
The SHADOW of BLACK Clear Crystal

"All Black is not bad." Is black really represents the bad harmony? Is there truly not a beautiful thing about black and....'shadows' ? Are there really this much horrors and secrets hidden in the dark? If yes, then Why moon and stars only appears at night when it's dark? To make the night shine, to draw the darkness away? Is that really the reason? Maybe... but remember, there are soo many secrets hidden in the dark, hidden behind the overlapping of colour BLACK, none of us Know. Except those who drawn themselves to find about those secrets. To find a whole new different side of UNIVERSE. But, what we should always remember is..... "KEEP BLACK CALM"

lightingscream · ファンタジー
11 Chs


Everything happened so fast.

One second they were smiling and second they were on ground, coughing.

"Oh shit!" A voice yelled.

"Weldone, mister.'Oh I am So Great'. Look what have you done now. Bella gonna kill us now- Wait! She gonna KILL YOU!" another voice yelled at the first one.

"Geez,.. man. Calm down. Will ya?"

"Calm down my ass!"

Iris rolled her eyes, while brix sigh and ellen slap his palm on his head as they three sits and looks blankly at the three Boys, two bickering while one just rolled his eyes at the two and went to help the others on the ground.

And scarlet and catriel not knowing what's going on.

"Thank you." Brix said as the the third boy helped her up while Scarlet help Catriel up and Iris and Ellen stand by theirselves.

"Felix, leedo and Tony." Alla attention turns to Bella who also stares at the three new companions.

The Two bickering ones, Felix and Tony Looks down while leedo roll his eyes and without another word left to his room.

Bella sigh at leedo action but well, they have all learn to cope with this personality of leedo.

"Oh hi, bell." Tony tries to ease Bella who just stares blankly at them and then sigh while rubbing her temple with her right hand while other on her hips.

"Tell me, what took you guys so long? and... Don't you two knows, 'how' to open a door?" Bella emphasizes on 'how'.

Felix and tony both nervously laugh as Iris once again roll her eyes and turns to the two new members who are standing in a corner with Scarlet shielding Catriel, hugging her close to him.

"Catriel. Is that your brother?" Iris words makes all the attention turns to the two.

"Wah! Who are these two!~" Felix exclaims with wide eyes.

Catriel Clears her throat and takes a step forward, getting out of her brother's hold.

Tony gasp and clutch to felix arm.

"She's pretty, man!"

"Excuse me?" Scarlet raise an eyebrow at the two but got ignored.

"I know, man. Right!?" Felix also jumps in.

"Ahem- You two. She's my 'sister'. Get your hands off her." Ellen stands in front of catriel who huff and pushes ellen aside but ofcouse, ellen was much stronger. So, he didn't even bulge.

While everyone watch Catriel tries to push ellen from him.

"Yah! You hulk! Get away!!" Catriel yelled while pushing ellen who was looking at catriel with eyebrows raised.

"What is she doing?" Tony whsipers to felix who shrug.

"I don't know." Felix answers.

"Mhm... Catriel? Honey. He's a vampire. You know that, right?" Brix steps in.

Catriel stops and stares at Ellen.

"Get away." Ellen nods and steps asides.

"Thank you." Anyone can hear scarsam in her voice as she turns to the two drooling on her standing in the blast out doorway with tony leaning over felix shoulder.

"Hey, honey."

"Hey, you asshole."

"oh! feisty. I like those." Tony laugh nervously but stops when no one else laugh and felix gives him a look of 'I don't know you anymore'.

"What?" Tony ask felix who shakes his head in disbelief.


"Hello! I am still here!" Catriel yells gaining all the attention again.

"We know, pretty."

"Pervert." Catriel mumbles and walks away grabing Scarlet hand in one hand while Ellen's in other.

"I have to ask you two soo much!!" She exclaims and drag her two older brothers with her leaving all the other five dumbfounded well exactly three as the two lovestick boys just drools on the girl.

"Gross." Iris mumbles watching the two boys before also leaving.

"I- I'll see what Catriel has to ask. Bai!" Brix also skips away in the direction of where the three siblings had left.

Bella release a deep breath before turning to the two drooling boys with arms crossed over her chest.

"You two. Felix Fix this all mess and then you two meet me in my office. I need the report." Said bella and turns around leaving.

"Party boomer." Tony mickers bella as felix rolled his eyes and turns to the broken door.

He moved his hand and his eyes glowed white and a White magic renew all the door in few seconds.

Once everything was good as new.

Tony and felix makes there way to the highest floor where Bella was waiting for them in her office with a usual 'not give a fuck' leedo already sitting on the chair waiting for the two.

Felix knocks on the door and after a 'come in' they both enters.

"Take a seat." Both nods at Bella words and sits.

"Okay, so boys. What's the news?" Bella ask as she place her both hands on her table while standing leaning on her hands, looking at the three.

"We found traces." leedo stated, as usual emotionalessly.

"Mhm.. Carry on." Bella says.

"It was dark magic." Tony answers this time.

"In the east side. It looks like, they are planning something big. Like, something, really, really, big." Felix interwines.

Bella nods understanding.

"But, What about the shadow dragon? or King? If we find him, won't we able to find the Crystal?" Tony exclaims.

"Ton. There isn't a 'Shadow king'. It's Shadow 'son'." felix emphasizes on king and son.

Tony huff.

"Same, same."

"It isn't same!"

"It is!" Leedo release a 'so done' sigh at the two bickering.

"Enough!" both teenagers shut their mouths instant and turns to Bella who closed her eyes and rub her temples with her left hand once again before turning to leedo.

"What about the scroll I gave you? Did you hand it over to Princess. Ashley?" Bella ask leedo.

Leedo nods and pass Bella a scroll by pushing it on table which bella grabs and open it.

Bella reads the paper.

After few minutes, she hums while closing the scroll and put it on table.

"She's agreeing with our point of veiw. We have to find out what they are planning. Soon."

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Felix flinch while tony scream and launch at felix in a hug.

All attention turns to Iris who was leaning with her arms cross over her chest, in a corner and had ask the question.

"When did you get here!?" Tony ask while trying to calm down his beating heart with a hand on his heart place. Felix nods eagerly showing he agrees with tony.

Iris gives tony and felix an uninterested look before turning to look at bella and leedo who both look unaffected by her sudden appearance as they both already know she was standing there.

"So..?" Iris ask with an eyebrow raised.

Bella raised her neck up and looks at front with a small frown.

"For now, we are gonna wait and see. And oh! Leedo, Iris, You both are the encharge of the two new recruit. I felt like both of Held something important and powerful.



Chapter. No.9 (COMPLETE)


1166 words.