
The Shadow Oath

In "The Shadow Oath", a disgraced samurai named Kazuki, falsely condemned to die, is graced by a deity of darkness named "Tsukuyomi" with enigmatic shadow magic. Tormented by his wrongful banishment, Kazuki begins a journey to right the wrongs committed against him. His quest is not solo, as he crosses paths with Shôkin Kagiri, a seasoned bounty hunter who guides him to channel his shadow magic for justice, rather than revenge. Meanwhile, Kuroyama the Advisor, manipulates the young Shogunate from the shadows, ruling with fear and brutal force. His control is further solidified by his loyal subordinates from the Minamotos clan, warriors each possessing unique, deadly magic abilities gifted by the gods. "The Shadow Oath" is an epic tale of redemption and revenge set in a world brimming with magic and political intrigue. This thrilling narrative unfolds as Kazuki, fights to regain his lost honor and reshape his destiny.

ToshiroOne · 歴史
56 Chs

Part 1 : The Calm Before The Storm

Kazuki's legs trembled with each heavy step, the gnarled roots and tangled underbrush of the forest fighting against his progress.

His body ached, his spirit as battered and worn as the bloodied kimono that clung to his frame.

The accusations by Kuroyama, the very man he had once trusted, hung like a dark cloud over him. Shogun Tokugawa, whom he had sworn to protect, was dead, and Kazuki was blamed for the crime.

The weight of this injustice fueled an inferno within him, a burning desire for vengeance that drove him onward.

As the dense foliage gave way to reveal a distant village, Kazuki felt a surge of power coursing through him, growing stronger with each determined stride.

His breathing was ragged, his chest heaving as if trying to draw air from the very wind that whispered through the trees.

"Kuroyama!," he thought, his mind seething with contempt.

Every fiber of Kazuki's being was focused on the task ahead, yet he couldn't ignore the growing exhaustion that threatened to consume him.

It gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, a ravenous beast that sought to devour what little strength remained to him.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over Minoh village as the sentinels kept watch, their eyes scanning for any sign of trouble.

The stillness of the evening air was shattered by the sudden emergence of a staggering figure from the edge of the forest. It was a sight that sent a shudder through their spines.

"By the gods," one sentinel muttered, his voice barely more than a whisper as he took in the bloodied kimono and the dirt-caked form of Kazuki. Alarm seized them, but they pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand - rescuing the mysterious samurai.

As Kazuki's legs gave way beneath him, the sentinels rushed forward, catching him before he could hit the ground. His breaths were ragged and shallow, evidence of the toll his journey had taken on him. The shadows that clung to him seemed almost alive, deepening the sense of unease that gripped the villagers.

"Quickly, take him to Hayato Kigiri's home," one guard ordered, his voice firm despite the fear that knotted his stomach. The others obeyed without question, hoisting Kazuki onto their shoulders with care.

The door swung open to reveal Hayato, an elderly figure whose presence radiated wisdom and fortitude. His silver hair, defying the years, was neatly tied back in a traditional topknot, whispering stories of a life bound by honor. Clad in an indigo yukata, the elegant patterns of cranes in flight graced its fabric, imbuing him with an aura of quiet dignity.

Catching sight of the guards carrying an unconscious stranger, Hayato's seasoned eyes widened in concern. "Lay him down here," he said, his steady voice guiding them toward a worn straw mat nestled in the corner of the room. Even in the midst of the unexpected, Hayato's unflustered command remained a reassuring constant.

From behind the formidable figure of Hayato Kagiri, a timid silhouette emerged. Her appearance a sharp contrast to Hayato's stern exterior. She was clad in a peach and cherry blossom kimono, her dark hair styled in a traditional shimada and embellished with a kanzashi of falling sakura petals. Her tentative smile was a comforting warmth in the room.

As she stepped towards the wounded Kazuki, her hands shaking slightly. the imposing guards maintained stone-faced expressions. However, a unified thought echoed silently within them:

"Ah, Lady Himari-san is truly a sight to behold."

Yet their admiration dared not find voice, their stoic masks barely containing the sparkles in their eyes. Their collective attempts at concealing those smitten glances under Hayato Kagiri's watchful eye was an amusing dance, a comical display of disciplined infatuation.

"Who is he?" Himari asked softly, her eyes never leaving Kazuki's face. Hayato shook his head, unable to provide an answer.

Kazuki's eyelids fluttered open for a moment, revealing his piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the weight of decades of suffering. "My name is... Ka..zu..ki," he rasped, struggling to form the words.

"Welcome to Minoh village," Hayato said, offering a tentative smile. "I am Hayato Kigiri, and this is my wife Himari Yui."

"Please, rest now," Himari urged gently, her warm gaze meeting Kazuki's. "We will take care of you." With that, darkness claimed him once more, and he slipped back into unconsciousness.

As they continued to tend to the fallen warrior, the sentinels could not shake the sense of foreboding that clung to the air like a shroud. The arrival of Kazuki heralded something far greater than any of them could comprehend - a storm was brewing on the horizon, and it would soon be upon them all.