
The Shadow of Kyoshi (ATLA)

non- canon When crisis strikes the Earth Kingdom, longing to continue her carefree time with loved ones makes Kyoshi hesitate to respond. Can she clear the fog of doubt and defeat this new threat without abandoning the connections that sustain her? With Rangi and comrades at her back, passion and purpose need not feud.

Pennyyy · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

The Revelations

Kyoshi massaged her temples as yet another dignitary prattled about harvest yields, hoping to appeal their plight to the sympathetic Avatar. Banquet attendees hummed excitedly around the lavish room, eager to garner a moment of her fleeting attention. Their undercurrent of thirsty political ambition set her teeth on edge.

This raucous "Honoring Avatar Kyoshi" festivity currently engulfing her was the last thing she needed after scrutinizing mound of territorial policies. She was nowhere near mentally prepared with an equitable proposal to resolve the bitter land feud threatening to destabilize Gaoling's economic and cultural foundations.

As her gaze roved the crowded chamber seeking escape, it landed on Rangi half-obscured behind a dense tropical plant. Rangi subtly cocked her head toward an open balcony doorway, then slipped discreetly through. Kyoshi's heart fluttered - trust her love to construct an ingenious pretext for them to sneak off alone amidst the relentless social barrage. She hurriedly extracted herself from the silk merchant still prattling about irrigation drainage issues and wove between revelers toward freedom.

Soon Kyoshi stood face-to-face with Rangi on the vacant veranda. The cool night breeze slipped deliciously across her skin as Rangi gently closed the doors behind them, muffling hall din. The air fairly vibrated with electric anticipation for a stolen moment.

Rangi raised herself on tiptoes, lightly grazing Kyoshi's earlobe with teeth as her breath sent exhilarating shivers down Kyoshi's spine. "You seemed ready to start earthbending nobles off rooftops back there. Figured you needed a sanity break..." she whispered.

Kyoshi could scarcely form words, consumed utterly by Rangi's eyes glinting with intimate promise mere inches from her own. She seized Rangi fiercely, yearning to dissolve any lingering space between them after endless frustrating separation.

Yet just as their lips hovered a hairsbreadth apart in sweet torment, an eerie screech sliced the tender night. Some winged creature swooped low over the rooftop balustrades emitting an awful cry that raised gooseprickles on Kyoshi's skin.

Kyoshi and Rangi broke apart, instantly on guard as they peered into darkness seeking the distressing noise's origin. Kyoshi squinted sharply until she glimpsed a faint shadow circling high above a neighboring gabled roof.

"There! We need a closer look at whatever that winged thing is..." She grabbed Rangi's wrist, vaulting them both onto the balcony ledge then propelling them upward with a boost of airbending. They alighted gently atop sloping roof tiles.

Kyoshi cautious crept forward, one palm extended toward the hunched silhouette. By the muted glow of lanterns below she discerned leathery wings, crabbed limbs, a hairless, eyeless face dominated by jagged teeth in a gaping maw. The bizarre creature perched statue-still save for twitching bat-like ears.

"What in the..." Rangi murmured, lip curled in disgust. "I've never seen such a horrid animal, not even in Spirit World backwaters. Is it some dark spirit's work?"

The mangled beast swiveled toward their hushed voices, nostrils dilating. Then quick as lightning it swooped straight for Kyoshi's head, chain-like claws outstretched. She reflexively raised an earthen shield which the creature slammed against before ricocheting into the eaves with another miserable shriek.

"We can't allow that thing loose in the city!" Kyoshi launched them both back toward the balcony with airbending as the dazed monster spiraled haphazardly around chimneys, smashing tiles.

Skidding onto the veranda, Kyoshi yell carried above swell of music. "Everyone out now!" The urgency in her voice spurred immediate action as dignitaries stampeded for exits. No sooner had the hall emptied than an explosion of broken window shutters preceded the creature bursting violently into their midst.

It careened wildly as guests fled screaming before crashing into the robust feast table, shattering fine dishware and slumping motionless atop the wreckage. Kyoshi and her companions cautiously surrounded its gangly, twitching form. What could have spawned this aberration?

As Kyoshi neared the creature's crumpled body, she suddenly noticed familiar gentle trilling. She glanced down to see Ami peeking worriedly from behind her ankles, the Spirit Companion's ever-changing tail shifting rapidly from anxious colors.

Kneeling, Kyoshi scooped Ami into her arms. "I know, I don't understand what's happening either, little friend." The brave fluffy avatar of friendship had emerged to stand stalwartly with them even amidst this chaos. Kyoshi took comfort in the supportive presence.

Approaching slowly alongside her, Wong shook his head at their foe's wretched remains. "I cannot fathom what malignant force could have twisted a living being so severely," he murmured. "Its spirit energy feels contaminated...almost drained."

Hei-Ran crouched near the creature's gnarled head, melancholy etched across her face. She stretched out weathered, battle-worn fingers to gently close its blank eyes. When she spoke, her voice caught thickly. "No living soul deserves such unnatural defilement...better we ended this pain swiftly."

Rangi moved closer to Kyoshi, one strong hand alighting protectively on her back. Her brow creased with equal parts smoldering fury and confusion while surveying the aftermath. "We must get to the bottom of this," Rangi declared through gritted teeth. "Some malicious actor is harming Gaoling's people and wildlife through forces I can scarcely comprehend."

She met Kyoshi's eyes, determination blazing bright. "But whatever vile sorcery took this innocent creature and twisted it, we're gonna fix together!"

Kyoshi's breath arrested momentarily - even now Rangi's courage could steal air from her lungs. Together they turned toward the sound of pounding footsteps echoing down marble corridors signaling more chaos erupting. Jaw set, Kyoshi steeled herself for the coming revelation. This night's events marked a turning point - she need only decipher the mystery's shape looming ominously ahead.

As guards burst onto the wreckage-strewn scene followed by a bedraggled Governor Yunju, all eyes turned questioningly to Kyoshi seeking explanation. She cleared her throat, quickly formulating how much to reveal of their disturbing rooftop encounter catalyzing this bewildering disaster.

"It seems some mutated wild creature infiltrated the grounds and frenzied through the gathering." Gesturing to the devastated hall and the sad crushed being buried under ornate table splinters, she continued gravely. "I regret we could not subdue it without lethal force...but its savage aggression left little alternative."

She swept a solemn gaze across the shaken onlookers. "Had my companions not shown valor against the sudden vicious intrusion, I shudder to think what injuries might have resulted." Beside her Rangi stood stalwartly with the rest of their crew, projecting courage in the face of baffling peril.

Governor Yunju emerged from behind the wall of guards, eyes bulbous in their deep sockets. His rich robes hung in tatters, rings askew on thick fingers from what must have been a frantic escape when things first crashed into bedlam. Despite his disheveled appearance, his voice boomed with authority.

"You all have my deepest apologies and thanks, esteemed guests! How dreadful hostile wildlife would find way to our fine city and esteemed halls." He dabbed forehead sweat with a monogrammed handkerchief. Behind the almost-convincing consternation though, Kyoshi detected a sly glare meant only for her - suspicion and warning.

"While I begin orchestrating repairs and security response," the Governor continued grandly, "Please enjoy further hospitality I insist on providing after this...unforeseen happening has cut merriment short."

He attempted a genteel smile that emerged more as a pained grimace. "Consider the palace entirely at your disposal. I shall see personally that no expense is spared for your comfort." With a magnanimous bow he departed, barking orders at scurrying attendants.

Watching his garish robe disappear around distant corner, Kyoshi crossed her arms pensively. Whatever lurked beneath Gaoling's gilded veneer had claws that cut far deeper than this one curious beast.

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