never ran out.

"But the guild at Tolaga was working just fine when I left? "Roan voiced out his confusion.

"Not every guild fell because of a lot of reasons. Probably the guild master there didn't leave like the others or there are some profits to be made in that town or city. Now the mercenary union has risen and they do all the jobs the adventurer guild used to do but we don't have one in this town..... And it's because there is not a lot of work here to be done here..... All of them are just small-time unskilled jobs or some escort jobs. "Isak said as he stood up from the chair. "But I will be giving you an opportunity to earn money that you wouldn't be able to earn in any other place in this whole town. Join us here in obsidian order. "Isak finished his long speech and stared at Roan as if asking him to say something.

Roan cleared his throat and asked a question, "What do you do? "

Isak smiled at Roan and said, "Assassination. "