
The Shadow Oath

In "The Shadow Oath", a disgraced samurai named Kazuki, falsely condemned to die, is graced by a deity of darkness named "Tsukuyomi" with enigmatic shadow magic. Tormented by his wrongful banishment, Kazuki begins a journey to right the wrongs committed against him. His quest is not solo, as he crosses paths with Shôkin Kagiri, a seasoned bounty hunter who guides him to channel his shadow magic for justice, rather than revenge. Meanwhile, Kuroyama the Advisor, manipulates the young Shogunate from the shadows, ruling with fear and brutal force. His control is further solidified by his loyal subordinates from the Minamotos clan, warriors each possessing unique, deadly magic abilities gifted by the gods. "The Shadow Oath" is an epic tale of redemption and revenge set in a world brimming with magic and political intrigue. This thrilling narrative unfolds as Kazuki, fights to regain his lost honor and reshape his destiny.

ToshiroOne · 歴史
56 Chs

Part 3: The Calm Before The Storm

Dark clouds gathered overhead as the first drops of rain began to fall, heralding the approach of an impending storm. The once peaceful village of Minoh seemed to hold its breath, sensing the unease that now hung in the air like a heavy shroud. Kazuki watched from the window of his small room, his blue eyes narrowed in suspicion, as a group of samurai soldiers entered the village square.

"Who are they?" he muttered under his breath, the shadows around him seeming to quiver with anticipation.

At their head strode Saigo Watanabe, a disfigured man with one eye whose twisted visage was only matched by the cruelty of his aura. His voice boomed across the square, demanding the customary protection fee from Hayato, the village patriarch.

"Your payment is long overdue," Saigo growled, his impatience evident in every word. "Kuroyama's generosity has limits, old man."

Kazuki gritted his teeth, anger simmering beneath the surface as he observed the scene unfolding below. He knew all too well the burden these so-called protection fees imposed on innocent villagers, and the ruthlessness of those who collected them.

Hayato stood tall, drawing upon an inner strength that belied his age. "We will not pay for protection we do not need Saigo," he declared, defiance shining in his eyes. "Our village has always been peaceful, and we will not bow to your demands."

Saigo's face contorted into a snarl, and the tension in the village square reached its breaking point. With a sudden, brutal gesture, he ordered his soldiers to raid the village, sparing no one but Hayato himself.

"Let this be a lesson to you," Saigo spat viciously. "You will learn what happens when you defy Kuroyama."

Kazuki's knuckles whitened as he gripped the windowsill, fighting the urge to leap into action. He knew that he was still weak from his recent ordeal, but the injustice unfolding before him threatened to unleash the wrath that always lurked within.

As the soldiers began their violent rampage, Hayato pleaded with Saigo for mercy, his voice cracking with despair. "Please, stop this madness!" he begged. "The people of Minoh are innocent! They do not deserve this fate!"

The screams of terror-stricken villagers reached Kazuki ears, fueling his rage.

"Damn it," he whispered, the shadows around him responding to his growing fury. "I cannot stand by and do nothing while these monsters destroy everything in their path."

Drawing a profound breath, Kazuki fortified his spirit for the impending clash. A harsh rainfall began to pour, erasing the remaining tranquility within the quaint village of Minoh. As he readied himself to face the looming tempest, Kazuki was well aware that the hour for retribution had finally arrived.

"Wait! You're not fully healed," Himari pleaded, her hands gripping Kazuki's arm as he attempted to rise from the bed. Her eyes glistened with concern.

"Forgive me, Himari-san," Kazuki replied, his voice strained from the effort. "But I have unfinished business with that man he works for Kuroyama." He looked into her eyes, his own reflecting an unquenchable fire. "I cannot let him harm these people."

Himari hesitated, then nodded reluctantly, understanding the gravity of the situation. As she released her grip, Kazuki slowly rose from the bed, each muscle protesting the sudden movement. He slipped into the clean black kimono provided by her, the fabric caressing his battered skin like soothing whispers. His hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword, shadows swirling around the blade, echoing his resolve.

Outside, chaos reigned. Villagers screamed and scrambled for cover as Saigo's men tore through their homes, leaving destruction in their wake. Saigo stood at the heart of the turmoil, his disfigured face twisted into a sinister grin, eagerly anticipating the moment when he would break Hayato's spirit.

Kazuki stepped into the open, his blue eyes locked onto Saigo, who froze in recognition. A derisive laugh escaped the disfigured warrior, the sound reverberating like thunder through the village. "Well, well, look what the wind dragged in," Saigo jeered, his men joining in the cruel laughter. "You were supposed to be dead, Kazuki."

"Seems fate had other plans," Kazuki replied, his voice cold and unyielding. He tightened his grip on the sword, shadows pulsating with anticipation.

Saigo's smirk transformed into a sinister sneer, as he leaned in. His words were barely above a whisper, a hiss in the stillness, "Ever thought, who was behind Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu's demise?"

The implications of his words lingered, heavy and venomous. A cold shiver ran down Kazuki's spine, his heart gripped by sudden dread. Before he could find his voice, Saigo dropped the dark truth. "It was Kuroyama and I. You were simply a diversion, a lamb offered up in our grand scheme."

Kazuki felt the words strike him, as brutal as a cold slap, leaving him breathless and his reality tumbling. This was a man he had once held in high regard, but after siding with the other advisors and accusing him of assassinating the very person he was tasked to shield.

His respect had crumbled. The pain was unbearable. The pounding rhythm in his ears only heightened the sharp burn of betrayal, stirring up the dormant shadows lurking within him. His sword, an extension of his soul, began to throb, reacting to the fiery wrath ignited in his eyes.

Summoning his strength, Kazuki muttered through gritted teeth, his voice gravelly with barely restrained anger, "Never thought I'd be so blind... but I see clearly now."

Saigo smirked at Kazuki's realization, "Always a slow learner, weren't you? Too late for regrets now."

With a glacial calm overtaking his initial shock, Kazuki said, "Perhaps...but not too late for retribution."

"Very well," Saigo said, drawing his weapon. "Let us see if your survival was merely luck, or if you can truly face the storm."

In a swift, ruthless assault, Saigo lunged at Kazuki. Their swords crashed together, sending a reverberating shockwave through the still air. Amid the violent collision, Kazuki stood his ground, his steadfast focus unbroken.